The purpose of the Scheme is to facilitate cultural and educational exchange between Hong Kong and the participating country (Note1, Annex) with a view to strengthening the bilateral relationship between the two places. National passport holders aged between 18 and 30 of the participating country, who are ordinarily residing in their home country and whose main intention to Hong Kong is to holiday, are welcome to join the Scheme. Under the arrangements of the Scheme, they may take up short-term employment (Note 2, Annex) and/or enrol in a short study or training course (Note 3, Annex) while they are on holiday in Hong Kong.

A national of the participating country meeting the following eligibility criteria may be granted a Working Holiday visa for participating in the Scheme:

  • he/she holds a valid national passport issued by the participating country and is ordinarily residing in that participating country (for applicant from the Netherlands, he/she should be habitually residing in the European part of the Netherlands);
  • his/her primary intention is to holiday in Hong Kong;
  • he/she is aged between 18 and 30;
  • he/she is able to produce financial proof of having an amount (Note 4, Annex) sufficient for his/her maintenance during his/her proposed stay in the HKSAR, e.g. bank statement, saving accounts passbooks, etc.;
  • he/she holds a return air ticket or financial proof of having sufficient funds to purchase a return air ticket; and
  • he/she agrees to hold medical, healthcare (including hospitalisation), repatriation and liability insurance to remain in force throughout his/her stay in the HKSAR (Note 5, Annex) .
  • Note 1
    Countries that have bilateral Working Holiday Scheme agreement with the HKSAR (as at 5 July 2019)
  • Australia (annual quota = 5000)
  • Austria (annual quota = 100)
  • Canada (annual quota = 200)
  • France (annual quota = 750)
  • Germany (annual quota = 300)
  • Hungary (annual quota = 200)
  • Ireland (annual quota = 200)
  • Italy (annual quota = 500) (effective date of the scheme to be confirmed)
  • Japan (annual quota = 1500)
  • Korea (Republic of) (annual quota = 1000)
  • Netherlands (annual quota = 100)
  • New Zealand (annual quota = 400)
  • Sweden (annual quota = 500)
  • United Kingdom (annual quota = 1000)
  • Note 2
    Temporary employment
  • Australian citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than three months
  • Austrian citizens - not allowed to work for more than six months
  • British citizens - not allowed to work for more than 12 months
  • Canadian citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than three months
  • Dutch citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than six months
  • French citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than six months
  • German citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than three months
  • Hungarian citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than six months
  • Irish citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than three months
  • Italian citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than three months and up to a total of six months (effective date of the scheme to be confirmed)
  • Japanese citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than six months
  • Korean citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than six months
  • New Zealand citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than three months
  • Swedish citizens - not allowed to work for the same employer for more than six months
  • Note 3
    Number of study or training courses allowed
  • Australian citizens - any number (course duration of not more than three months)
  • Austrian citizens - any number (cumulative duration of courses not more than six months)
  • British citizens - any number (cumulative duration of courses not more than 12 months)
  • Canadian citizens - any number (cumulative duration of courses not more than six months)
  • Dutch citizens - any number (cumulative duration of courses not more than six months)
  • French citizens - one only (course duration of not more than six months)
  • German citizens - one only (course duration of not more than six months)
  • Hungarian citizens - one only (course duration of not more than six months)
  • Irish citizens - not allowed
  • Italian citizens - any number (cumulative duration of courses not more than six months) (effective date of the scheme to be confirmed)
  • Japanese citizens - any number (cumulative duration of courses not more than six months)
  • Korean citizens - one only (course duration of not more than six months)
  • New Zealand citizens - one only (course duration of not more than three months)
  • Swedish citizens - any number (cumulative duration of courses not more than six months)
  • Note 4
    Financial proof for maintenance in Hong Kong
  • Australian citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • Austrian citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • British citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$22,000
  • Canadian citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$15,000
  • Dutch citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • French citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$25,000
  • German citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • Hungarian citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$25,000
  • Irish citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • Italian citizens - to be confirmed (effective date of the scheme to be confirmed)
  • Japanese citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • Korean citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • New Zealand citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$14,000
  • Swedish citizens - financial proof of having not less than HK$20,000
  • Note 5
    Medical, healthcare (including hospitalisation), repatriation and liability insurance
  • This item applies to participants from Canada, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (effective date of the scheme to be confirmed), the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
    For participants from France, they should produce proof of comprehensive liability and medical insurance covering hospitalisation, pregnancy, disability and repatriation.
    For participants from Austria and Germany, they should have comprehensive liability and medical insurance covering hospitalisation and repatriation.
    For participants from Japan, they should have sufficient medical insurance.
  • Note 6
    Addresses of overseas Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in the participating countries
  • Australia
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Australia
  • 15 Coronation Drive, Yarralumla, ACT 2600, Canberra, Australia
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Australia
  • 39 Dunblane Street, Camperdown, NSW 2050, Australia
  • 45 Brown Street, East Perth WA 6004, Australia
  • 75-77 Irving Road, Toorak, Melbourne, Victoria 3142, Melbourne, Australia
  • Level 9, 79 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Canada
  • 515 St. Patrick Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 5H3
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Canada
  • 240 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R 2P4
  • 3380 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6H 3K3
  • Suite 100, 1011-6th Ave., S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 0W1
  • 2100 Ste-Catherine West, 8th floor Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3H 2T3
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in France
  • 11 Avenue George V, 75008 Paris, France
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in France
  • 50 Rue Du General De Gaulle Saint-Denis, Ile De La Reunion, France
  • 26 Rue Louis Blanc, 69006 Lyon, France
  • 20 Boulevard Carmagnole, 13008 Marseille, France
  • 35 Rue Bautain, 67000 Strasbourg, France
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Germany
  • Markisches Ufer 54, 10179 Berlin, Germany
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Germany
  • Stresemannallee 19-23, 60596 Frankfurt Am Main, Germany
  • Elbchaussee 268, 22605 Hamburg, Germany
  • Romanstr. 107 80639 Muenchen, Germany
  • Italy (effective date of the scheme to be confirmed)
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Italy
  • No. 56, Via Bruxelles, 00198 Rome, Italy
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Italy
  • Via Dei Della Robbia, 89-91 Firenze, Italy
  • Via Benaco, 4 20139 Milano, Italia
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan
  • 3-4-33 Moto-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0046 Japan
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Japan
  • 10-35 Hashiguchi Machi Nagasaki City, 852-8114 Japan
  • 3-9-2 Utsubohonmachi Nishiku Osaka, 550-0004 Japan
  • Fukuoka-Shi Chiuo-Ku Jigyohama 1-3-3, 810-0065 Japan
  • 2-8-37 Higashisakura, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 461-0005 Japan
  • 5-1, Nishi 23-Chome, Minam 13-Jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, 064-0913 Japan
  • 5220-18, Nishiohata-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata, 951-8104 Japan
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Korea
  • 54 Hyoja-Dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, the Republic of Korea
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Korea
  • 1418, U-2 Dong, Haeundae, Busan, the Republic of Korea
  • 919-6, Wolsan-dong, Nam-gu, Gwangju, the Republic of Korea
  • 568-1, Donam-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, the Republic of Korea
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in New Zealand
  • 2-6 Glenmore Street, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in New Zealand
  • 588 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland, New Zealand
  • 106 Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United Kingdom
  • 49-51 Portland Place London W1B 1JL, the United Kingdom
  • Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in the United Kingdom
  • 55 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 5QG Scotland, the United Kingdom
  • Denison House, 71 Denison Road, Rusholme, Manchester M14 5RX, the United Kingdom
  • Note 7
    Special fee arrangement for Irish, Japanese and Korean citizens
    The working holiday visas issued to Irish, Japanese and Korean citizens are free of charge.
  • Applying

