Alice Walker 在她著名的日記體小說 The Color Purple(《紫色姐妹花》)中大量使用非洲裔美國人英語(African-American Vernacular English,簡稱AAVE )作為主角在日記和書信裡使用的文字。出於該作品的體裁和情節設定,筆者認為此方言在該作品中肩負了一項重要的任務:反映角色低下的教育程度。因此透過本研究,筆者剖析該作品現有的臺灣中譯本,調查它們是否及如何重現 AAVE 在原作中的功能,並以字形飛白策略提供新的譯文,最後以問卷調查臺灣讀者對於不同的方言翻譯策略有何意見和偏好。
研究結果如下。首先,筆者從用字、句構和段落結構分析譯文後,發現三個主要的現有臺灣譯本(譯者分別為藍祖蔚、施寄青、張慧倩)未能忠實、完整地重現原作中 AAVE 的功能,三位譯者筆下角色的人物形象並不與原文相符。其次,透過問卷調查,筆者發現字形飛白策略能夠有效重現原作中 AAVE 的效果,但是透過填答者的回饋,也發現以字形飛白策略翻譯方言有其缺點和限制,仍待未來研究者更深入探討和克服。
In her celebrated diary novel, The Color Purple, Alice Walker employs a considerable amount of African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) as the main character's language in her diaries and letters. Based on the work's form and plot, the author believes that the literary dialect used in the original work is intended to imply the main character's limited education. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether and how the effect of AAVE in the original work is recreated in the three existing Chinese translations in Taiwan. Also, it proposes a new translation incorporating incorrect Chinese characters and investigates how a specific group of Taiwanese readers react to different translations of AAVE in The Color Purple.
The findings reveal several key points. Firstly, after analyzing the three translations respectively by Lan, Shi, and Chang in their word choices, sentence structures and structures of paragraphs, it is found that the effect of AAVE in the original work is not faithfully reproduced in the three translations. Consequently, the image of the main character in these translations differs from that in the source text. Secondly, based on survey results, it can be concluded that the use of incorrect Chinese characters can effectively recreate the impact of AAVE on the source text. However, respondents' feedback also indicates that the strategy of using incorrect Chinese characters has its limitations and drawbacks, waiting for future studies to do further research on and address.
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Study on the Color Words Translation from the Perspective of Differences between Chinese and English
International Journal of Social Science and Education Research
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