I am getting this TypeError while posting data to mongodb using nodejs and express , I don ' t understand why I am geeting this error..! please help..!
exports.votes = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
* 1. get the poll from db
* 2. check if the user already exists in any option
* 3. if user has already selected any option do nothing
* 4. if user has selected any other option remove from that option
* 5. if user does not exist in any option, insert his user id to selected option
const { pollId } = req.params;
let { userId, answer } = req.body;
// get selected poll from db
const poll = await Poll.findById(pollId);
if (answer && poll) {
answer = answer.toLowerCase();
///Finf the Poll
let existingVote = null;
Object.keys(poll.options).forEach((option) => {
// loop on all options, check if the user already exists in any option
if (poll.options[option].includes(userId)) {
existingVote = option;
if (existingVote == null) {
// if there is no existing vote save it to db
try {
const push = {};
push[`options.${answer}`] = userId;
const update = await Poll.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ $push: push },
{ upsert: true }
} catch (err) {
error.status = 400;
} else if (existingVote && existingVote.length > 0) {
// check if answer is same as previous, if yes send not modified
if (existingVote.toLowerCase() === answer.toLowerCase()) {
res.status(304).send("Response already saved");
} else {
// delete the previous response and save it in new
Array.isArray(poll.options[existingVote]) &&
poll.options[existingVote].length > 0
// TODO: filtering this is not returning array but 1
poll.options[existingVote] = poll.options[existingVote].filter(
(vote) => vote != userId
poll.options[answer] = poll.options[answer].push(userId);
const update = await Poll.findByIdAndUpdate(pollId, {
$set: { options: poll.options },
} else {
error = {
status: 500,
message: "Something went wrong",
} else {
error = {
status: 404,
message: "Poll not found",
} catch (error) {
error.status = 400;
but whenever I posting data to POSTMAN got no error so why is that
https://i.stack.imgur.com/LZLwb.png [ ^ ]
here is my React code --> please chack- here whenever handalchange work I am getting all the console.log but nodemon crash and get { TypeError: poll.options[option].includes is not a function } so please help..!

import React, { useState, useEffect } from " react" ; import Poll from " react-polls" ; import " ../../styles.css" ; import { isAutheticated } from " ../../auth/helper/index" ; import { getPolls, postPoll } from " ../helper/coreapicalls" ; import axios from " axios" ; import { API } from " ../../backend" ; const MainPoll = () => { const userId = isAutheticated() && isAutheticated().user._id; const [polls, setPoll] = useState([]); const [error, seterror] = useState( false ); useEffect(() => { loadPoll(); }, []); const loadPoll = () => { getPolls().then((data) => { if (data.error) { seterror(data.error); } else { setPoll(data); console.log(data); // Handling user vote // Increments the votes count of answer when the user votes const handalchange = async (pollId, userId, answer) => { console.log(pollId); console.log(userId); // getting console.log(answer); // getting await axios.post(`${API}/vote/${pollId}`, { userId, answer }); // postPoll(pollId, { userId, vote }).then(() => { // loadPoll(); // }); return ( <div className= " " > <div className= " container my-5" > <h1 className= " blog_heading my-3" >Poll ' s of the Day</h1> <div className="row"> {polls.reverse().map((poll, index) => ( <div className="col-lg-4 col-12 poll_border" key={index}> noStorage question={poll.question} answers={Object.keys(poll.options).map((key) => { return { option: key, votes: poll.options[key].length, onVote={ (answer) => handalchange(poll._id, userId, answer, console.log(answer)) // getting vote className="mb-2" export default MainPoll; What I have tried:
I don't understand what goes worng reactjs code or nodejs code..! Array.prototype.includes requires Node 6 .
Node.js: "Array.includes is not a function" error : learnjavascript [ ^ ]
Below thread has solution for lower versions
javascript - Array.prototype.includes on Node js versions <= 4 - Stack Overflow [ ^ ]
Did you check those links?
If your nodejs version is less than 6, your current code won't work.
2nd link says polyfill & indexOf is alternative for includes so try if (poll.options[option].indexOf(userId) !== -1)

Check the link for polyfill sample.

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