    Working Holiday Scheme

    Apply Now

    Online Submission

    Click here for online submission of application and uploading of supporting documents.

    Other Means of Submission

    An applicant may also complete a visa application form ID(E)940 which is obtainable from the Information Office of the HKSAR Immigration Department as well as Chinese diplomatic and consular missions (CDCMs) (Note 6, Annex) in the participating country. Xerox copy of the visa application form will also be accepted. Applicants are strongly advised to read the relevant guidance notes ID(E)940A before completing the application form.

    Completed visa applications together with the necessary supporting documents may be submitted to the Immigration Department of the HKSAR direct by post or through a local connection. They may also be submitted to the CDCMs in the participating country [Note] .

    Underpaid mail items will not be accepted by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR. For proper delivery of your mail items, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address before posting. ( Details )

    Some CDCMs have implemented the arrangement that applications for visas for Hong Kong from persons holding foreign ordinary passports will be handled by the "Chinese Visa Application Service Center". Applicants may contact the nearest CDCM for details.

    If the application is submitted to the Immigration Department directly, upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit cards, Payment by Phone Service (PPS) or Faster Payment System (FPS). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.

    If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.

    If the applicant could not pay the fee by using the above methods, the applicant should send in with the application a cashier order or a bank draft in Hong Kong Currency for payment of visa fee (Note 7, Annex) . The cashier order or bank draft should be one from a bank which has a connected bank in the HKSAR and made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". Upon acknowledgement of the receipt of the relevant fee, the applicant will receive a notification, and he/she must download or print the “e-Visa” afterwards through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the application is unsuccessful. No cash should be sent along with the application.

    If the application is submitted to an overseas Chinese diplomatic and consular mission, the visa fee (Note 7, Annex) should be paid direct to the Chinese diplomatic and consular mission.

    Fee Table

    After Applying

    Working Holiday Scheme

    Apply Now

    If the application is submitted to the Immigration Department directly, upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit cards, Payment by Phone Service (PPS) or Faster Payment System (FPS). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.

    If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.

    If the applicant could not pay the fee by using the above methods, the applicant should send in with the application a cashier order or a bank draft in Hong Kong Currency for payment of visa fee (Note 7, Annex) . The cashier order or bank draft should be one from a bank which has a connected bank in the HKSAR and made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". Upon acknowledgement of the receipt of the relevant fee, the applicant will receive a notification, and he/she must download or print the “e-Visa” afterwards through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the application is unsuccessful. No cash should be sent along with the application.

    If the application is submitted to an overseas Chinese diplomatic and consular mission, the visa fee (Note 7, Annex) should be paid direct to the Chinese diplomatic and consular mission.

    Fee Table

    The holder of a Working Holiday Visa may be allowed to enter Hong Kong and stay for not more than 12 months subject to normal immigration requirements being met. Application for extension of stay will not normally be considered.

    Participants of the Scheme are not permitted to engage in permanent employment, but may take up temporary employment as an incidental aspect of their holiday (Note 2, Annex) . Participants of the Scheme may also enrol in study or training course(s) during their visit (Note 3, Annex) .

    Participants will not be eligible to come to Hong Kong for any further working holiday under the same Scheme. Entry applications from dependent spouse/children to join the participants will not be considered.

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