JS setTimeout() method
JS string includes() method
Calculate current week number in JavaScript
Calculate days between two dates in JavaScript
JavaScript String trim()
JavaScript timer
Remove elements from array
JavaScript localStorage
JavaScript offsetHeight
Confirm password validation
Static vs Const
How to Convert Comma Separated String into an Array in JavaScript
Calculate age using JavaScript
JavaScript label statement
JavaScript String with quotes
How to create dropdown list using JavaScript
How to disable radio button using JavaScript
Check if the value exists in Array in Javascript
Javascript Setinterval
JavaScript Debouncing
JavaScript print() method
JavaScript editable table
JavaScript Advance
JS TypedArray
JS Set
JS Map
JS WeakSet
JS WeakMap
JavaScript callback
JavaScript closures
JavaScript date difference
JavaScript date format
JS date parse() method
JavaScript defer
JavaScript redirect
JavaScript scope
JavaScript scroll
JavaScript sleep
JavaScript void
JavaScript Form
jQuery vs JavaScript
JavaScript vs PHP
Dart vs. JavaScript
JavaScript Vs. Angular Js
JavaScript vs. Node.js
How to add JavaScript to html
How to enable JavaScript in my browser
difference between Java and JavaScript
How to call JavaScript function in html
How to write a function in JavaScript
Is JavaScript case sensitive
How does JavaScript Work
How to debug JavaScript
How to Enable JavaScript on Android
What is a promise in JavaScript
What is hoisting in JavaScript
What is Vanilla JavaScript
How to add a class to an element using JavaScript
How to calculate the perimeter and area of a circle using JavaScript
How to create an image map in JavaScript
How to find factorial of a number in JavaScript
How to get the value of PI using JavaScript
How to make a text italic using JavaScript
What are the uses of JavaScript
How to get all checked checkbox value in JavaScript
How to open JSON file
Random image generator in JavaScript
How to add object in array using JavaScript
JavaScript Window open method
JavaScript Window close method
How to check a radio button using JavaScript
JavaScript Const
JavaScript function to check array is empty or not
JavaScript multi-line String
JavaScript Anonymous Functions
Implementing JavaScript Stack Using Array
JavaScript classList
JavaScript Code Editors
JavaScript let keyword
Random String Generator using JavaScript
JavaScript Queue
Event Bubbling and Capturing in JavaScript
How to select all checkboxes using JavaScript
JavaScript change Event
JavaScript focusout event
Traverse array object using JavaScript
JavaScript create and download CSV file
How to make beep sound in JavaScript
How to add a WhatsApp share button in a website using JavaScript
JavaScript Execution Context
JavaScript querySelector
Shallow Copy in JavaScript
How to Toggle Password Visibility in JavaScript
Removing Duplicate From Arrays
JavaScript insertBefore
JavaScript Select Option
Get and Set Scroll Position of an Element
Getting Child Elements of a Node in JavaScript
JavaScript scrollIntoView
JavaScript String startsWith
JS First Class Function
JavaScript Default Parameters
JavaScript Recursion in Real Life
JavaScript removeChild
Remove options from select list in JavaScript
JavaScript Calculator
Palindrome in JavaScript
JavaScript Call Stack
Fibonacci series in JavaScript
JavaScript appendchild() method
Ripple effect JavaScript
Convert object to array in Javascript
JavaScript Async/Await
JavaScript Blob
Check if the array is empty or null, or undefined in JavaScript
JavaScript Animation
JavaScript Design Patterns
JavaScript format numbers with commas
Currying in JavaScript
JavaScript hasOwnProperty
How to make a curved active tab in the navigation menu using HTML CSS and JavaScript
Http Cookies
JavaScript Comparison
JavaScript Confirm
JavaScript Garbage
JavaScript Special Characters
JavaScript Time Now
Lodash_.chain() Method
Underscore.js _.filter Function
JavaScript Factory Function
JavaScript for...in Loop
Window Location in JavaScript
JavaScript Certification Free
JavaScript MutationObserver function
Npm uninstall command
Npm Update Library and Npm List
Backend Project Ideas
How to become a Front-End Developer
Create a JavaScript Countdown Timer
Detect or Check Caps Lock Key is ON or OFF using JavaScript
How to Iterate through a JavaScript Object
JavaScript Fetch API
Javascript history.pushState() Method
JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY
JavaScript insertAdjacentHTML() method
How to use Console in JavaScript
Insert data into javascript indexedDB
JavaScript Exponentiation Operator
JavaScript indexedDB
Javascript offsetX property
Javascript offsetY property
JavaScript onunload Event
npm Install Command
How to check empty objects in JavaScript
How to Check the Specific Element in the JavaScript Class
