* 农业工程( 0828

Agricultural Engineering

* 农业机械化工程( 082801

Agricultural Mechanization Engineering

* 农业水土工程( 082802

Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering

* 农业生物环境与能源工程( 082803

Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering

# 环境科学与工程( 0830

Environmental Science and Engineering

环境科学( 083001

Environmental Science

环境工程( 083002

Environmental Engineering

# 食品科学与工程( 0832

Food Science and Engineering

食品科学( 083201

Food Science

粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程( 083202

Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering

农产品加工及贮藏工程( 083203

Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products

农产品加工装备( 0832Z1

Agricultural Products Processing Equipment

* 作物学( 0901

Crop Science

* 作物栽培学与耕作学( 090101

Crop Cultivation and Farming System

* 作物遗传育种( 090102

Crop Genetics and Breeding

* 作物种质资源学( 0901Z1

Crop Germplasm Resources

* 农产品质量与食物安全( 0901Z2

Agricultural Product Quality and Food Safety

* 药用植物资源学( 0901Z3

Science of Medicinal Plant Resources

* 农产品加工利用( 0901Z4

Agricultural Product Processing and Utilization

* 园艺学( 0902


* 果树学( 090201


* 蔬菜学( 090202


* 茶学( 090203

Tea Science

* 观赏园艺( 0902Z1

Ornamental Horticulture

* 农业资源与环境( 0903

Agricultural Resource and Environment Science

* 土壤学( 090301

Soil Science

* 植物营养学( 090302

Plant Nutrition

* 农业水资源与环境( 0903Z1

Agricultural Water Resource and Its Environment

* 农业遥感( 0903Z2

Agricultural Remote Sensing

* 农业环境学( 0903Z3

Agricultural Environmental Sciences

* 植物保护( 0904

Plant Protection

* 植物病理学( 090401

Plant Pathology

* 农业昆虫与害虫防治( 090402

Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control

* 农药学( 090403

Pesticide Science

* 杂草学( 0904Z1

Weed Science

* 入侵生物学( 0904Z2

Invasion Biology

* 转基因生物安全学( 0904Z3

GMO Safety

* 生物防治学( 0904Z4

Biological Control

* 畜牧学( 0905

Animal Science

* 动物遗传育种与繁殖( 090501

Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Science

* 动物营养与饲料科学( 090502

Animal Nutrition and Feed Science

* 特种经济动物饲养( 090504

The Rearing of Special-type Economic Animals

* 畜禽环境科学与工程( 0905Z1

Animal Environment Engineering

* 兽医学( 0906

Veterinary Medicine

* 基础兽医学( 090601

Basic Veterinary Medicine

* 预防兽医学( 090602

Preventive Veterinary Medicine

* 临床兽医学( 090603

Clinical Veterinary Medicine

* 中兽医学( 0906Z1

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

* 兽药学( 0906Z2

Veterinary Pharmacy

林学( 0907


野生动植物保护与利用( 090705

Wildlife Conservation and Utilization

# 水产( 0908

Fisheries Science

* 草学( 0909

Grassland Science

# 管理科学与工程( 1201

Management Science and Engineering

* 农林经济管理( 1203

Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management

* 农业经济管理( 120301

Agricultural Economics & Management

* 农业技术经济( 1203Z3

Agritechnical Economics

* 农业信息管理( 1203Z4

Agricultural Information Management

* 产业经济( 1203Z5

Industrial Economics

* 农业信息分析学( 1203Z6

Agricultural Information Analysis

* 信息技术与数字农业( 99J1

Information Technology and Digital Agriculture

* 区域发展( 99J2

Regional Development

* 农业 合成 生物 学( 99J3

Agricultural S ynthetic B iology

注:①带 * 为博士学位授权学科,带#为硕士学位授权一级学科。


