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接下来是Yogurt的个人炫技时间(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


  1 // caijian.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
  2 //
  4 #include "stdafx.h"
  5 #include"Graph.h"
  7 typedef struct Key
  9     int d3;
 10     int d2;
 11     int d1;
 12     int d0;
 13 }key;
 15 typedef struct Point
 16 {
 17     int x;
 18     int y;
 19     key c;
 20 }point;
 22 key code(point p, int xw1, int xwr, int ywb, int ywt);
 23 point asso(point p1, point p2,int xw1, int xwr, int ywb, int ywt);
 24 void drawline(point p1, point p2);
 26 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 27 {
 28     point p1, p2;
 29     int xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax ;
 31     //printf("Please enter point one:");
 32     //scanf("%d,%d", &p1.x, &p1.y);
 34     //printf("Please enter point two:");
 35     //scanf("%d,%d", &p2.x, &p2.y);
 36     //
 37     //printf("Please enter the four boundary(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax):");
 38     //scanf("%d,%d,%d,%d", &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax);
 41     /*测试数据*/
 42     p1.x = 3;
 43     p1.y = 10;
 44     p2.x = 100;
 45     p2.y = 120;
 46     xmin = 50;
 47     xmax = 150;
 48     ymin = 0;
 49     ymax = 180;
 52     setPenColor(RED);
 53     drawline(p1, p2);
 55     int x0 = int((xmin + xmax) / 2);
 56     int y0 = int((ymin + ymax) / 2);
 57     drawRectangle(x0,y0,xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin);
 59     p1.c = code(p1, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
 60     p2.c = code(p2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
 62     while (1)
 63     {
 64         if (((p1.c.d0 | p2.c.d0 )== 0) && ((p1.c.d1 | p2.c.d1) == 0)&& ((p1.c.d2 | p2.c.d2) == 0 )&&( (p1.c.d3 | p2.c.d3) == 0)) //简取
 65             break;
 66         else if ((p1.c.d0 & p2.c.d0 == 1) || (p1.c.d1 & p2.c.d1 == 1 )|| (p1.c.d2 & p2.c.d2 == 1) || (p1.c.d3 & p2.c.d3 == 1 )) //简弃
 67             return 0;
 68         else
 69         {
 70             //确保p1在窗口外
 71             if ((p1.c.d0 == 0) && (p1.c.d1 == 0) && (p1.c.d2 == 0) && (p1.c.d3 == 0))  //若p1在窗口内
 72             {
 73                 point p3;
 74                 p3 = p1;
 75                 p1 = p2;
 76                 p2 = p3;
 77             }
 79             point s = asso(p1, p2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);  //s为直线段p1p2与窗口的交点
 80             p1 = s;
 81         }
 82     }
 84     setPenColor(GREEN);
 85     drawline(p1, p2);
 86     return 0;
 87 }
 89 key code(point p, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
 90 {
 91     if (p.x < xmin)
 92         p.c.d0 = 1;
 93     else
 94         p.c.d0 = 0;
 96     if (p.x>xmax)
 97         p.c.d1 = 1;
 98     else
 99         p.c.d1 = 0;
101     if (p.y < ymin)
102         p.c.d2 = 1;
103     else
104         p.c.d2 = 0;
106     if (p.y>ymax)
107         p.c.d3 = 1;
108     else
109         p.c.d3 = 0;
111     return p.c;
112 }
114 point asso(point p1, point p2, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
115 {
116     double k = (p2.y - p1.y)*1.0 / (p2.x - p1.x);
118     point s;
120     if (p1.c.d0 == 1)//p1在左侧
121     {
122         s.x = xmin;
123         s.y = p1.y + k*(xmin - p1.x);
125         if (s.y > ymax)//s应该在矩形上边界
126         {
127             s.y = ymax;
128             s.x = p1.x + (ymax - p1.y) / k;
129         }
130         else if (s.y < ymin)//s应该在矩形下边界
131         {
132             s.y = ymin;
133             s.x = p1.x + (ymin - p1.y) / k;
134         }
135     }
136     else  if (p1.c.d1 == 1)//p1在右侧
137     {
138         s.x = xmax;
139         s.y = p1.y + k*(xmax - p1.x);
141         if (s.y > ymax)//s应该在矩形上边界
