姓 名:陈威
1992.09—1994.07 南开大学环境科学系环境化学专业,攻读硕士学位。
1994.09—1997.05 美国Rice大学环境科学与工程系,获硕士学位。
1997.06—1999.09 美国Rice大学环境科学与工程系,获博士学位。
2004.02—至今 南开大学环境科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师。
2004.02—至今 美国Rice大学土木与环境工程系,客座教授。
2004.02—至今 讲授《土壤与地下水污染和修复》等课程
1) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 副主编
2) Environmental Science & Technology , 顾问编委
3) Environmental Science: Nano , 顾问编委
4) Science of the Total Environment , 编委
5) Journal of Environmental Sciences , 编委
6) 《化学学报》,编委
7) 《环境化学》,编委
8) 中国化学会环境化学专业委员会,副主任委员
9) 中国环境科学学会土壤与地下水环境专业委员会,委员
10) 中国地理学会环境地理专业委员会,委员
11)Management committee of International Water Association (IWA) “Nano and Water” specialist group, member科研项目
1) 《污染场地中持久性有机污染物的积累效应和健康风险研究及预测模型建立》,国家重点研发计划 “ 场地土壤污染成因与治理技术 ” 重点专项课题 2 ,“持久性有机污染物在污染场地土壤和地下含水层中的迁移过程及主控因子”( 2019YFC1804202 ), 353 万元, 2020/01—2023/12 。
2) 《纳米塑料对有机污染物在饱和多孔介质中运移的影响机制研究》,国家自然科学基金面上项目( 21876089 ), 65 万元, 2019/01—2022/12 。
3) 《有机污染物环境界面化学》,国家杰出青年科学基金( 21425729 ), 400 万元, 2015/01—2019/12 。
4) 《人工纳米材料在环境中的迁移、转化和归趋研究》,国家重点基础研究发展计划( 973 计划)项目《典型人工纳米材料的水环境过程、生物效应及其调控研究》课题 1 ( 2014CB932001 ), 464 万元, 2014/01—2018/12 。
5) 《 人工纳米材料对水环境中有机污染物界面过程的影响机制研究 》,国家自然科学基金重点项目( 21237002 ), 300 万元, 2013/01—2017/12 。
6) 《 稳定碳纳米颗粒悬浮物对于有机污染物在饱和多孔介质中运移行为的影响 》,国家自然科学基金面上项目( 21177063 ), 70 万元, 2012/01—2015/12 。
7) 《 极性有机污染物与碳基纳米材料的特殊作用对不可逆吸附的影响 》,国家自然科学基金面上项目( 20977050 ), 36 万元, 2010/01—2012/12 。
8) 《 利用新型纳米技术去除饮用水中藻毒素和内分泌干扰物的研究》, 教育部高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目( 708020 ), 40 万元, 2009/01—2011/12 。
9) 《 水体沉积物环境质量基准及原位修复关键技术研究》,国际科技合作项目 ( 2009DFA91910 ), 100 万元, 2009/01—2010/12 。
10) 《大沽排污河 污染河道原位修复 技术集成及应用》,天津市科技创新专项资金项目课题 2 ( 08FDZDSF03400 ), 300 万元, 2008/10—2010/12 。
11) 《油田区石油污染土壤生态修复技术与示范》,国家高技术研究发展计划 ( 863 计 划)重点项目 ( 2007AA061200 ), 684 万元, 2007/07—2010/12 。
12) 《天津地区土壤中典型有机污染物环境标准与污染控制技术研究》,天津市科技发展计划科技创新能力与环境建设平台项目( 06TXTJJC14000 ), 100 万元, 2006/07—2009/06 。
13) 《土壤中被锁定有机污染物的反应活性》,国家自然科学基金面上项目( 20577024 ), 26 万元, 2006/01—2008/12 。
14) 《土壤和沉积物中持久性有机污染物的生物可利用性》,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目( 20407013 ), 25 万元, 2005/01—2007/12 。
1) Shen, Zelin; Zhang, Zhanhua; Li, Tong; Yao, Qingqian; Zhang, Tong; Chen, Wei . 2020, “ Facet-Dependent Adsorption and Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter on Crystalline Metal Oxide Nanoparticles ,” Environmental Science & Technology , in press .
