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In this article, learn how to troubleshoot common problems you may encounter with environment image builds and learn about AzureML environment vulnerabilities.

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Azure Machine Learning environments

Azure Machine Learning environments are an encapsulation of the environment where your machine learning training happens. They specify the base docker image, Python packages, and software settings around your training and scoring scripts. Environments are managed and versioned assets within your Machine Learning workspace that enable reproducible, auditable, and portable machine learning workflows across various compute targets.

Types of environments

Environments fall under three categories: curated, user-managed, and system-managed.

Curated environments are pre-created environments managed by Azure Machine Learning and are available by default in every workspace. They contain collections of Python packages and settings to help you get started with various machine learning frameworks, and you're meant to use them as is. These pre-created environments also allow for faster deployment time.

In user-managed environments, you're responsible for setting up your environment and installing every package that your training script needs on the compute target. Also be sure to include any dependencies needed for model deployment.

These types of environments have two subtypes. For the first type, BYOC (bring your own container), you bring an existing Docker image to Azure Machine Learning. For the second type, Docker build context based environments, Azure Machine Learning materializes the image from the context that you provide.

When you want conda to manage the Python environment for you, use a system-managed environment. Azure Machine Learning creates a new isolated conda environment by materializing your conda specification on top of a base Docker image. By default, Azure Machine Learning adds common features to the derived image. Any Python packages present in the base image aren't available in the isolated conda environment.

Create and manage environments

You can create and manage environments from clients like Azure Machine Learning Python SDK, Azure Machine Learning CLI, Azure Machine Learning Studio UI, Visual Studio Code extension.

"Anonymous" environments are automatically registered in your workspace when you submit an experiment without registering or referencing an already existing environment. They aren't listed but you can retrieve them by version or label.

Azure Machine Learning builds environment definitions into Docker images. It also caches the images in the Azure Container Registry associated with your Azure Machine Learning Workspace so they can be reused in subsequent training jobs and service endpoint deployments. Multiple environments with the same definition may result in the same cached image.

Running a training script remotely requires the creation of a Docker image.

Vulnerabilities in AzureML Environments

You can address vulnerabilities by upgrading to a newer version of a dependency (base image, Python package, etc.) or by migrating to a different dependency that satisfies security requirements. Mitigating vulnerabilities is time consuming and costly since it can require refactoring of code and infrastructure. With the prevalence of open source software and the use of complicated nested dependencies, it's important to manage and keep track of vulnerabilities.

There are some ways to decrease the impact of vulnerabilities:

  • Reduce your number of dependencies - use the minimal set of the dependencies for each scenario.
  • Compartmentalize your environment so you can scope and fix issues in one place.
  • Understand flagged vulnerabilities and their relevance to your scenario.
  • Scan for Vulnerabilities

    You can monitor and maintain environment hygiene with Microsoft Defender for Container Registry to help scan images for vulnerabilities.

    To automate this process based on triggers from Microsoft Defender, see Automate responses to Microsoft Defender for Cloud triggers .

    Vulnerabilities vs Reproducibility

    Reproducibility is one of the foundations of software development. When you're developing production code, a repeated operation must guarantee the same result. Mitigating vulnerabilities can disrupt reproducibility by changing dependencies.

    Azure Machine Learning's primary focus is to guarantee reproducibility. Environments fall under three categories: curated, user-managed, and system-managed.

    Curated Environments

    Curated environments are pre-created environments that Azure Machine Learning manages and are available by default in every Azure Machine Learning workspace provisioned. New versions are released by Azure Machine Learning to address vulnerabilities. Whether you use the latest image may be a tradeoff between reproducibility and vulnerability management.

    Curated Environments contain collections of Python packages and settings to help you get started with various machine learning frameworks. You're meant to use them as is. These pre-created environments also allow for faster deployment time.

    User-managed Environments

    In user-managed environments, you're responsible for setting up your environment and installing every package that your training script needs on the compute target and for model deployment. These types of environments have two subtypes:

  • BYOC (bring your own container): the user provides a Docker image to Azure Machine Learning
  • Docker build context: Azure Machine Learning materializes the image from the user provided content
  • Once you install more dependencies on top of a Microsoft-provided image, or bring your own base image, vulnerability management becomes your responsibility.

    System-managed Environments

    You use system-managed environments when you want conda to manage the Python environment for you. Azure Machine Learning creates a new isolated conda environment by materializing your conda specification on top of a base Docker image. While Azure Machine Learning patches base images with each release, whether you use the latest image may be a tradeoff between reproducibility and vulnerability management. So, it's your responsibility to choose the environment version used for your jobs or model deployments while using system-managed environments.

    Vulnerabilities: Common Issues

    Vulnerabilities in Base Docker Images

    System vulnerabilities in an environment are usually introduced from the base image. For example, vulnerabilities marked as "Ubuntu" or "Debian" are from the system level of the environment–the base Docker image. If the base image is from a third-party issuer, please check if the latest version has fixes for the flagged vulnerabilities. Most common sources for the base images in Azure Machine Learning are:

  • Microsoft Artifact Registry (MAR) aka Microsoft Container Registry (mcr.microsoft.com).
  • Images can be listed from MAR homepage, calling catalog API, or /tags/list
  • Source and release notes for training base images from AzureML can be found in Azure/AzureML-Containers
  • Nvidia (nvcr.io, or nvidia's Profile )
  • If the latest version of your base image does not resolve your vulnerabilities, base image vulnerabilities can be addressed by installing versions recommended by a vulnerability scan:

    apt-get install -y library_name

    Vulnerabilities in Python Packages

    Vulnerabilities can also be from installed Python packages on top of the system-managed base image. These Python-related vulnerabilities should be resolved by updating your Python dependencies. Python (pip) vulnerabilities in the image usually come from user-defined dependencies.

