会议时间:2019年10月22日(星期二)08:30 - 18:00
为了更好地服务上海国际航运中心建设和航空经济的发展、促进国内外航空法理论界与实务界的交流与对话,华东政法大学与上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(上海国际仲裁中心)拟联合上海市长宁区虹桥临空经济园区、上海市法学会航空法研究会与荷兰莱顿大学(Leiden University)航空法与空间法国际研究中心(IIASL),共同在中国上海举办“2019上海国际航空法律论坛”。
1. 文档请统一采用Microsoft Word(docx或doc)格式。
2. 论文注释统一采用脚注,每页脚注单独编号。
3. 论文请附中英文标题和300字左右的中文摘要及300字左右的英文摘要。
4. 论文请附作者姓名、性别、职务/职称、单位、联系电话和电子邮箱地址。
5. 请将会议论文发送至会务组邮箱(shairlaw@126.com)并请同时抄送会议联络人( shangcong.song@hotmail.com )。
6. 论文提交截止时间:2019年10月7日(星期一)23:59。
7. 联络人(论文征稿事项):宋尚聪 女士(159 0098 2610)
2019 Shanghai International Air Law Forum
One-Day Conference on 22 October 2019 ( Tuesday)
Shanghai · China
Save the Date
Hosted by
East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL)
Shanghai International Arbitration Centre (SHIAC)
Organized by
ECUPL School of International Law
Shanghai International Aviation Court of Arbitration (SHIACA)
Supported by
Shanghai Hongqiao Linkong Business Park
Air Law Association of Shanghai Law Society
International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) of Leiden University
China has become a major player in the global aviation field and Shanghai has developed into an economic, financial, trade and shipping centre of China. Shanghai is one of the largest metropolitan areas around the world, as well as one of the most highly developed cities with respect to aviation. In 2014, the International Aviation Transport Association (IATA), the China Air Transport Association (CATA) and the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre (SHIAC) signed a strategic cooperation agreement to inaugurate the Shanghai International Aviation Court of Arbitration (SIACA), the global first and so far the only arbitrary institution specific for civil aviation. In 2018, SIACA’s Southwest Service Centre was established in the Chengdu (Sichuan) Shuangliu Pilot Free Trade Zone.
In addition, the 2016 Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Advancing the Construction of the International Shipping Centre incorporates the “development of air transport hub” into the construction plan of international shipping centre for the first time in the form of local legislation. In 2018, the Higher People’s Court of Shanghai issued Several Opinions on Providing Judicial Services for and Safeguarding the Construction of the Shanghai International Shipping Centre , which requires “making full use of the judicial function and actively creating a supportive legal environment for the shipping industry”.
Moreover, under the Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of Shanghai International Shipping Centre (2018-2020) issued by the General Office of the People’s Government of Shanghai Municipality in 2018, “building an advanced air transport hub” is the overall goal, and “developing the Shanghai Hongqiao Linkong Economic Demonstration Zone, promoting the trade and the agglomeration of aviation economic factors” is one of the key tasks. The construction of an international aerotropolis is a significant step for Shanghai toward carrying out the Belt and Road Initiative and the national strategy of the Construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt . It is also a key move for Shanghai to boost the construction of a modern international metropolis, a global city and the “Quintuple Centre”.
In order to provide better service to the construction of Shanghai International Shipping Centre and to the development of aviation economy, and also to share experience, promote good practice and exchange knowledge of air law from diverse perspectives and jurisdictions, East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) and the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre (SHIAC) have joined forces with the Shanghai Hongqiao Linkong Business Park, the Air Law Association of Shanghai Law Society and the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) of Leiden University, the Netherlands, to host the 2019 Shanghai International Air Law Forum on 22 October 2019 in Shanghai, China.
Call for Papers
Papers proposed in English or in Chinese can be on any topic that relates to international air law or domestic air law. Air law research papers, short notes and case reports on front-burner issues are most welcomed by the forum:
1. Each paper submitted should be in Microsoft Word Document (docx or doc) format.
2. Citations should be made in the footnotes and in the sequence of Arabic numerals on each page respectively.
3. Each paper should include an abstract of approximately 300 words.
4. The author’s name, title, occupation, affiliation, telephone number and e-mail address should be attached to the submitted paper.
5. Each paper should be emailed to our conference secretary Ms. Sonia Song at shairlaw@126.com and at shangcong.song@hotmail.com in CC.
6. Each paper should be submitted not later than 7 October 2019 (Monday).
7. Please kindly direct all queries to Ms. Sonia Song at shangcong.song@hotmail.com .
Conference registration will open in September 2019 and for more information please feel free to contact our conference secretary Ms. Sonia Song.
ECUPL School of International Law
Shanghai International Aviation Court of Arbitration (SHIACA)
15 July 2019

2019-07-26 |