2) Li, Tong; Zhong, Wen; Jing, Chuanyong; Li, Xuguang, Zhang, Tong ; Jiang, Chuanjia; Chen, Wei. 2020, “ Enhanced Hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate by Iron (Hydr)oxide Nanoparticles: Roles of Exposed Facets ,” Environmental Science & Technology , in press .
3) Yu,Qilin; Wu,Guizhu; Zhang, Tong; Zhao, Xudong; Zhou, Zhen; Liu, Lu; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2020, “Targeting specific cell organelles with different-faceted nanocrystals that are selectively recognized by organelle-targeting peptides,” Chemical Communications , in press.
4) Ma, Pengkun; Chen, Wei. 2020, “Sulfide Reduction Can Significantly Enhance Transport of Biochar Fine Particles in Saturated Porous Medium ,” Environmental Pollution , 263, 114445.
5) Qi, Yu; Zhang, Tong ; Jing, Chuanyong; Liu, Sijin; Zhang, Chengdong; Alvarez, Pedro ; Chen, Wei. 2020, “ Nanocrystal Facet Modulation to Enhance Transferrin Binding and Delivery into Cancer Cells ,” Nature Communications , in press .
6) Wang, Fanfan; Xinlei Liu, Xuguang Li, Chuanjia Jiang ; Zhang, Tong ; Chen, Wei. 2020, “ Sulfide and ferrous iron preferentially target specific surface O-functional groups of graphene oxide: Implications for accumulation of contaminants,” Environmental Science: Nano , 7, 462–471 .
7) Du, Tingting; Shi, Guoliang; Liu, Fangfei; Zhang, Tong ; Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Sulfidation of Ag and ZnO Nanomaterials Significantly Affects Protein Corona Composition: Implications for Human Exposure to Environmentally Aged Nanomaterials,” Environmental Science & Technology , 53, 24 , 14296 − 14307 .
8) Pei, Xule; Jiang, Chuanjia; Chen, Wei. 2019, “Enhanced hydrolysis of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane by multi-walled carbon nanotube/TiO 2 nanocomposites: the synergistic effect ,” Environmental Pollution , 255, 1, 113211.
9) Liu, Xinlei; Ouyang, Wanyue; Tian, Yingze; Feng, Yinchang; Zhang, Tong; Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Incorporating bioaccessibility into health risk assessment of heavy metals in particulate matter originated from different sources of atmospheric pollution,” Environmental Pollution , 254, B, 113113.
10) Du, Tingting; Adeleye, Adeyemi; Zhang, Tong; Yang, Nan; Hao, Rongjie; Li, Yao; Song, Weihua; Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Effects of ozone and produced hydroxyl radical on the transformation of graphene oxide in aqueous media ,” Environmental Science: Nano , 6, 8, 2484 − 2494 .
11) Liu, Jin; Zhang, Tong; Tian, Lili; Liu, Xinlei; Qi, Zhichong; Ma, Yini; Ji, Rong; Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Aging Significantly Affects Mobility and Contaminant-mobilizing Ability of Nanoplastics in Saturated Loamy Sand,” Environmental Science & Technology , 53, 10, 5805 − 5815 .
12) Li, Tong; Shen, Zelin; Shu, Yiling; Li, Xuguang; Jiang, Chuanjia; Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Facet-dependent evolution of surface defects in anatase TiO 2 by thermal treatment: implications for environmental applications of photocatalysis ,” Environmental Science: Nano , 6 , 1740–1753. (Hot article)
13) Qi, Yu; Chen, Wenshan; Liu, Fangfei; Liu, Jing; Zhang, Tong ;Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Aggregation morphology is a key factor determining protein adsorption on graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nanomaterials ,” Environmental Science: Nano , 6 , 5,1303 – 1309 .