    To search for known Python vulnerabilities and solutions please see GitHub Advisory Database. To address Python vulnerabilities, update the package to the version that has fixes for the flagged issue:

    pip install -u my_package=={good.version}

    If you're using a conda environment, update the reference in the conda dependencies file.

    In some cases, Python packages will be automatically installed during conda's setup of your environment on top of a base Docker image. Mitigation steps for those are the same as those for user-introduced packages. Conda installs necessary dependencies for every environment it materializes. Packages like cryptography, setuptools, wheel, etc. will be automatically installed from conda's default channels. There's a known issue with the default anaconda channel missing latest package versions, so it's recommended to prioritize the community-maintained conda-forge channel. Otherwise, please explicitly specify packages and versions, even if you don't reference them in the code you plan to execute on that environment.

    Cache issues

    Associated to your Azure Machine Learning workspace is an Azure Container Registry instance that's a cache for container images. Any image materialized is pushed to the container registry and used if you trigger experimentation or deployment for the corresponding environment. Azure Machine Learning doesn't delete images from your container registry, and it's your responsibility to evaluate which images you need to maintain over time.

    Troubleshooting environment image builds

    Learn how to troubleshoot issues with environment image builds and package installations.

    Environment definition problems

    Environment name issues

    Curated prefix not allowed

    This issue can happen when the name of your custom environment uses terms reserved only for curated environments. Curated environments are environments that Microsoft maintains. Custom environments are environments that you create and maintain.

    Potential causes:

  • Your environment name starts with Microsoft or AzureML
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Update your environment name to exclude the reserved prefix you're currently using


  • Create and manage reusable environments
  • Environment name is too long

    Potential causes:

  • Your environment name is longer than 255 characters
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Update your environment name to be 255 characters or less

    Docker issues

    Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1

    To create a new environment, you must use one of the following approaches (see DockerSection):

  • Base image
  • Provide base image name, repository from which to pull it, and credentials if needed
  • Provide a conda specification
  • Base Dockerfile
  • Provide a Dockerfile
  • Provide a conda specification
  • Docker build context
  • Provide the location of the build context (URL)
  • The build context must contain at least a Dockerfile, but may contain other files as well
  • Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    To create a new environment, you must use one of the following approaches:

  • Docker image
  • Provide the image URI of the image hosted in a registry such as Docker Hub or Azure Container Registry
  • Sample here
  • Docker build context
  • Specify the directory that serves as the build context
  • The directory should contain a Dockerfile and any other files needed to build the image
  • Sample here
  • Conda specification
  • You must specify a base Docker image for the environment; Azure Machine Learning builds the conda environment on top of the Docker image provided
  • Provide the relative path to the conda file
  • Sample here
  • Missing Docker definition

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    This issue can happen when your environment definition is missing a DockerSection. This section configures settings related to the final Docker image built from your environment specification.

    Potential causes:

  • You didn't specify the DockerSection of your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Add a DockerSection to your environment definition, specifying either a base image, base dockerfile, or docker build context.

    from azureml.core import Environment
    myenv = Environment(name="myenv")
    # Specify docker steps as a string.
    dockerfile = r'''
    FROM mcr.microsoft.com/azureml/openmpi4.1.0-ubuntu20.04
    RUN echo "Hello from custom container!"
    myenv.docker.base_dockerfile = dockerfile


  • DockerSection
  • Too many Docker options

    Potential causes:

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    You have more than one of these Docker options specified in your environment definition

  • base_image
  • base_dockerfile
  • build_context
  • See DockerSection
  • Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    You have more than one of these Docker options specified in your environment definition

  • image
  • build
  • See azure.ai.ml.entities.Environment
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Choose which Docker option you'd like to use to build your environment. Then set all other specified options to None.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    from azureml.core import Environment
    myenv = Environment(name="myEnv")
    dockerfile = r'''
    FROM mcr.microsoft.com/azureml/openmpi4.1.0-ubuntu20.04
    RUN echo "Hello from custom container!"
    myenv.docker.base_dockerfile = dockerfile
    myenv.docker.base_image = "pytorch/pytorch:latest"
    # Having both base dockerfile and base image set will cause failure. Delete the one you won't use.
    myenv.docker.base_image = None

    Missing Docker option

    Potential causes:

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    You didn't specify one of the following options in your environment definition

  • base_image
  • base_dockerfile
  • build_context
  • See DockerSection
  • Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    You didn't specify one of the following options in your environment definition

  • image
  • build
  • See azure.ai.ml.entities.Environment
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Choose which Docker option you'd like to use to build your environment, then populate that option in your environment definition.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    from azureml.core import Environment
    myenv = Environment(name="myEnv")
    myenv.docker.base_image = "pytorch/pytorch:latest"

    Applies to: Python SDK v2

    env_docker_image = Environment(
        description="Environment created from a Docker image.",


  • Create and manage reusable environments v2
  • Environment class v1
  • Container registry credentials missing either username or password

    Potential causes:

  • You've specified either a username or a password for your container registry in your environment definition, but not both
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Add the missing username or password to your environment definition to fix the issue

    myEnv.docker.base_image_registry.username = "username"

    Alternatively, provide authentication via workspace connections

    from azureml.core import Workspace
    ws = Workspace.from_config()
    ws.set_connection("connection1", "ACR", "<URL>", "Basic", "{'Username': '<username>', 'Password': '<password>'}")

    Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2

    Create a workspace connection from a YAML specification file

    az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
  • Providing credentials in your environment definition is no longer supported. Use workspace connections instead.
  • Resources

  • Python SDK v1 workspace connections
  • Python SDK v2 workspace connections
  • Azure CLI workspace connections
  • Multiple credentials for base image registry

    Potential causes:

  • You've specified more than one set of credentials for your base image registry
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    If you're using workspace connections, view the connections you have set, and delete whichever one(s) you don't want to use

    from azureml.core import Workspace
    ws = Workspace.from_config()

    If you've specified credentials in your environment definition, choose one set of credentials to use, and set all others to null

    myEnv.docker.base_image_registry.registry_identity = None
  • Providing credentials in your environment definition is no longer supported. Use workspace connections instead.
  • Resources

  • Delete a workspace connection v1
  • Python SDK v1 workspace connections
  • Python SDK v2 workspace connections
  • Azure CLI workspace connections
  • Secrets in base image registry

    Potential causes:

  • You've specified credentials in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Specifying credentials in your environment definition is no longer supported. Delete credentials from your environment definition and use workspace connections instead.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Set a workspace connection on your workspace

    from azureml.core import Workspace
    ws = Workspace.from_config()
    ws.set_connection("connection1", "ACR", "<URL>", "Basic", "{'Username': '<username>', 'Password': '<password>'}")

    Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2

    Create a workspace connection from a YAML specification file

    az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace


  • Python SDK v1 workspace connections
  • Python SDK v2 workspace connections
  • Azure CLI workspace connections
  • Deprecated Docker attribute

    Potential causes:

  • You've specified Docker attributes in your environment definition that are now deprecated
  • The following are deprecated properties:
  • enabled
  • arguments
  • shared_volumes
  • gpu_support
  • Azure Machine Learning now automatically detects and uses NVIDIA Docker extension when available
  • smh_size
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Instead of specifying these attributes in the DockerSection of your environment definition, use DockerConfiguration


  • See DockerSection deprecated variables
  • Dockerfile length over limit

    Potential causes:

  • Your specified Dockerfile exceeded the maximum size of 100 KB
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Shorten your Dockerfile to get it under this limit


  • See best practices
  • Docker build context issues

    Missing Docker build context location

    Potential causes:

  • You didn't provide the path of your build context directory in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Include a path in the build_context of your DockerSection

  • See DockerBuildContext Class
  • Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    Ensure that you include a path for your build context

  • See BuildContext class
  • See this sample
  • Resources

  • Understand build context
  • Missing Dockerfile path

    This issue can happen when Azure Machine Learning fails to find your Dockerfile. As a default, Azure Machine Learning looks for a Dockerfile named 'Dockerfile' at the root of your build context directory unless you specify a Dockerfile path.

    Potential causes:

  • Your Dockerfile isn't at the root of your build context directory and/or is named something other than 'Dockerfile,' and you didn't provide its path
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    In the build_context of your DockerSection, include a dockerfile_path

  • See DockerBuildContext Class
  • Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    Specify a Dockerfile path

  • See BuildContext class
  • See this sample
  • Resources

  • Understand build context
  • Not allowed to specify attribute with Docker build context

    This issue can happen when you've specified properties in your environment definition that can't be included with a Docker build context.

    Potential causes:

  • You specified a Docker build context, along with at least one of the following properties in your environment definition:
  • Environment variables
  • Conda dependencies
  • Spark
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    If you specified any of the above-listed properties in your environment definition, remove them

  • If you're using a Docker build context and want to specify conda dependencies, your conda specification should reside in your build context directory
  • Resources

  • Understand build context
  • Python SDK v1 Environment Class
  • Location type not supported/Unknown location type

    Potential causes:

  • You specified a location type for your Docker build context that isn't supported or is unknown
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    The following are accepted location types:

  • You can provide git URLs to Azure Machine Learning, but you can't use them to build images yet. Use a storage account until builds have Git support
  • Storage account
  • See this storage account overview
  • See how to create a storage account
  • Resources

  • See DockerBuildContext Class
  • Understand build context
  • Invalid location

    Potential causes:

  • The specified location of your Docker build context is invalid
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    For scenarios in which you're storing your Docker build context in a storage account

  • You must specify the path of the build context as


  • Ensure that the location you provided is a valid URL

  • Ensure that you've specified a container and a path


  • See DockerBuildContext Class
  • Python SDK/Azure CLI v2 sample
  • Understand build context
  • Base image issues

    Base image is deprecated

    Potential causes:

  • You used a deprecated base image
  • Azure Machine Learning can't provide troubleshooting support for failed builds with deprecated images
  • Azure Machine Learning doesn't update or maintain these images, so they're at risk of vulnerabilities
  • The following base images are deprecated:

  • azureml/base
  • azureml/base-gpu
  • azureml/base-lite
  • azureml/intelmpi2018.3-cuda10.0-cudnn7-ubuntu16.04
  • azureml/intelmpi2018.3-cuda9.0-cudnn7-ubuntu16.04
  • azureml/intelmpi2018.3-ubuntu16.04
  • azureml/o16n-base/python-slim
  • azureml/openmpi3.1.2-cuda10.0-cudnn7-ubuntu16.04
  • azureml/openmpi3.1.2-ubuntu16.04
  • azureml/openmpi3.1.2-cuda10.0-cudnn7-ubuntu18.04
  • azureml/openmpi3.1.2-cuda10.1-cudnn7-ubuntu18.04
  • azureml/openmpi3.1.2-cuda10.2-cudnn7-ubuntu18.04
  • azureml/openmpi3.1.2-cuda10.2-cudnn8-ubuntu18.04
  • azureml/openmpi3.1.2-ubuntu18.04
  • azureml/openmpi4.1.0-cuda11.0.3-cudnn8-ubuntu18.04
  • azureml/openmpi4.1.0-cuda11.1-cudnn8-ubuntu18.04
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Upgrade your base image to a latest version of supported images