142         {
143             s.y = ymax;
144             s.x = p1.x + (ymax - p1.y) / k;
145         }
146         else if (s.y < ymin)//s应该在矩形下边界
147         {
148             s.y = ymin;
149             s.x = p1.x + (ymin - p1.y) / k;
150         }
151     }
152     else if (p1.c.d2 == 1)//p1在正下侧
153     {
154         s.y = ymin;
155         s.x = p1.x + (ymin - p1.y) / k;
156     }
157     else//p1在正上方
158     {
159         s.y = ymax;
160         s.x = p1.x + (ymax - p1.y) / k;
161     }
162     s.c = code(s, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
164     return s;
165 }
167 void drawline(point p1, point p2)
168 {
169     moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
170     lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
171 }
View Code



  1 // 多边形裁剪.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
  2 //
  4 #include "stdafx.h"
  5 #include"Graph.h"
  6 #define MAX_NUM 14
  8 typedef struct Key
 10     int d3;
 11     int d2;
 12     int d1;
 13     int d0;
 14 }key;
 16 typedef struct Vertex
 17 {
 18     int x, y, table;
 19     key code;
 20 }vertex;
 22 typedef struct Graph
 23 {
 24     vertex ver[MAX_NUM+1];
 25     int vexnum;
 26 }graph;//存储的是图形边界点(封闭凸图形)
 28 typedef struct WINDOW
 29 {
 30     int xmin;
 31     int xmax;
 32     int ymin;
 33     int ymax;
 34 }window;
 36 graph readgraphics(char * filename);
 37 void Tocode(vertex *point , window C);
 38 void Totable(vertex *point, window C);   //在可视域范围内为1,否则为0.
 39 graph clip(graph G,window C);
 40 vertex newver(vertex a, vertex b, window C);  
 41 void draw(graph G);
 43 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 44 {
 45     char filename[20] = "Graph.txt";
 46     graph G=readgraphics(filename);
 48     setPenColor(GREEN);
 49     draw(G);
 51     window C;
 52     /*printf("Please enter the four boundary(xmian,xmax,ymin,ymax):");
 53     scanf("%d,%d,%d,%d",&C.xmin,&C.xmax,&C.ymin,&C.ymax);*/
 55     C.xmin = -180;
 56     C.xmax = 180;
 57     C.ymin = -230;
 58     C.ymax = 220;
 60     for (int i = 1; i <= G.vexnum; i++)
 61     {
 62         Tocode(&(G.ver[i]), C);
 63         Totable(&(G.ver[i]), C);
 64     }
 66     setPenColor(RED);
 67     int x0 = int((C.xmin + C.xmax) / 2);
 68     int y0 = int((C.ymin + C.ymax) / 2);
 69     drawRectangle(x0, y0, C.xmax - C.xmin, C.ymax - C.ymin);
 71     graph newG=clip(G,C);
 73     draw(newG);
 75     return 0;
 76 }
 78 graph readgraphics(char * filename)
 79 {
 80     graph G;
 81     FILE * fp = fopen(filename, "r");
 82     if (fp)
 83     {
 84         fscanf(fp, "%d", &G.vexnum);
 86         for (int i = 1; i <= G.vexnum; i++)
 87         {
 88             fscanf(fp,"%d,%d", &G.ver[i].x, &G.ver[i].y);
 89         }
 90     }fclose(fp);
 92     return G;
 93 }
 95 void Tocode(vertex *point, window C)
 96 {
 98     if (point->x < C.xmin)
 99         point->code.d0 = 1;
100     else
101         point->code.d0 = 0;
103     if (point->x>C.xmax)
104         point->code.d1 = 1;
105     else
106         point->code.d1 = 0;
108     if (point->y < C.ymin)
109         point->code.d2 = 1;
110     else
111         point->code.d2 = 0;
113     if (point->y>C.ymax)
114         point->code.d3 = 1;
115     else
116         point->code.d3 = 0;
118 }
120 graph clip(graph G,window C)
121 {
122     graph newG;
123     newG.vexnum = G.vexnum;
125     vertex ver;
127     int a = 0, b = 0;
129     for (int i = 1; i <= G.vexnum - 1; i++)  //从第一个顶点-->下一个顶点,直到第num-1个顶点到第num个顶点为止
130     {
131         if ((G.ver[i].table == 0) && (G.ver[i + 1].table == 1))  //从外到内
132         {
133             if (a == 1) //上次进行的是从内到外,这次外到内,newG相对于G来说增加一个点
134             {
135                 b -= 1;
136                 newG.vexnum++;
137             }