14) Xia, Tianjiao; Ma, Pengkun; Qi, Yu; Zhu, Lingyan; Qi, Zhichong; Chen, Wei. 2019, “Transport and Retention of Reduced Graphene Oxide Materials in Saturated Porous Media: Synergistic Effects of Enhanced Attachment and Particle Aggregation ,” Environmental Pollution , 247, 383 – 391.
15) Qi, Zhichong; Du, Tingting; Ma, Pengkun; Liu, Fangfei; Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Transport of Graphene Oxide in Saturated Quartz Sand Containing Iron Oxides ,” Science of the Total Environment , 657, 1450 – 1459 .
16) Liu, Xinlei; Ji, Rong; Shi, Yu; Wang, Fang; Chen, Wei. 2019, “ Release of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Biochar Fine Particles in Simulated Lung Fluids: Implications for Bioavailability and Risks of Airborne Aromatics,” Science of the Total Environment , 655, 1159–1168 .
17) Wang, Qianwu; Zhou, Huaxi ; Liu, Xinlei ; Li, Tong; Jiang, Chuanjia; Song, Weihua;Chen, Wei. 2018, “ Facet-dependent Generation of Superoxide Radical Anions by ZnO Nanomaterials under Simulated Solar Light ,” Environmental Science: Nano , 5, 2864–2875 .
18) Duan, Lin; Zhang, Tong; Song, Weihua; Jiang, Chuanjia, Hou, Yan; Zhao, Weilu; Chen, Wei, Alvarez, Pedro. 2018, “ Photolysis of Graphene Oxide in the Presence of Nitrate: Implications for Graphene Oxide Integrity in Water and Wastewater Treatment ,” Environmental Science: Nano , 6 , 136 - 145 .
19) Zhao, Huiru; Zhang, Chengdong; Wang, Yaqi; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2018, “Self-Damaging Aerobic Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Escherichia coli: Role of GO-Mediated Extracellular Superoxide Formation,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 21, 12783−12791.
20) Sigmund, Gabriel; Jiang, Chuanjia; Hofmann, Thilo; Chen, Wei. 2018, “Environmental Transformation of Natural and Engineered Carbon Nanoparticles and Implications for the Fate of Organic Contaminants,” Environmental Science: Nano , 5, 2500 − 2518.
21) Du, Tingting; Adeleye, Adeyemi; Zhang, Tong; Jiang, Chuanjia; Zhang, Min; Wang, Huihui; Li, Yao; Keller, Arturo A.; Chen, Wei. 2018, “ Influence of Light Wavelength on the Photoactivity, Physicochemical Transformation, and Fate of Graphene Oxide in Aqueous Media, ” Environmental Science: Nano , 5, 11, 2590 − 2603.
22) Liu, Sijin; Lv, Yonglong; Chen, Wei . 2018, “ Bridge Knowledge Gaps in Environmental Health and Safety for Sustainable Development of Nano-industries ,” Nano Today , 23, 11-15 .
23) Zhang, Ping; Zhang, Nan; Li, Zhejun; Yean, Sujin; Li, Hualin; Shipley, Heather; Kan, Amy; Chen, Wei; Tomson, Mason . 2018, “ Identification of a New High-molecular-weight Fe-citrate Species at Low Citrate-to-Fe Molar Ratios: Impact on Arsenic Removal with Ferric Hydroxide ,” Chemosphere , 212, 50 − 55 .
24) Wu, Yakun; Wang, Fanfan; Wang, Shunhao; Ma, Juan; Xu, Ming; Gao, Ming; Liu, Rui; Chen, Wei; Liu, Sijin. 2018, “Reduction of Graphene Oxide Alters Its Cyto-Compatibility Towards Primary and Immortalized Macrophages,” Nanoscale , 10, 14637-14650 .
25) 25) Liu, Yun; Qi, Yu; Yin, Chunyang; Wang, Shunhao; Zhang, Shuping; Xu, An; Chen, Wei; Liu, Sijin. 2018, “Bio-transformation of Graphene Oxide in Lung Fluids Significantly Enhances Its Photothermal Efficacy,”Nanotheranostics, 2(3): 222-232.