  • See available base images
  • No tag or digest

    Potential causes:

  • You didn't include a version tag or a digest on your specified base image
  • Without one of these specifiers, the environment isn't reproducible
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Include at least one of the following specifiers on your base image

  • Version tag
  • Digest
  • See image with immutable identifier
  • Environment variable issues

    Misplaced runtime variables

    Potential causes:

  • You specified runtime variables in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Use the environment_variables attribute on the RunConfiguration object instead

    Python issues

    Python section missing

    Potential causes:

  • Your environment definition doesn't have a Python section
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Populate the Python section of your environment definition

  • See PythonSection class
  • Python version missing

    Potential causes:

  • You haven't specified a Python version in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Add Python as a conda package and specify the version

    from azureml.core.environment import CondaDependencies
    myenv = Environment(name="myenv")
    conda_dep = CondaDependencies()
    env.python.conda_dependencies = conda_dep

    Applies to: all scenarios

    If you're using a YAML for your conda specification, include Python as a dependency

    name: project_environment
      - python=3.8
      - pip:
          - azureml-defaults
      - anaconda


  • Add conda package v1
  • Multiple Python versions

    Potential causes:

  • You've specified more than one Python version in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Choose which Python version you want to use, and remove all other versions


    Applies to: all scenarios

    If you're using a YAML for your conda specification, include only one Python version as a dependency


  • CondaDependencies Class v1
  • Python version not supported

    Potential causes:

  • You've specified a Python version that is at or near its end-of-life and is no longer supported
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Specify a python version that hasn't reached and isn't nearing its end-of-life

    Potential causes:

  • You've specified a Python version that is at or near its end-of-life
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Specify a python version that hasn't reached and isn't nearing its end-of-life

    Failed to validate Python version

    Potential causes:

  • You specified a Python version with incorrect syntax or improper formatting
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Use correct syntax to specify a Python version using the SDK


    Applies to: all scenarios

    Use correct syntax to specify a Python version in a conda YAML

    name: project_environment
      - python=3.8
      - pip:
          - azureml-defaults
      - anaconda


  • See conda package pinning
  • Conda issues

    Missing conda dependencies

    Potential causes:

  • You haven't provided a conda specification in your environment definition, and user_managed_dependencies is set to False (the default)
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    If you don't want Azure Machine Learning to create a Python environment for you based on conda_dependencies, set user_managed_dependencies to True

    env.python.user_managed_dependencies = True
  • You're responsible for ensuring that all necessary packages are available in the Python environment in which you choose to run the script
  • If you want Azure Machine Learning to create a Python environment for you based on a conda specification, you must populate conda_dependencies in your environment definition

    from azureml.core.environment import CondaDependencies
    env = Environment(name="env")
    conda_dep = CondaDependencies()
    env.python.conda_dependencies = conda_dep

    Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    You must specify a base Docker image for the environment, and Azure Machine Learning then builds the conda environment on top of that image

  • Provide the relative path to the conda file
  • See how to create an environment from a conda specification
  • Resources

  • See how to create a conda file manually
  • See CondaDependencies class
  • See how to set a conda specification on the environment definition
  • Invalid conda dependencies

    Potential causes:

  • You incorrectly formatted the conda dependencies specified in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Ensure that conda_dependencies is a JSONified version of the conda dependencies YAML structure

    "condaDependencies": {
        "channels": [
        "dependencies": [
                "pip": [
        "name": "project_environment"

    You can also specify conda dependencies using the add_conda_package method

    from azureml.core.environment import CondaDependencies
    env = Environment(name="env")
    conda_dep = CondaDependencies()
    env.python.conda_dependencies = conda_dep

    Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    You must specify a base Docker image for the environment, and Azure Machine Learning then builds the conda environment on top of that image

  • Provide the relative path to the conda file
  • See how to create an environment from a conda specification
  • Resources

  • See more extensive examples
  • See how to create a conda file manually
  • See CondaDependencies class
  • See how to set a conda specification on the environment definition
  • Missing conda channels

    Potential causes:

  • You haven't specified conda channels in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    For reproducibility of your environment, specify channels from which to pull dependencies. If you don't specify conda channels, conda uses defaults that might change.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Add a conda channel using the Python SDK

    from azureml.core.environment import CondaDependencies
    env = Environment(name="env")
    conda_dep = CondaDependencies()
    env.python.conda_dependencies = conda_dep

    Applies to: all scenarios

    If you're using a YAML for your conda specification, include the conda channel(s) you'd like to use

    name: project_environment
      - python=3.8
      - pip:
          - azureml-defaults
      - anaconda
      - conda-forge


  • See how to set a conda specification on the environment definition v1
  • See CondaDependencies class
  • See how to create an environment from a conda specification v2
  • See how to create a conda file manually
  • Potential causes:

  • You specified a base conda environment in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Partial environment updates can lead to dependency conflicts and/or unexpected runtime errors, so the use of base conda environments isn't recommended.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Remove your base conda environment, and specify all packages needed for your environment in the conda_dependencies section of your environment definition

    from azureml.core.environment import CondaDependencies
    env = Environment(name="env")
    env.python.base_conda_environment = None
    conda_dep = CondaDependencies()
    env.python.conda_dependencies = conda_dep

    Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2

    Define an environment using a standard conda YAML configuration file

  • See how to create an environment from a conda specification
  • Resources

  • See how to set a conda specification on the environment definition v1
  • See CondaDependencies class
  • See how to create a conda file manually
  • Unpinned dependencies

    Potential causes:

  • You didn't specify versions for certain packages in your conda specification
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    If you don't specify a dependency version, the conda package resolver may choose a different version of the package on subsequent builds of the same environment. This breaks reproducibility of the environment and can lead to unexpected errors.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Include version numbers when adding packages to your conda specification

    from azureml.core.environment import CondaDependencies
    conda_dep = CondaDependencies()

    Applies to: all scenarios

    If you're using a YAML for your conda specification, specify versions for your dependencies

    name: project_environment
      - python=3.8
      - pip:
          - numpy=1.24.1
      - anaconda
      - conda-forge


  • See conda package pinning
  • Pip issues

    Pip not specified

    Potential causes:

  • You didn't specify pip as a dependency in your conda specification
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    For reproducibility, you should specify and pin pip as a dependency in your conda specification.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Specify pip as a dependency, along with its version


    Applies to: all scenarios

    If you're using a YAML for your conda specification, specify pip as a dependency

    name: project_environment
      - python=3.8
      - pip=22.3.1
      - pip:
          - numpy=1.24.1
      - anaconda
      - conda-forge


  • See conda package pinning
  • Pip not pinned

    Potential causes:

  • You didn't specify a version for pip in your conda specification
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    If you don't specify a pip version, a different version may be used on subsequent builds of the same environment. This behavior can cause reproducibility issues and other unexpected errors if different versions of pip resolve your packages differently.

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Specify a pip version in your conda dependencies


    Applies to: all scenarios

    If you're using a YAML for your conda specification, specify a version for pip

    name: project_environment
      - python=3.8
      - pip=22.3.1
      - pip:
          - numpy=1.24.1
      - anaconda
      - conda-forge


  • See conda package pinning
  • Miscellaneous environment issues

    R section is deprecated

    Potential causes:

  • You specified an R section in your environment definition
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    The Azure Machine Learning SDK for R was deprecated at the end of 2021 to make way for an improved R training and deployment experience using the Azure CLI v2

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Remove the R section from your environment definition

    env.r = None

    Applies to: all scenarios

    See the samples repository to get started training R models using the Azure CLI v2

    No definition exists for environment

    Potential causes:

  • You specified an environment that doesn't exist or hasn't been registered
  • There was a misspelling or syntactical error in the way you specified your environment name or environment version
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in registering your environment
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Ensure that you're specifying your environment name correctly, along with the correct version

  • path-to-resource:version-number
  • You should specify the 'latest' version of your environment in a different way

  • path-to-resource@latest
  • Image build problems

    ACR issues

    ACR unreachable

    This issue can happen when there's a failure in accessing a workspace's associated Azure Container Registry (ACR) resource.

    Potential causes:

  • Your workspace's ACR is behind a virtual network (VNet) (private endpoint or service endpoint), and you aren't using a compute cluster to build images.
  • Your workspace's ACR is behind a virtual network (VNet) (private endpoint or service endpoint), and the compute cluster used for building images has no access to the workspace's ACR.
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Pipeline job failures.
  • Model deployment failures.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    Update the workspace image build compute property using SDK:

    from azureml.core import Workspace
    ws = Workspace.from_config()
    ws.update(image_build_compute = 'mycomputecluster')

    Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2

    Update the workspace image build compute property using Azure CLI:

    az ml workspace update --name myworkspace --resource-group myresourcegroup --image-build-compute mycomputecluster
  • Only Azure Machine Learning compute clusters are supported. Compute, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or other instance types are not supported for image build compute.
  • Make sure the compute cluster's VNet that's used for the image build compute has access to the workspace's ACR.
  • Make sure the compute cluster is CPU based.
  • Resources

  • Enable Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • How To Use Environments
  • Unexpected Dockerfile Format

    This issue can happen when your Dockerfile is formatted incorrectly.

    Potential causes:

  • Your Dockerfile contains invalid syntax
  • Your Dockerfile contains characters that aren't compatible with UTF-8
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure Dockerfile is formatted correctly and is encoded in UTF-8
  • Resources

  • Dockerfile format
  • Docker pull issues

    Failed to pull Docker image

    This issue can happen when a Docker image pull fails during an image build.

    Potential causes:

  • The path name to the container registry is incorrect
  • A container registry behind a virtual network is using a private endpoint in an unsupported region
  • The image you're trying to reference doesn't exist in the container registry you specified
  • You haven't provided credentials for a private registry you're trying to pull the image from, or the provided credentials are incorrect
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Check that the path name to your container registry is correct

  • For a registry my-registry.io and image test/image with tag 3.2, a valid image path would be my-registry.io/test/image:3.2
  • See registry path documentation
  • If your container registry is behind a virtual network or is using a private endpoint in an unsupported region

  • Configure the container registry by using the service endpoint (public access) from the portal and retry
  • After you put the container registry behind a virtual network, run the Azure Resource Manager template so the workspace can communicate with the container registry instance
  • If the image you're trying to reference doesn't exist in the container registry you specified

  • Check that you've used the correct tag and that you've set user_managed_dependencies to True. Setting user_managed_dependencies to True disables conda and uses the user's installed packages
  • If you haven't provided credentials for a private registry you're trying to pull from, or the provided credentials are incorrect

  • Set workspace connections for the container registry if needed
  • Resources

  • Workspace connections v1
  • I/O Error

    This issue can happen when a Docker image pull fails due to a network issue.

