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研究生: 劉聰毅
研究生(外文): LIU,TSUNG-YI
論文名稱: 臺北市立動物園內北美浣熊、南美浣熊、蜜熊的食物偏好和對食物洗滌行為探究
論文名稱(外文): The Factor of Raccoon, South American Coati, Kinkajou Food Preferences and Washing Behavior in Taipei Zoo
指導教授: 張筱筠 張筱筠引用關係 彭仁隆 彭仁隆引用關係
口試委員: 張筱筠 彭仁隆 闕甫伈 王唯匡
口試日期: 2020-01-13
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 亞洲大學
系所名稱: 生物科技學系
學門: 醫藥衛生學門
學類: 醫學技術及檢驗學類
論文種類: 學術論文
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 浣熊科 圈養環境 環境豐富化 行為
外文關鍵詞: Procyoninae Captive environment Environmental enrichment Behavior
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The most well-known feature of raccoons is washing behavior. Whether the food obtained by raccoons in a captive environment has a preference for behavior, and whether washing of food by raccoons is relevance to food preferences. The purpose of this research is to investigate the behavioral differences between the three species of Procyoninae in the same environment. Whether food preferences affect behavior and the causes of washing behavior. The experiment gave the same water body in the captive environment of the three species, observed the behavior change before and after, and adjusted the recipe to monitor the animal's preference for food and the relationship between behavior and preference.
It is determined through experiments that coatis and kinkajous may not have the same washing behavior even if they are given the same environment due to differences in body structure and living habits. However, the captive environment of the Procyoninae is often too monotonous. The misalignment of food properties and taste can give raccoons and coatis behavioral stimulation and possible release of captive pressure. If sufficient activity space cannot be given, the environmental smell and food taste change to enhance the richness of the environment and thus its animal welfare.

致謝 i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
壹、 前言 1
貳、 材料與方法 3
1.研究對象 3
1.1北美浣熊 3
1.2南美浣熊 3
1.3蜜熊 4
2.個體選擇 4
3.實驗空間 5
4.食物設計 5
4.1北美浣熊 5
4.2南美浣熊 5
4.3蜜熊 5
5.進食時間選擇 6
6.實驗流程 6
6.1行為確認 6
6.2洗滌行為成因測驗 6
6.3食物對洗滌行為影響的因子檢驗 7
6.4食物口味的影響試驗 7
6.5食物氣味的影響試驗 7
7.資料分析 8
參、 結果 9
1.食物偏好分析 9
1.1北美浣熊 9
1.2南美浣熊 10
1.3蜜熊 10
2.行為辨識 10
3.手部清洗行為 11
3.1.洗手行為 11
3.2洗滌行為 11
3.3空搓手 11
4.食物口味的影響試驗 11
5.食物氣味的影響試驗 11
肆、 討論 12
伍、 結論 15
陸、 參考文獻 16
柒、 圖表資料 18
附表 41

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