All Implemented Interfaces:
Publisher < Void > , reactor.core.CorePublisher< Void > , reactor.core.Scannable
public class ChannelSendOperator<T> extends reactor.core.publisher.Mono< Void > implements reactor.core.Scannable
Given a write function that accepts a source Publisher<T> to write with and returns Publisher<Void> for the result, this operator helps to defer the invocation of the write function, until we know if the source publisher will begin publishing without an error. If the first emission is an error, the write function is bypassed, and the error is sent directly through the result publisher. Otherwise the write function is invoked.
Rossen Stoyanchev, Stephane Maldini

Nested Class Summary

Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface reactor.core.Scannable

reactor.core.Scannable.Attr<T extends Object >

Methods inherited from class reactor.core.publisher.Mono

and, as, block, block, blockOptional, blockOptional, cache, cache, cache, cache, cache, cacheInvalidateIf, cacheInvalidateWhen, cacheInvalidateWhen, cancelOn, cast, checkpoint, checkpoint, checkpoint, concatWith, contextCapture, contextWrite, contextWrite, create, defaultIfEmpty, defer, deferContextual, delay, delay, delayElement, delayElement, delaySubscription, delaySubscription, delaySubscription, delayUntil, dematerialize, doAfterTerminate, doFinally, doFirst, doOnCancel, doOnDiscard, doOnEach, doOnError, doOnError, doOnError, doOnNext, doOnRequest, doOnSubscribe, doOnSuccess, doOnTerminate, elapsed, elapsed, empty, error, error, expand, expand, expandDeep, expandDeep, filter, filterWhen, first, first, firstWithSignal, firstWithSignal, firstWithValue, firstWithValue, flatMap, flatMapIterable, flatMapMany, flatMapMany, flux, from, fromCallable, fromCompletionStage, fromCompletionStage, fromDirect, fromFuture, fromFuture, fromFuture, fromFuture, fromRunnable, fromSupplier, handle, hasElement, hide, ignoreElement, ignoreElements, just, justOrEmpty, justOrEmpty, log, log, log, log, log, log, map, mapNotNull, materialize, mergeWith, metrics, name, never, ofType, onAssembly, onErrorComplete, onErrorComplete, onErrorComplete, onErrorContinue, onErrorContinue, onErrorContinue, onErrorMap, onErrorMap, onErrorMap, onErrorResume, onErrorResume, onErrorResume, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onErrorStop, onTerminateDetach, or, publish, publishOn, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeatWhen, repeatWhenEmpty, repeatWhenEmpty, retry, retry, retryWhen, sequenceEqual, sequenceEqual, sequenceEqual, share, single, singleOptional, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribeOn, subscribeWith, switchIfEmpty, tag, take, take, takeUntilOther, tap, tap, tap, then, then, thenEmpty, thenMany, thenReturn, timed, timed, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timestamp, timestamp, toFuture, toString, transform, transformDeferred, transformDeferredContextual, using, using, usingWhen, usingWhen, when, when, whenDelayError, whenDelayError, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipDelayError, zipWhen, zipWhen, zipWith, zipWith

Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object

clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait

Methods inherited from interface reactor.core.Scannable

actuals, inners, isScanAvailable, name, parents, scan, scanOrDefault, stepName, steps, tags, tagsDeduplicated
public void subscribe (reactor.core.CoreSubscriber<? super Void > actual)
Specified by:
subscribe in interface reactor.core.CorePublisher< T >
Specified by:
subscribe in class reactor.core.publisher.Mono< Void >