    Potential causes:

  • Network connection issue, which could be temporary
  • Firewall is blocking the connection
  • ACR is unreachable and there's network isolation. For more information, see ACR unreachable.
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Add the host to the firewall rules

  • See configure inbound and outbound network traffic to learn how to use Azure Firewall for your workspace and resources behind a VNet
  • Assess your workspace set-up. Are you using a virtual network, or are any of the resources you're trying to access during your image build behind a virtual network?

  • Ensure that you've followed the steps in this article on securing a workspace with virtual networks
  • Azure Machine Learning requires both inbound and outbound access to the public internet. If there's a problem with your virtual network setup, there might be an issue with accessing certain repositories required during your image build
  • If you aren't using a virtual network, or if you've configured it correctly

  • Try rebuilding your image. If the timeout was due to a network issue, the problem might be transient, and a rebuild could fix the problem
  • Conda issues during build

    Bad spec

    This issue can happen when a package listed in your conda specification is invalid or when you've executed a conda command incorrectly.

    Potential causes:

  • The syntax you used in your conda specification is incorrect
  • You're executing a conda command incorrectly
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Conda spec errors can happen if you use the conda create command incorrectly

  • Read the documentation and ensure that you're using valid options and syntax
  • There's known confusion regarding conda env create versus conda create. You can read more about conda's response and other users' known solutions here
  • To ensure a successful build, ensure that you're using proper syntax and valid package specification in your conda yaml

  • See package match specifications and how to create a conda file manually
  • Communications error

    This issue can happen when there's a failure in communicating with the entity from which you wish to download packages listed in your conda specification.

    Potential causes:

  • Failed to communicate with a conda channel or a package repository
  • These failures may be due to transient network failures
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Ensure that the conda channels/repositories you're using in your conda specification are correct

  • Check that they exist and that you've spelled them correctly
  • If the conda channels/repositories are correct

  • Try to rebuild the image--there's a chance that the failure is transient, and a rebuild might fix the issue
  • Check to make sure that the packages listed in your conda specification exist in the channels/repositories you specified
  • Compile error

    This issue can happen when there's a failure building a package required for the conda environment due to a compiler error.

    Potential causes:

  • You spelled a package incorrectly and therefore it wasn't recognized
  • There's something wrong with the compiler
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    If you're using a compiler

  • Ensure that the compiler you're using is recognized
  • If needed, add an installation step to your Dockerfile
  • Verify the version of your compiler and check that all commands or options you're using are compatible with the compiler version
  • If necessary, upgrade your compiler version
  • Ensure that you've spelled all listed packages correctly and that you've pinned versions correctly


  • Dockerfile reference on running commands
  • Example compiler issue
  • Missing command

    This issue can happen when a command isn't recognized during an image build or in the specified Python package requirement.

    Potential causes:

  • You didn't spell the command correctly
  • The command can't be executed because a required package isn't installed
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the command correctly
  • Ensure that you've installed any packages needed to execute the command you're trying to perform
  • If needed, add an installation step to your Dockerfile
  • Resources

  • Dockerfile reference on running commands
  • Conda timeout

    This issue can happen when conda package resolution takes too long to complete.

    Potential causes:

  • There's a large number of packages listed in your conda specification and unnecessary packages are included
  • You haven't pinned your dependencies (you included tensorflow instead of tensorflow=2.8)
  • You've listed packages for which there's no solution (you included package X=1.3 and Y=2.8, but X's version is incompatible with Y's version)
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Remove any packages from your conda specification that are unnecessary
  • Pin your packages--environment resolution is faster
  • If you're still having issues, review this article for an in-depth look at understanding and improving conda's performance
  • Out of memory

    This issue can happen when conda package resolution fails due to available memory being exhausted.

    Potential causes:

  • There's a large number of packages listed in your conda specification and unnecessary packages are included
  • You haven't pinned your dependencies (you included tensorflow instead of tensorflow=2.8)
  • You've listed packages for which there's no solution (you included package X=1.3 and Y=2.8, but X's version is incompatible with Y's version)
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Remove any packages from your conda specification that are unnecessary
  • Pin your packages--environment resolution is faster
  • If you're still having issues, review this article for an in-depth look at understanding and improving conda's performance
  • Package not found

    This issue can happen when one or more conda packages listed in your specification can't be found in a channel/repository.

    Potential causes:

  • You listed the package's name or version incorrectly in your conda specification
  • The package exists in a conda channel that you didn't list in your conda specification
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the package correctly and that the specified version exists
  • Ensure that the package exists on the channel you're targeting
  • Ensure that you've listed the channel/repository in your conda specification so the package can be pulled correctly during package resolution
  • Specify channels in your conda specification:

      - conda-forge
      - anaconda
      - python=3.8
      - tensorflow=2.8
    Name: my_environment


  • Managing channels
  • Missing Python module

    This issue can happen when a Python module listed in your conda specification doesn't exist or isn't valid.

    Potential causes:

  • You spelled the module incorrectly
  • The module isn't recognized
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the module correctly and that it exists
  • Check to make sure that the module is compatible with the Python version you've specified in your conda specification
  • If you haven't listed a specific Python version in your conda specification, make sure to list a specific version that's compatible with your module otherwise a default may be used that isn't compatible
  • Pin a Python version that's compatible with the pip module you're using:

      - conda-forge
      - anaconda
      - python=3.8
      - pip:
        - dataclasses
    Name: my_environment

    No matching distribution

    This issue can happen when there's no package found that matches the version you specified.

