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Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2019 Jun 18; 51(3): 397–401.
PMCID: PMC7439029

Language: Chinese | English


Discovery of a new division system in brain and the regionalized drainage route of brain interstitial fluid

韩 鸿宾

北京大学第三医院放射科,磁共振成像与技术北京市重点实验室,北京 100191, Beijing Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Equipment and Technique, Beijing 100191, China 北京大学第三医院放射科,磁共振成像与技术北京市重点实验室,北京 100191, Beijing Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Equipment and Technique, Beijing 100191, China

△,e-mail, During 1993-2003, when studying the early diagnosis of cerebral ischemic stroke and the quantitative analysis of the blood brain barrier permeability, a parameter of extracellular space was derived from the raw data of permeability of blood brain barrier. Dr. Han realized that the brain extracellular space is an unknown space to neuroscience and decided to explore the space since then. In 2004, Dr. Han proposed and established a novel method of measuring the brain extracellular space, magnetic resonance tracer based method to detect brain extracellular space, the measuring system was finally finished and got patented in 2013. In 2015, by using the newly developed method, Dr. Han and his group discovered that a new division system in the brain: the brain interstitial fluid drains in a regionalized extracellular space system. Based on the above findings, Dr. Han and his fellows designed and developed a new drug delivery method, by which the drug was delivered via brain extracellular space and bypass the obstacle of the blood-brain barrier as it does with the routine oral or intravenous administration. In 2017, the barrier structure to impede the brain interstitial fluid drainage was identified as the compact fiber fascicles in the deep brain, and a new hypothesis of local brain homeostasis within each extracellular space divisions was therefore proposed and published the cover story in the journal of Progress in Neurobiology . In pre-sent, new method and discoveries have been applied in several frontier fields such as neuroscience, pharmacy, aerospace, artificial intelligence, as well as tumor therapy.



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新方法获批国内、国际发明专利,研究成果以封面故事发表于神经生物学顶级期刊,研究成果获得华夏医学科技奖一等奖,入选首都科技领军人才工程, 并获得中国青年科技奖。研究成果入选北京市科学中心“首都科技创新成果展”,并获得“2018 年首都科技创新成果展优秀项目”。目前,新型成像分析方法和测量装备已在脑科学、药学、航天领域、人工智能、肿瘤治疗等前沿领域得到应用。

Funding Statement


Supported by the Beijing Brain Initiative of Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission Z181100001518004, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 61625102, Program for Training Capital Science and Technology Leading Talents Z181100006318003, National Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project 61827808, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: Peking University Clinical Scientist Program BMU2019LCKXJ007


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