An accelerator is a modern equipment that artificially provides a variety of high-energy particle beams or radiation. This is the experimental basis for the research of nuclear physics, while nuclear physics is the scientific and theoretical basis for the development of nuclear programs; therefore, the construction of accelerators is of great significance to Soviet nuclear program. From 1932 to 1957, Soviets have done a lot of work in the fields of the construction of accelerators. Under the scientific leadership of the Radium Institute, Leningrad Physico-technical Institute, Laboratory No. 2, Hydrotechnical Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Electro-physical Laboratory and other institutions, it has roughly gone through four stages: beginning, recovery, strengthening and "surpassing". Soviets built a few accelerators, which formed the experimental basis of nuclear physics. It promoted the development of nuclear physics, ensured the running of Soviet nuclear program, made and improved nuclear weapons and thermonuclear weapons, and strengthened national defense of Soviet Union.

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