    Potential causes:

  • You spelled the package name incorrectly
  • The package and version can't be found on the channels or feeds that you specified
  • The version you specified doesn't exist
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the package correctly and that it exists
  • Ensure that the version you specified for the package exists
  • Ensure that you've specified the channel from which the package will be installed. If you don't specify a channel, defaults are used and those defaults may or may not have the package you're looking for
  • How to list channels in a conda yaml specification:

      - conda-forge
      - anaconda
      - python = 3.8
      - tensorflow = 2.8
    Name: my_environment


  • Managing channels
  • Can't build mpi4py

    This issue can happen when building wheels for mpi4py fails.

    Potential causes:

  • Requirements for a successful mpi4py installation aren't met
  • There's something wrong with the method you've chosen to install mpi4py
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Ensure that you have a working MPI installation (preference for MPI-3 support and for MPI built with shared/dynamic libraries)

  • See mpi4py installation
  • If needed, follow these steps on building MPI
  • Ensure that you're using a compatible python version

  • Azure Machine Learning requires Python 2.5 or 3.5+, but Python 3.7+ is recommended
  • See mpi4py installation
  • Resources

  • mpi4py installation
  • Interactive auth was attempted

    This issue can happen when pip attempts interactive authentication during package installation.

    Potential causes:

  • You've listed a package that requires authentication, but you haven't provided credentials
  • During the image build, pip tried to prompt you to authenticate which failed the build because you can't provide interactive authentication during a build
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Provide authentication via workspace connections

    Applies to: Python SDK v1

    from azureml.core import Workspace
    ws = Workspace.from_config()
    ws.set_connection("connection1", "PythonFeed", "<URL>", "Basic", "{'Username': '<username>', 'Password': '<password>'}")

    Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2

    Create a workspace connection from a YAML specification file

    az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace


  • Python SDK v1 workspace connections
  • Python SDK v2 workspace connections
  • Azure CLI workspace connections
  • Forbidden blob

    This issue can happen when an attempt to access a blob in a storage account is rejected.

    Potential causes:

  • The authorization method you're using to access the storage account is invalid
  • You're attempting to authorize via shared access signature (SAS), but the SAS token is expired or invalid
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Read the following to understand how to authorize access to blob data in the Azure portal

    Read the following to understand how to authorize access to data in Azure storage

    Read the following if you're interested in using SAS to access Azure storage resources

    Horovod build

    This issue can happen when the conda environment fails to be created or updated because horovod failed to build.

    Potential causes:

  • Horovod installation requires other modules that you haven't installed
  • Horovod installation requires certain libraries that you haven't included
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Many issues could cause a horovod failure, and there's a comprehensive list of them in horovod's documentation

  • Review the horovod troubleshooting guide
  • Review your Build log to see if there's an error message that surfaced when horovod failed to build
  • It's possible that the horovod troubleshooting guide explains the problem you're encountering, along with a solution
  • Resources

  • horovod installation
  • Conda command not found

    This issue can happen when the conda command isn't recognized during conda environment creation or update.

    Potential causes:

  • You haven't installed conda in the base image you're using
  • You haven't installed conda via your Dockerfile before you try to execute the conda command
  • You haven't included conda in your path, or you haven't added it to your path
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Ensure that you have a conda installation step in your Dockerfile before trying to execute any conda commands

  • Review this list of conda installers to determine what you need for your scenario
  • If you've tried installing conda and are experiencing this issue, ensure that you've added conda to your path

  • Review this example for guidance
  • Review how to set environment variables in a Dockerfile
  • Resources

  • All available conda distributions are found in the conda repository
  • Incompatible Python version

    This issue can happen when there's a package specified in your conda environment that isn't compatible with your specified Python version.

    Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Use a different version of the package that's compatible with your specified Python version

    Alternatively, use a different version of Python that's compatible with the package you've specified

  • If you're changing your Python version, use a version that's supported and that isn't nearing its end-of-life soon
  • See Python end-of-life dates
  • Resources

  • Python documentation by version
  • Conda bare redirection

    This issue can happen when you've specified a package on the command line using "<" or ">" without using quotes. This syntax can cause conda environment creation or update to fail.

    Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Add quotes around the package specification

  • For example, change conda install -y pip<=20.1.1 to conda install -y "pip<=20.1.1"
  • UTF-8 decoding error

    This issue can happen when there's a failure decoding a character in your conda specification. 

    Potential causes:

  • Your conda YAML file contains characters that aren't compatible with UTF-8.
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Pip issues during build

    Failed to install packages

    This issue can happen when your image build fails during Python package installation.

    Potential causes:

  • There are many issues that could cause this error
  • This message is generic and is surfaced when Azure Machine Learning analysis doesn't yet cover the error you're encountering
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Review your Build log for more information on your image build failure

    Leave feedback for the Azure Machine Learning team to analyze the error you're experiencing

  • File a problem or suggestion
  • Can't uninstall package

    This issue can happen when pip fails to uninstall a Python package that the operating system's package manager installed.

    Potential causes:

  • An existing pip problem or a problematic pip version
  • An issue arising from not using an isolated environment
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Read the following and determine if an existing pip problem caused your failure

  • Can't uninstall while creating Docker image
  • pip 10 disutils partial uninstall issue
  • pip 10 no longer uninstalls disutils packages
  • Try the following

    pip install --ignore-installed [package]

    Try creating a separate environment using conda

    Invalid operator

    This issue can happen when pip fails to install a Python package due to an invalid operator found in the requirement.

