
从机场报到 Check-in、过安检、飞机服务到下机领行李的一条龙情境英语会话,希望大家在有需要时,只要拿出这篇就可以横行无阻啦!


上半部分 —— 值机和安检

情境一:机场柜台报到 (Check-in)


Which terminal is China Eastern Airlines(航空公司名)in? (中国东方航空公司在哪个航站楼)

Where is the China Eastern Airlines(航空公司名)check-in desk? (中国东方航空公司报到柜台在哪里)

找到报到柜台之后排队等候。轮到你的时候,直接拿护照 (passport) 出来给地勤人员,若有印出来的电子机票 (e-ticket) 也可以一起给,但不一定需要。地勤人员的问题通常包含:

Agent: Where are you flying/traveling to today? /What's your final destination?

You: Beijing(目的地地名)

👉 若有转机情形,可以回答

I'm flying to beijing(最终目的地) and I have a layover/stopover in Tokyo (转机地). (layover 通指转机情形;而如果是国际线的话,转机等待时间超过24小时则称为stopover,转机也可以直接使用connecting flights)

Agent: Do you have any luggage to check in? How many pieces of luggage are you checking in? (有托运行李吗/要托运几件)

You: Just one. / Two. (或者看你有几个就回答几个)

Agent: Are there any prohibited and restricted items in your luggage? (行李里有任何违禁品吗?) --> 通常会给你看一张表,上面画了各种违禁品

You: No, there isn't. (没有)

Agent: Okay, please put them on the scale. (请拿上来秤重)

👉Luggage 通常指托运的大行李;Carry-on登机/随身行李

Agent: Do you have a seating preference? (你有座位偏好吗)

You: Aisle seat / Window seat, please. (靠走道/靠窗)

👉 若已事先划位的话就不用特别选,若想确认可以主动问: I would like to reconfirm my seat, please.

Agent: Here is(are) your boarding pass(es) -- your flight leaves from gate 19 and it’ll begin boarding at 07:15. Your seat number is 29A window seat. (这是你的登机牌 -- 你的登机门为19,登机时间07:15,座位 29A 靠窗)


Agent: I'm sorry to inform you that your flight has been cancelled/delayed. (很抱歉通知您,您的班机已被取消/延误)

You: When is the next flight available? (下一班还有空位的班机几点?)

Agent: The next available flight is leaving tonight at 20:30 (下一班还有空位的班机是今晚20:30)

You: I see. Please book the flight for me and I will also need the proof of trip delay/trip cancellation. (了解。请帮我订班机,我还需要飞机延误/取消的证明)


You: No, I do not want to give up my seat! It's not my problem when you should be responsible for overselling the flight seats.(我不要放弃我的座位!你们超卖座位你们该负责,又不是我的问题)

Agent: Sure, no problem. I believe I can re-accommodate you. (好的没问题,我想我可以帮您重新安排)

完成之后,时间允许的话你可以在外面继续晃悠,或者就直接过安检然后逛逛免税店 (duty-free)。过安检之前会被查看护照 (Passport) 和登机牌 (Boarding Pass)。

情境二:过安检 (Going through Security)


脱大衣 take off the jacket/coat

清空口袋 empty your pockets

脱掉鞋子和帽子 remove shoes and hats

👉 身上也不要有金属制品,像是硬币、发夹、皮带、手表等等 remove anything that will set off (触发警报) the metal detector(金属探测器), like coins(硬币), cell phones(手机), wallets(皮夹), belts(皮带), watches(手表)...etc

大件的随身行李、个人包可直接放在输送带上,较小件的个人物品必须放在 TSA 提供的篮子 (bin) 里。另外大型的电子用品,像是手提电脑、平板电脑、相机等若放在随身行李里面,必须特别拿出来并放到篮子里。

Agent: Lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and use the bins for your smaller items (把包包平放在输送带上,把小件物品拿到篮子里)

You: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag? (我需要把笔电从包包拿出来吗)

Agent: Yes, laptops, cameras, power banks, tablets.....(手提电脑、相机、充电宝、平板电脑都要)

👉 通常安检人员都是对所有人吼着说这些,不会特别对你耐心回答,不要觉得受伤😂


Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell phone, loose change? (请后退。你口袋里有任何东西吗?钥匙、手机、零钱⋯⋯)

You: Let me see...(我看看) --> 找找看身上有没有什么金属物品,很常被遗忘的是皮带、手表和首饰类

Agent: Okay, come on through. (再走一次)

👉 没有通过的话,可能会被安检人员亲自接触检查 (physical inspection)。

Agent: Please lift your arms. (请把手举起来) You’re all set. (没事了,你可以走了)


Agent: What is in there? (这里面是什么)

You: Oh it is just water. I forgot to take it out. (只是水,我忘记拿出来了)

Agent: Liquids more than 100ml are not allowed. You need to throw it away. (超过100ml的液体不能带上飞机,你得把它扔掉)

👉 大家容易忘记的都是超过100ml的液体,尤其是饮用水。

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