26) 26) Guo, Sheng-qi; Zhu, Xiao-he; Zhang, Hai-jun; Gu, Bing-chuan; Chen, Wei; Liu, Lu; Alvarez, Pedro. 2018, “Improving Photocatalytic Water Treatment through Nanocrystal Engineering: Mesoporous Nanosheet-Assembled 3D BiOCl Hierarchical Nanostructures That Induce Unprecedented Large Vacancies,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 12, 6872−6880.
27) 27) Qi, Yu; Liu, Yun; Xia, Tian; Xu, An; Liu, Sijin; Chen, Wei. 2018, “Biotransformation of Graphene Oxide in Lung Fluids Significantly Alters Its Inherent Properties and Bioactivities towards Immune Cells,” NPG Asia Materials , 10: 385–396 .
28) 28) Li, Xuguang; Li, Tong; Zhang, Tong; Gu, Cheng; Zheng, Shourong; Zhang, Haijun; Chen, Wei. 2018, “ Nano-TiO 2 -Catalyzed Dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane: Roles of Crystalline Phase and Exposed Facets,” Environmental Science & Technology , 52(7):4031-4039 .
29) Liu, Jin; Ma, Yini; Zhu, Dongqiang; Xia, Tianjiao; Qi, Yu; Yao, Yao; Guo, Xiaoran ; Ji, Rong; Chen, Wei. 2018, “ Polystyrene Nanoplastics-enhanced Contaminant Transport: Role of Irreversible Adsorption in Glassy Polymeric Domain,” Environmental Science & Technology , 52, 2677 − 2685 .
30) Zhu, Jianqiang; Xu, Ming; Wang, Fanfan; Gao, Ming; Zhang, Zhihong; Xu, Yong ; Chen, Wei; Liu, Sijin. 2018, “ Low-dose exposure of graphene oxide significantly increases metal toxicity to macrophages by altering their cellular priming state ,” Nano Research , 11(8): 4111–4122 .
31) Yu, Qilin; Zhang, Bing; Li, Jianrong; Du, Tingting; Yi, Xiao; Li, Mingchun; Chen, Wei ; Alvarez, Pedro. 2017, “ Graphene oxide significantly inhibits cell growth at sublethal concentrations by causing extracellular iron deficiency,” Nanotoxicology , 11(9-10), 1102-1114 .
32) Zodrow, Katherine; Li, Qilin; Buono, Regina; Chen, Wei; Daigger, Glen; Dueñas-Osorio, Leonardo; Elimelech, Menachem; Huang, Xia; Jiang, Guibin; Kim, Jae-Hong; Logan, Bruce; Sedlak, David; Westerhoff, Paul; Alvarez, Pedro. 2017, “ Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Complex Systems Analyses: Emerging Opportunities to Enhance Urban Water Security,” Environmental Science & Technology , 51, 10274 − 10281 .
33) Geitner, Nicholas; Zhao, Weilu; Ding, Feng; Chen, Wei; Wiesner, Mark. 2017, “ Mechanistic Insights from Discrete Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Pesticide-Nanoparticle Interactions,” Environmental Science & Technology , 51(15):8396-8404 .
34) Wang, Lilin; Zhu, Dongqiang; Chen, Jingwen; Chen, Yongsheng ; Chen, Wei. 2017, “ Enhanced Adsorption of Aromatic Chemicals to Boron and Nitrogen Co-doped Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes ,” Environmental Science: Nano , 4, 558-564.
35) Xia, Tianjiao; Qi, Yu; Liu, Jing; Qi, Zhichong; Chen, Wei; Wiesner, Mark. 2017, “ Cation-Inhibited Transport of Graphene Oxide Nanomaterials in Saturated Porous Media: The Hofmeister Effects,” Environmental Science & Technology , 51 (2), pp 828–837 .
36) Li, Yao; Yang, Nan; Du, Tingting; Xia, Tianjiao; Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Wei. 2016, “ Chloramination of Graphene Oxide Significantly Affects Its Transport Properties in Saturated Porous Media,” NanoImpact , 3-4: 90-95.