139             a = 0;//将a清零
141             ver = newver(G.ver[i], G.ver[i + 1], C);
142             newG.ver[i + 1 - b] = G.ver[i + 1];
143             newG.ver[i - b] = ver;
144         }
145         else if ((G.ver[i].table == 1) && (G.ver[i + 1].table == 1))  //从内到内
146         {
147             newG.ver[i + 1 - b] = G.ver[i + 1];
148             newG.ver[i - b] = G.ver[i];
149         }
150         else if ((G.ver[i].table == 1) && (G.ver[i + 1].table == 0))  //从内到外
151         {
152             a += 1;
153             ver = newver(G.ver[i], G.ver[i + 1], C);
154             newG.ver[i - b] = G.ver[i];
155             newG.ver[i + 1 - b] = ver;
156         }
157         else  //从外到外
158         {
159             //进入时a为2证明上一次就是从外到外
160             a += 1;
162             if (a == 3)  //与该点相邻的左右两点都在外,则newG相对于G来说没有该点(也没有该点的替换点)
163             {
164                 b += 1;
165                 a = 2;//将a重新置为1
166                 newG.vexnum--;
167             }
168         }
169     }
170     //处理从最后一个点到第一个点
171     if ((G.ver[G.vexnum].table == 0) && (G.ver[1].table == 1))   //从外到内
172     {
173         ver = newver(G.ver[G.vexnum], G.ver[1], C);
174         newG.ver[G.vexnum + 1 - b] = ver;
175         newG.vexnum++;
176     }
177     else if ((G.ver[G.vexnum].table == 1) && (G.ver[1].table == 1))  //从内到内
178         ;
179     else if ((G.ver[G.vexnum].table == 1) && (G.ver[1].table == 0))  //从内到外,多一个点
180     {
181         ver = newver(G.ver[G.vexnum], G.ver[1], C);
182         newG.ver[G.vexnum + 1 - b] = ver;
183         newG.vexnum++;
184     }
185     else  //从外到外
186         ;
188     return newG;
189 }
191 void Totable(vertex *point,window C)  
192 {
193     if ((point->x < C.xmin) || (point->x>C.xmax) || (point->y<C.ymin) || (point->y>C.ymax)) //在窗口外
194         point->table = 0;
195     else
196         point->table = 1;
198     return ;
199 } 
201 vertex newver(vertex p1, vertex p2, window C)
202 {
203     //确保p1在窗口外
204     if ((p1.code.d0 == 0) && (p1.code.d1 == 0) && (p1.code.d2 == 0) && (p1.code.d3 == 0))  //若p1在窗口内
205     {
206         vertex p3;
207         p3 = p1;
208         p1 = p2;
209         p2 = p3;
210     }
212     double k = (p2.y - p1.y)*1.0 / (p2.x - p1.x);
214     vertex s;
216     if (p1.code.d0 == 1)//p1在左侧
217     {
218         s.x = C.xmin;
219         s.y = p1.y + k*(C.xmin - p1.x);
221         if (s.y > C.ymax)//s应该在矩形上边界
222         {
223             s.y = C.ymax;
224             s.x = p1.x + (C.ymax - p1.y) / k;
225         }
226         else if (s.y < C.ymin)//s应该在矩形下边界
227         {
228             s.y = C.ymin;
229             s.x = p1.x + (C.ymin - p1.y) / k;
230         }
231     }
232     else  if (p1.code.d1 == 1)//p1在右侧
233     {
234         s.x = C.xmax;
235         s.y = p1.y + k*(C.xmax - p1.x);
237         if (s.y > C.ymax)//s应该在矩形上边界
238         {
239             s.y = C.ymax;
240             s.x = p1.x + (C.ymax - p1.y) / k;
241         }
242         else if (s.y < C.ymin)//s应该在矩形下边界
243         {
244             s.y = C.ymin;
245             s.x = p1.x + (C.ymin - p1.y) / k;
246         }
247     }
248     else if (p1.code.d2 == 1)//p1在正下侧
249     {
250         s.y = C.ymin;
251         s.x = p1.x + (C.ymin - p1.y) / k;
252     }
253     else//p1在正上方
254     {
255         s.y = C.ymax;
256         s.x = p1.x + (C.ymax - p1.y) / k;
257     }
258     Tocode(&s, C);
259     Totable(&s, C);
261     return s;
262 }
264 void draw(graph G)
265 {
266     moveTo(G.ver[1].x, G.ver[1].y);
268     for(int i=2;i<=G.vexnum;i++)
269     {
270         lineTo(G.ver[i].x,G.ver[i].y);
271     }
273     lineTo(G.ver[1].x,G.ver[1].y);
275     return;
276 }
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好啦,今天就讲到这里啦~~咱们下次再见哦,( ^_^ )/~~拜拜