JavaScript NaN Function
JavaScript onbeforeunload Event
Read Data from JavaScript IndexedDB
Delete data from javascript indexedDB
NextSibling Property in Javascript
PreviousSibling Property in Javascript
JavaScript sessionStorage
previousElementSibling Property in javascript
Base64 Decoding In JavaScript
How to get domain name from URL in JavaScript
Difference between preventDefault() and stopPropagation() methods
JavaScript padStart() Method
Javascript promise chaining
How to check two array values are equal in JavaScript
How to remove a Key/Property from an object in JavaScript
JavaScript Endswith() Function
How to draw a line using javascript
JavaScript windows getComputedStyle() Method
Difference between indexof and search in JavaScript
How to capitalize the first letter of string in JavaScript
How to sort characters in a string in JavaScript
How to pick random elements from an Array
How to Remove an Event Handler Using JavaScript Method
Javascript translate() method
GIF Player using CSS and JS
Javascript Async Generator function
Javascript "for...of" loop
JavaScript globalThis Object
JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators
JavaScript numerical separator
JavaScript prepend() method
Javascript regexp Lookahead
Javascript regexp Lookbehind
How to remove classes in javascript
JavaScript unary operators
Filterable Gallery Using Filterizr.js
Create Presentation using JavaScript Framework
Javascript Focus Method
JavaScript hashchange Event
The Oninput Function in Javascript
How to get parent element in Javascript
False Values in JavaScript
Callback Hell in JavaScript
How to Click Link Using JavaScript
JavaScript FormData
JavaScript onmousewheel event
JavaScript onkeyup Event
JavaScript string repeat() method
The textContent in Javascript
JavaScript Throttling
PolyFill JS
What is WebSocket
How to check if a variable is not NULL in JavaScript
Text to Particles Dissolve Effect JavaScript and CSS
How to use the mousedown event in javascript
How to use the mouseup event in javascript
The mousemove Event in JavaScript
How to create a dynamic table in JavaScript
How to remove class in JavaScript
Javascript Mouseenter and mouseleave event
JavaScript onwheel mouse event
Mouseout event in javascript
Mouseover function in javascript
Pressing and releasing the left mouse button in JavaScript
Remove All Whitespace from a String in JavaScript
Javascript getModifierState() KeyboardEvent Method
JavaScript only Number Regex
Javascript keyboard events
Lodash _.find() Method
Lodash_.get() Method
JavaScript MCQ
Interview Questions
JavaScript I/Q
Learn JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript Tutorial
is designed for beginners and professionals both. JavaScript is used to create client-side dynamic pages.
JavaScript is
an object-based scripting language
which is lightweight and cross-platform.
JavaScript is not a compiled language, but it is a translated language. The JavaScript Translator (embedded in the browser) is responsible for translating the JavaScript code for the web browser.
What is JavaScript
JavaScript (js) is a light-weight object-oriented programming language which is used by several websites for scripting the webpages. It is an interpreted, full-fledged programming language that enables dynamic interactivity on websites when applied to an HTML document. It was introduced in the year 1995 for adding programs to the webpages in the Netscape Navigator browser. Since then, it has been adopted by all other graphical web browsers. With JavaScript, users can build modern web applications to interact directly without reloading the page every time. The traditional website uses js to provide several forms of interactivity and simplicity.
Although, JavaScript has no connectivity with Java programming language. The name was suggested and provided in the times when Java was gaining popularity in the market. In addition to web browsers, databases such as CouchDB and MongoDB uses JavaScript as their scripting and query language.
Features of JavaScript
There are following features of JavaScript:
All popular web browsers support JavaScript as they provide built-in execution environments.
JavaScript follows the syntax and structure of the C programming language. Thus, it is a structured programming language.
JavaScript is a weakly typed language, where certain types are implicitly cast (depending on the operation).
JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that uses prototypes rather than using classes for inheritance.
It is a light-weighted and interpreted language.
It is a case-sensitive language.
JavaScript is supportable in several operating systems including, Windows, macOS, etc.
It provides good control to the users over the web browsers.