37) Lu, Taotao; Xia, Tianjiao; Qi, Yu; Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Wei. 2017, “ Effects of Clay Minerals on Transport of Graphene Oxide in Saturated Porous Media,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 36(3), 655–660 .
38) Hou, Lei; Fortner, John; Wang, Ximeng; Zhang, Chengdong; Wang, Lilin; Chen, Wei. 2017, “ Complex Interplay between Formation Routes and Natural Organic Matter Modification Controls Capabilities of C 60 Nanoparticles ( n C 60 ) to Accumulate Organic Contaminants ,” Journal of Environmental Sciences , 5 1, 315 –323 .
39) Qi, Yu; Xia, Tianjiao; Li, Yao; Duan, Lin ; Chen, Wei. 2016, “ Colloidal Stability of Reduced Graphene Oxide Materials Prepared Using Different Reducing Agents ,” Environmental Science: Nano , 3 , 1062–1071 .
40) Li, Yao; Yang, Nan; Du, Tingting; Wang, Xinzhe; Chen, Wei. 2016, “Transformation of Graphene Oxide by Chlorination and Chloramination: Implications for Environmental Transport and Fate,” Water Research , 103:416-423 .
41) Duan, Lin; Wang, Zhongyuan; Hou, Yan; Wang, Zepeng; Guao, Guandao; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2016, “The Oxidation Capacity of Mn 3 O 4 Nanoparticles is Significantly Enhanced by Anchoring Them onto Reduced Graphene Oxide to Facilitate Regeneration of Surface-Associated Mn(III),” Water Research , 103:101-108.
42) Li, Xuguang; Chen, Weifeng; Zhang, Chengdong; Li, Yao; Wang, Fanfan; Chen, Wei. 2016, “ Enhanced Dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane by Graphene-Based Nanomaterials,” Environmental Pollution , 214:341-348.
43) Xu, Ming; Zhu, Jianqiang; Wang, Fanfan; Xiong,Yunjing; Wu, Yakun; Wang, Qiuquan; Weng, Jian; Zhang, Zhihong; Chen, Wei; Liu, Sijin . 2016, “Improved In Vitro and In Vivo Biocompatibility of Graphene Oxide through Surface Modification: Poly(Acrylic Acid)-Functionalization is Superior to PEGylation,” ACS Nano , .
44) Wang, Fanfan; Duan, Lin; Wang, Fang; Chen, Wei. 2016, “Environmental Reduction of Carbon Nanomaterials Affects Their Capabilities to Accumulate Aromatic Compounds,” NanoImpact , 1:21-28.
45) Liu, Lu; Sun, Mei-Qing; Zhang, Haijun; Yu, Qilin; Li, Mingchun; Qi, Yu; Zhang, Chengdong; Gao, Guandao; Yuan, Ying-Jin; Zhai, Huanhuan; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2016, “Facet Energy and Reactivity versus Cytotoxicity: the Surprising Behavior of CdS Nanorods,” Nano Letters , 16(1):688-694 .
46) Xia, Tianjiao; Fortner, John; Zhu, Dongqiang; Qi, Zhichong; Chen, Wei. 2015, “ Transport of Sulfide-Reduced Graphene Oxide in Saturated Quartz Sand: Cation-Dependent Retention Mechanisms,” Environmental Science & Technology , 49(19): 11468-11475 .
47) Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Silong; Alvarez, Pedro; Chen, Wei. 2015, “Reduced Graphene Oxide Enhances Horseradish Peroxidase Stability by Serving as Radical Scavenger and Redox Mediator,” Carbon , 94, 531–538.
48) Wang, Fanfan; Wang, Fang; Gao, Guandao; Chen, Wei. 2015, “ Transformation of Graphene Oxide by Ferrous Iron: Environmental Implications,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 34 (9), 1975–1982 .
