摘要: 充分发挥专业课程的多维度育人功能是打通基础学科高层次人才培养的关键一环。作为地质学及其相关专业的第一门专业入门课程,《普通地质学》课程主要教授学生地球科学的基本知识、基本技能和基本地质思维等专业知识,同时培养学生的专业兴趣。面对新时代高层次地学人才培养的要求,需要深入挖掘该课程的思政元素,实现教学理念从单纯的传授基础知识、激发专业兴趣到科学素养和人文素养拓展,开启《普通地质学》课程服务地学高层次人才培养的大门。充分利用“将今论古”思想和动力地质作用这两个课程核心内容,培养学生的开拓创新精神和跨学科能力,提升学生的科学素养。同时,依托地质过程的复杂性和庞大的地质时空观等课程核心内容,培养学生的工匠精神、大格局观和发展观,提升人文素养。

Abstract: Multi-dimensional education via professional courses is critical to the cultivation of high-level talents in universities and institutes. As the introductory course of geology and its related fields, Physical Geology is mainly aimed to train students for basic knowledge, principles and thoughts of geosciences, and to inspire students’ academic interest. To achieve the educational goal of high-level geoscience talents in the new era, the introductory course needs to strengthen the delivering of the ideological thoughts in a political way, and to shift from the training of basic knowledge and stimulating of academic interest to the promotion of capability in both science and humanity. The Physical Geology course is thus to act as the first step to cultivate high-level geoscience talents. Teachers might make full use of the two core contents of the course, including the principle of ‘the present is the key to the past’ and dynamic geological processes, both of which are able to strengthen the students’ scientific literacy through the promotion on the innovative and interdisciplinary ability. The students can further be trained to show high-level of humanity, including the elaborative craftsman spirit, the global view and the developmental concept, through the delivering of knowledge such as the complexity of geological processes and the large geological spatiotemporal scale.

Key words: Physical Geology, the present is the key to the past, dynamic geological process, geological spatiotemporal scale;
craftsman spirit
地址:南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号, 南京大学朱共山楼317室 邮编:210023
电话:025-83594340  Email:gxdzh@nju.edu.cn
技术支持: 北京玛格泰克科技发展有限公司