History of JavaScript
In 1993,
, the first popular web browser, came into existence. In the
year 1994
was founded by
Marc Andreessen
. He realized that the web needed to become more dynamic. Thus, a 'glue language' was believed to be provided to HTML to make web designing easy for designers and part-time programmers. Consequently, in 1995, the company recruited
Brendan Eich
intending to implement and embed Scheme programming language to the browser. But, before Brendan could start, the company merged with
Sun Microsystems
for adding Java into its Navigator so that it could compete with Microsoft over the web technologies and platforms. Now, two languages were there: Java and the scripting language. Further, Netscape decided to give a similar name to the scripting language as Java's. It led to 'Javascript'. Finally, in May 1995, Marc Andreessen coined the first code of Javascript named '
'. Later, the marketing team replaced the name with '
'. But, due to trademark reasons and certain other reasons, in December 1995, the language was finally renamed to 'JavaScript'. From then, JavaScript came into existence.
Application of JavaScript
JavaScript is used to create interactive websites. It is mainly used for:
Client-side validation,
Dynamic drop-down menus,
Displaying date and time,
Displaying pop-up windows and dialog boxes (like an alert dialog box, confirm dialog box and prompt dialog box),
Displaying clocks etc.
JavaScript Example
document.write("Hello JavaScript by JavaScript");
Test it Now
A detailed explanation of first JavaScript example is given in next chapter.
JavaScript Index
JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript Introduction
JavaScript Example
External JavaScript
JavaScript Basics
JavaScript Comment
JavaScript Variable
JavaScript Global Variable
JavaScript Data Types
JavaScript Operators
JavaScript If Statement
JavaScript Switch
JavaScript Loop
JavaScript Function
JavaScript Objects
JavaScript Object
JavaScript Array
JavaScript String
JavaScript Date
JavaScript Math
JavaScript Number
JavaScript Boolean
JavaScript DataView
JavaScript Function
JavaScript handler
JavaScript JSON
JavaScript Number
JavaScript Reflect
JavaScript RegExp
JavaScript Symbol
JavaScript BOM
Browser Objects
1) Window Object
2) History Object
3) Navigator Object
4) Screen Object
JavaScript DOM
5) Document Object
JavaScript innerHTML property
JavaScript innerText property
JavaScript Validation
JavaScript form validation
JavaScript email validation
JavaScript OOPs
JavaScript Class
JavaScript Object
JavaScript Prototype
JavaScript constructor Method
JavaScript static Method
JavaScript Encapsulation
JavaScript Inheritance
JavaScript Polymorphism
JavaScript Abstraction
JavaScript Cookies
JavaScript Cookies
Cookie Attributes
Cookie with multiple Name
Deleting Cookies
JavaScript Events
JavaScript Misc
JavaScript this Keyword
JavaScript Debugging
JavaScript Hoisting
JavaScript Strict Mode
JavaScript Advance
JavaScript TypedArray
JavaScript Set
JavaScript Map
JavaScript WeakSet
JavaScript WeakMap
Interview Questions
JavaScript Interview Questions
JavaScript Methods
JavaScript Array Object
JavaScript Array
Array concat() method
Array copywithin() method
Array every() method
Array fill() method
Array filter() method
Array find() method
Array findIndex() method
Array forEach() method
Array includes() method
Array indexOf() method
Array join() method
Array lastIndexOf() method
Array map() method
Array pop() method
Array push() method
Array reverse() method
Array shift() method
Array slice() method
Array sort() method
Array splice() method
Array unshift() method
JavaScript DataView Object
JavaScript DataView
DataView getFloat32() method
DataView getFloat64() method
DataView getInt8() method
DataView getInt16() method
DataView getInt32() method
DataView getUint8() method
DataView getUint16() method
DataView getUint32() method
JavaScript Function Object
JavaScript Function
Function apply() method
Function bind() method
Function call() method
Function toString() method
JavaScript Date Object
JavaScript Date
date getDate() method
date getDay() method
date getFullYears() method
date getHours() method
date getMilliseconds() method
date getMinutes() method
date getMonth() method
date getSeconds() method
date getUTCDate() method
date getUTCDay() method
date getUTCFullYears() method
date getUTCHours() method
date getUTCMinutes() method
date getUTCMonth() method
date getUTCSeconds() method
date setDate() method
date setDay() method
date setFullYears() method
date setHours() method
date setMilliseconds() method
date setMinutes() method
date setMonth() method
date setSeconds() method
date setUTCDate() method
date setUTCDay() method
date setUTCFullYears() method
date setUTCHours() method
date setUTCMilliseconds() method
date setUTCMinutes() method
date setUTCMonth() method
date setUTCSeconds() method
date toDateString() method
date toISOString() method
date toJSON() method
date toString() method
date toTimeString() method
date toUTCString() method
date valueOf() method