49) Pan, Meilan; Zhang, Haijun; Gao, Guandao; Liu, Lu; Chen, Wei. 2015, “ Facet-Dependent Catalytic Activity of Nanosheets-Assembled BiOI Microspheres in Degradation of Bisphenol A,” Environmental Science & Technology , 49 (10), 6240–6248 .
50) Wang, Fanfan; Wang, Fang; Zhu, Dongqiang; Chen, Wei. 2015, “Effects of Sulfide Reduction on Adsorption Affinities of Colloidal Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles for Phenanthrene and 1-Naphthol,” Environmental Pollution , 196, 371–378.
51) Fu, Heyun; Qu, Xiaolei; Chen, Wei; Zhu, Dongqiang. 2014, “ Transformation and Destabilization of Graphene Oxide in Reducing Aqueous Solutions Containing Sulfide,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 33 (12), 2647–2653 .
52) Qi, Zhichong; Zhang, Lunliang; Chen, Wei. 2014, “Transport of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in Saturated Sandy Soil,” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts , 16 (10), 2268 – 2277 .
53) Qi, Zhichong; Hou, Lei; Zhu, Dongqiang; Ji, Rong; Chen, Wei. 2014, “ Enhanced Transport of Phenanthrene and 1-Naphthol by Colloidal Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in Saturated Soil,” Environmental Science & Technology , 48, 10136–10144.
54) Wang, Bingyu; Chen, Wei; Fu, Heyun; Qu, Xiaolei; Zheng, Shourong; Xu, Zhaoyi; Zhu, Dongqiang. 2014, “Comparison of Adsorption Isotherms of Single-Ringed Compounds between Carbon Nanomaterials and Porous Carbonaceous Materials over Six-Order-of-Magnitude Concentration range,” Carbon , 79, 203 – 212.
55) Chen, Weifeng; Li, Yao; Zhu, Dongqiang; Zheng, Shourong; Chen, Wei. 2014, “ Dehydrochlorination of Activated Carbon-Bound 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane: Implications for Carbonaceous Material-Based Soil/Sediment Remediation ,” Carbon , 78, 578 – 588.
56) Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2014, “Manganese Peroxidase Degrades Pristine but Not Surface-Oxidized (Carboxylated) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes ,” Environmental Science & Technology , 48, 7918–7923.
57) Mauter, Meagan; Alvarez, Pedro; Burton, G. Allen; Cafaro, Diego; Chen, Wei; Gregory, Kelvin; Jiang, Guibin; Li, Qilin; Pittock, Jamie; Reible, Danny; Schnoor, Jerald. 2014, “Regional Variation in Water-Related Impacts of Shale Gas Development and Implications for Emerging International Plays ,” Environmental Science & Technology , 48, 8298–8306.
58) Chen, Weifeng; Zhu, Dongqiang; Zheng, Shourong; Chen, Wei. 2014, “ Catalytic Effects of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on Dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane,” Environmental Science & Technology , 48, 3856 –38 63.
59) Duan, Lin; Li , Lingfang; Xu , Zhu; Chen, Wei. 2014, “ Adsorption of Tetracycline to Nano-NiO: Effect of Co-existing Cu(II) Ion and Environmental Implications ,” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts , 16, 1462–1468 .
60) Liu, L.; Sun, M.; Li, Q.; Zhang, H.; Alvarez, P.; Liu, H.; Chen, W. 2014, “Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of CdS nanomaterials to mice: comparison between nanorods and nanodots ,” Environmental Engineering Science , 31(7): 373-380 .
61) Qi, Z.; Zhang, L.; Wang, F.; Hou, L.; Chen, W. 2014, “Factors controlling transport of graphene oxide nanoparticles in saturated sand columns ,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 33, 5, 998–1004 .
62) Wang, L.; Hou , L.; Wang , X.; Chen, W. 2014, “ Effects of Preparation Method and Humic-Acid Modification on Mobility and Contaminant-Mobilizing Capability of Fullerene Nanoparticles ( n C 60 ) ,” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts , 16, 1282–1289 .