    Potential causes:

  • There's an invalid operator found in the Python package requirement
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the package correctly and that the specified version exists
  • Ensure that your package version specifier is formatted correctly and that you're using valid comparison operators. See Version specifiers
  • Replace the invalid operator with the operator recommended in the error message
  • No matching distribution

    This issue can happen when there's no package found that matches the version you specified.

    Potential causes:

  • You spelled the package name incorrectly
  • The package and version can't be found on the channels or feeds that you specified
  • The version you specified doesn't exist
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the package correctly and that it exists
  • Ensure that the version you specified for the package exists
  • Run pip install --upgrade pip and then run the original command again
  • Ensure the pip you're using can install packages for the desired Python version. See Should I use pip or pip3?
  • Resources

  • Running Pip
  • Installing Python Modules
  • Invalid wheel filename

    This issue can happen when you've specified a wheel file incorrectly.

    Potential causes:

  • You spelled the wheel filename incorrectly or used improper formatting
  • The wheel file you specified can't be found
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the filename correctly and that it exists
  • Ensure that you're following the format for wheel filenames
  • Make issues

    No targets specified and no makefile found

    This issue can happen when you haven't specified any targets and no makefile is found when running make.

    Potential causes:

  • Makefile doesn't exist in the current directory
  • No targets are specified
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that you've spelled the makefile correctly
  • Ensure that the makefile exists in the current directory
  • If you have a custom makefile, specify it using make -f custommakefile
  • Specify targets in the makefile or in the command line
  • Configure your build and generate a makefile
  • Ensure that you've formatted your makefile correctly and that you've used tabs for indentation
  • Resources

  • GNU Make
  • Copy issues

    File not found

    This issue can happen when Docker fails to find and copy a file.

    Potential causes:

  • Source file not found in Docker build context
  • Source file excluded by .dockerignore
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that the source file exists in the Docker build context
  • Ensure that the source and destination paths exist and are spelled correctly
  • Ensure that the source file isn't listed in the .dockerignore of the current and parent directories
  • Remove any trailing comments from the same line as the COPY command
  • Resources

  • Docker COPY
  • Docker Build Context
  • Apt-Get Issues

    Failed to run apt-get command

    This issue can happen when apt-get fails to run.

    Potential causes:

  • Network connection issue, which could be temporary
  • Broken dependencies related to the package you're running apt-get on
  • You don't have the correct permissions to use the apt-get command
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Check your network connection and DNS settings
  • Run apt-get check to check for broken dependencies
  • Run apt-get update and then run your original command again
  • Run the command with the -f flag, which will try to resolve the issue coming from the broken dependencies
  • Run the command with sudo permissions, such as sudo apt-get install <package-name>
  • Resources

  • Package management with APT
  • Ubuntu Apt-Get
  • What to do when apt-get fails
  • apt-get command in Linux with Examples
  • Docker push issues

    Failed to store Docker image

    This issue can happen when there's a failure in pushing a Docker image to a container registry.

    Potential causes:

  • A transient issue has occurred with the ACR associated with the workspace
  • A container registry behind a virtual network is using a private endpoint in an unsupported region
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from the UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    Retry the environment build if you suspect the failure is a transient issue with the workspace's Azure Container Registry (ACR)

    If your container registry is behind a virtual network or is using a private endpoint in an unsupported region

  • Configure the container registry by using the service endpoint (public access) from the portal and retry
  • After you put the container registry behind a virtual network, run the Azure Resource Manager template so the workspace can communicate with the container registry instance
  • If you aren't using a virtual network, or if you've configured it correctly, test that your credentials are correct for your ACR by attempting a simple local build

  • Get credentials for your workspace ACR from the Azure portal
  • Log in to your ACR using docker login <myregistry.azurecr.io> -u "username" -p "password"
  • For an image "helloworld", test pushing to your ACR by running docker push helloworld
  • See Quickstart: Build and run a container image using Azure Container Registry Tasks
  • Unknown Docker command

    Unknown Docker instruction

    This issue can happen when Docker doesn't recognize an instruction in the Dockerfile.

    Potential causes:

  • Unknown Docker instruction being used in Dockerfile
  • Your Dockerfile contains invalid syntax
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that the Docker command is valid and spelled correctly
  • Ensure there's a space between the Docker command and arguments
  • Ensure there's no unnecessary whitespace in the Dockerfile
  • Ensure Dockerfile is formatted correctly and is encoded in UTF-8
  • Resources

  • Dockerfile reference
  • Command Not Found

    Command not recognized

    This issue can happen when the command being run isn't recognized.

    Potential causes:

  • You haven't installed the command via your Dockerfile before you try to execute the command
  • You haven't included the command in your path, or you haven't added it to your path
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps Ensure that you have an installation step for the command in your Dockerfile before trying to execute the command

  • Review this example
  • If you've tried installing the command and are experiencing this issue, ensure that you've added the command to your path

  • Review this example
  • Review how to set environment variables in a Dockerfile
  • Miscellaneous build issues

    Build log unavailable

    Potential causes:

  • Azure Machine Learning isn't authorized to store your build logs in your storage account
  • A transient error occurred while saving your build logs
  • A system error occurred before an image build was triggered
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • A successful build, but no available logs.
  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because Azure Machine Learning implicitly builds the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

    A rebuild may fix the issue if it's transient

    Image not found

    This issue can happen when the base image you specified can't be found.

    Potential causes:

  • You specified the image incorrectly
  • The image you specified doesn't exist in the registry you specified
  • Affected areas (symptoms):

  • Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
  • Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
  • Troubleshooting steps

  • Ensure that the base image is spelled and formatted correctly
  • Ensure that the base image you're using exists in the registry you specified
  • Resources

  • Azure Machine Learning base images