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it is possible to launch a function at a specified time:
setTimeout(function, 60000);
But what if I would like to launch the function multiple times? Every time a time interval passes, I would like to execute the function (every 60 seconds, let's say).
If you don't care if the code within the timer
may take longer than your interval, use setInterval()
setInterval(function, delay)
That fires the function passed in as first parameter over and over.
A better approach is, to use setTimeout
along with a self-executing anonymous
// do some stuff
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 60000);
that guarantees, that the next call is not made before your code was executed. I used arguments.callee
in this example as function reference. It's a better way to give the function a name and call that within setTimeout
because arguments.callee
is deprecated in ecmascript 5.
A better use of jAndy's answer to implement a polling function that polls every interval
seconds, and ends after timeout
function pollFunc(fn, timeout, interval) {
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
interval = interval || 1000;
(function p() {
if (((new Date).getTime() - startTime ) <= timeout) {
setTimeout(p, interval);
pollFunc(sendHeartBeat, 60000, 1000);
As per the comment, updating it for the ability of the passed function to stop the polling:
function pollFunc(fn, timeout, interval) {
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
interval = interval || 1000,
canPoll = true;
(function p() {
canPoll = ((new Date).getTime() - startTime ) <= timeout;
if (!fn() && canPoll) { // ensures the function exucutes
setTimeout(p, interval);
pollFunc(sendHeartBeat, 60000, 1000);
function sendHeartBeat(params) {
if (receivedData) {
// no need to execute further
return true; // or false, change the IIFE inside condition accordingly.
/// call your function here
}, 6000); // Change Interval here to test. For eg: 5000 for 5 sec
<script src=""></script>
<div id="random_no_container">
Hello. Here you can see random numbers after every 6 sec
You can simply call setTimeout at the end of the function. This will add it again to the event queue. You can use any kind of logic to vary the delay values. For example,
function multiStep() {
// do some work here
var newtime = 60000;
if (!requestStop) {
setTimeout(multiStep, newtime);
A good example where to subscribe a setInterval()
, and use a clearInterval()
to stop the forever loop:
function myTimer() {
var timer = setInterval(myTimer, 5000);
call this line to stop the loop:
var intervalPromise;
$scope.startTimer = function(fn, delay, timeoutTime) {
intervalPromise = $interval(function() {
var currentTime = new Date().getTime() - $scope.startTime;
if (currentTime > timeoutTime){
}, delay);
$scope.startTimer(hello, 2000, 10000);
setInterval(() => {
const rndCol = 'rgb(' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ')';//rgb value (0-255,0-255,0-255) = rndCol;
}, 1000);
<script src="test.js"></script>
it changes background color in every 1 second (written as 1000 in JS)
// checkEach(1000, () => {
// if(!canIDoWorkNow()) {
// return true // try again after 1 second
// }
// doWork()
// })
export function checkEach(milliseconds, fn) {
const timer = setInterval(
() => {
try {
const retry = fn()
if (retry !== true) {
} catch (e) {
throw e
here we console natural number 0 to ......n (next number print in console every 60 sec.) , using setInterval()
var count = 0;
function abc(){
count ++;
I see that it wasn't mentioned here if you need to pass a parameter to your function on repeat setTimeout(myFunc(myVal), 60000);
will cause an error of calling function before the previous call is completed.
Therefore, you can pass the parameter like
setTimeout(function () {
}, 60000)
For more detailed information you can see the JavaScript garden.
Hope it helps somebody.
I favour calling a function that contains a loop function that calls a setTimeout
on itself at regular intervals.
function timer(interval = 1000) {
function loop(count = 1) {
setTimeout(loop, interval, ++count);