Abort due to constraint violation PRIMARY KEY must be unique, any one tell me what error this.....
private void tsbtnEdit_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) frmAddEditEvents obj = new frmAddEditEvents(); obj.ShowDialog(); SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString); if (grdEvents.Rows.Count > 1 && grdEvents.SelectedRows[0].Index != grdEvents.Rows.Count - 0 ) delcmd.CommandText = " UPDATE AddEvent SET ID=" + grdEvents.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()+ " " ; connection.Open(); delcmd.Connection = connection; delcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); grdEvents.Update(); MessageBox.Show( " Row updated" ); MessageBox.Show( " Please select any record to update" ); catch (Exception ex) MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Dear you are trying to update the ID field which you had defined Primary Key in you table structure. Primary key is always a unique and not supposed to insert a duplicate key and you are forcefully trying to update through a data which is already defined as a primary key .
Following is wrong.
delcmd.CommandText = " UPDATE AddEvent SET ID=" + grdEvents.SelectedRows[ 0 ].Cells[ 0 ].Value.ToString()+ " " ;
Ashish Hi darshan_ur,
The problem you stated above explains that you're trying to insert a duplicate value in the column which has a constraint of being Primary Key.
Check the value which you're passing to insert as ID, it must not be a duplicate n that's all.
Hope this helps.
Happy Coding :)
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