JavaScript handler Object
JavaScript handler
handler apply() method
handler construct() method
handler defineProperty() method
handler deleteProperty() method
handler get() method
handler getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method
handler getPrototypeOf() method
handler has() method
handler isExtensible() method
handler ownKeys() method
handler preventExtensions() method
handler set() method
handler setPrototypeOf() method
JavaScript JSON Object
JavaScript JSON
JSON.parse() method
JSON.stringify() method
JavaScript Map Object
JavaScript Map
Map clear() method
Map delete() method
Map entries() method
Map forEach() method
Map get() method
Map has() method
Map keys() method
Map set() method
Map values() method
JavaScript Math Object
JavaScript Math
Math abs() method
Math acos() method
Math asin() method
Math atan() method
Math cbrt() method
Math ceil() method
Math cos() method
Math cosh() method
Math exp() method
Math floor() method
Math hypot() method
Math log() method
Math max() method
Math min() method
Math pow() method
Math random() method
Math round() method
Math sign() method
Math sin() method
Math sinh() method
Math sqrt() method
Math tan() method
Math tanh() method
Math trunc() method
JavaScript Number Object
JavaScript Number
Number isFinite() method
Number isInteger() method
Number parseFloat() method
Number parseInt() method
Number toExponential() method
Number toFixed() method
Number toPrecision() method
Number toString() method
JavaScript RegExp Object
JavaScript RegExp
RegExp.exec() method
RegExp.test() method
RegExp.toString() method
JavaScript Object
JavaScript Object
Object.assign() method
Object.create() method
Object.defineProperty() method
Object.defineProperties() method
Object.entries() method
Object.freeze() method
getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method
getOwnPropertyDescriptors() method
getOwnPropertyNames() method
getOwnPropertySymbols() method
Object.getPrototypeOf() method
Object.is() method
preventExtensions() method
Object.seal() method
Object.setPrototypeOf() method
Object.values() method
JavaScript Reflect Object
JavaScript Reflect
Reflect.apply() method
Reflect.construct() method
Reflect.defineProperty() method
Reflect.deleteProperty() method
Reflect.get() method
getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method
Reflect.getPrototypeOf() method
Reflect.has() method
Reflect.isExtensible() method
Reflect.ownKeys() method
preventExtensions() method
Reflect.set() method
Reflect.setPrototypeOf() method
JavaScript Set Object
JavaScript Set
Set add() method
Set clear() method
Set delete() method
Set entries() method
Set forEach() method
Set has() method
Set values() method
JavaScript String Object
String charAt() method
String charAt() method
String charCodeAt() method
String concat() method
String indexOf() method
String lastIndexOf() method
String search() method
String match()
String replace() method
String substr() method
String substring() method
String slice() method
String toLowerCase() method
toLocaleLowerCase() method
String toUpperCase() method
toLocaleUpperCase() method
String toString() method
String valueOf() method
JavaScript Symbol Object
JavaScript Symbol
Symbol.for() method
Symbol.keyFor() method
Symbol.toString() method
Symbol Property
Symbol.hasInstance Property
isConcatSpreadable Property
Symbol.match Property
Symbol.prototype Property
Symbol.replace Property
Symbol.search Property
Symbol.split Property
Symbol.toStringTag Property
Symbol.unscopables Property
JavaScript TypedArray Object
JavaScript TypedArray
TypedArray copyWithin() method
TypedArray entries() method
TypedArray every() method
TypedArray fill() method
TypedArray filter() method
TypedArray find() method
TypedArray findIndex() method
TypedArray forEach() method
TypedArray includes() method
TypedArray indexof() method
TypedArray join() method
TypedArray Keys() method
TypedArray lastIndexof() method
TypedArray map() method
TypedArray reduce() method
TypedArray reduceRight() method
TypedArray reverse() method
TypedArray set() method
TypedArray Slice() method
TypedArray some() method
TypedArray sort() method
TypedArray subarray() method
TypedArray values() method
toLocaleString() method
TypedArray toString() method
JavaScript WeakMap Object
JavaScript WeakMap
WeakMap delete() method
WeakMap get() method
WeakMap has() method
WeakMap set() method
JavaScript WeakSet Object
JavaScript WeakSet
WeakSet add() method
WeakSet delete() method
WeakSet has() method
Before learning JavaScript in depth, you must have the basic knowledge of HTML.
We have developed this JavaScript tutorial for beginners and professionals both. There are given a lot of examples with JavaScript editor. So, you can easily edit your JavaScript code which will help you to learn JavaScript easily.
We assure you that you will not find any problem in our JavaScript tutorial. But, if you find any mistake, you can post it in our comment section.
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JavaScript Example