63) Fu, H.; Guo, Y.; Chen, W.; Gu, C.; Zhu, D. 2014, “ Reductive Dechlorination of Hexachloroethane by Sulfide in Aqueous Solutions Mediated by Graphene Oxide and Carbon Nanotubes ,” Carbon , 72, 74–81 .
64) Wang, F.; Ji , R.; Jiang , Z.; Chen, W. 2014, “ Species-Dependent Effects of Biochar Amendment on Bioaccumulation of Atrazine in Earthworms ,” Environmental Pollution , 186, 241–247 .
65) Wang, F.; Haftka , J.; Sinnige , T.; Hermens, J.; Chen, W. 2014, “Adsorption of Polar, Nonpolar, and Substituted Aromatics to Colloidal Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles,” Environmental Pollution , 186, 226–233 .
66) Xie, M.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z.; Zheng, S.; Zhu, D. 2014, “Adsorption of Sulfonamides to Demineralized Pine Wood Biochars Prepared under Different Thermochemical Conditions,” Environmental Pollution , 186, 187–194 .
67) Zhang, D.; Hou, L.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2014, “Synergistic Role of Different Soil Components in Slow Sorption Kinetics of Polar Organic Contaminants,” Environmental Pollution , 184, 123–130 .
68) Zhang, C.; Luo, S.; Chen, W. 2013, “ Activity of Catalase Adsorbed to Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of Carbon Nanotube Surface Properties,” Talanta 113, 142 – 147.
69) Hou, L.; Zhu, D.; Wang, X.; Wang, L.; Zhang, C.; Chen, W. 2013, “ Adsorption of Phenanthrene, 2-Naphthol, and 1-Naphthylamine to Colloidal Oxidized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of Humic Acid and Surfactant Modification,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 32, 3, 493–500 .
70) Wang, L.; Fortner, J.; Hou, L.; Zhang, C.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2013, “ Contaminant-Mobilizing Capability of Fullerene Nanoparticles ( n C 60 ): Effect of Solvent-Exchange Process in n C 60 Formation ,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 32, 2, 329–336 .
71) Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z.; Zheng, S.; Zhu, D. 2013, “Graphene Nanosheets and Graphite Oxide as Promising Adsorbents for Removal of Organic Contaminants from Aqueous Solution,” Journal of Environmental Quality , 42, 1, 191 – 198 .
72) Zhang, L.; Hou, L.; Wang, L.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2012, “ Transport of Fullerene Nanoparticles ( n C 60 ) in Saturated Sand and Sandy Soil: Controlling Factors and Modeling,” Environmental Science & Technology , 46, 13, 7230–7238 .
73) Wang, L.; Huang, Y.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2012, “ Enhanced Transport of 2,2',5,5'-Polychlorinated Biphenyl by Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Surfactant-Modified Fullerene Nanoparticles ( n C 60 ),” Environmental Science & Technology , 46, 13, 5422–5429 .
74) Zhang, L.; Zhu, D.; Wang, H.; Hou, L.; Chen, W. 2012, “ Humic Acid-Mediated Transport of Tetracycline and Pyrene in Saturated Porous Media ,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 31, 3, 534–541 .
75) Wang, F.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2012, “ Effect of Copper Ion on Adsorption of Chlorinated Phenols and 1-Naphthylamine to Surface-Modified Carbon Nanotubes ,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 31, 1, 100–107 .
76) Tang, H.; Zhu, D.; Li, T.; Kong, H.; Chen, W. 2011, “ Reductive Dechlorination of Activated Carbon-Adsorbed Trichloroethylene by Fe(0): Carbon as Electron Shuttle ,” Journal of Environmental Quality , 40, 6, 1878–1885 .
77) Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Zhang, P.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2011, “ Facilitated Transport of 2,2’,5,5’- Polychlorinated Biphenyl and Phenanthrene by Fullerene Nanoparticles through Sandy Soil Columns,” Environmental Science & Technology , 45, 4, 1341–1348.
78) Berlin, J.; Yu, J.; Lu, W.; Walsh, E.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, P.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.; Wong, M.; Tomson, M.; Tour, J. 2011, “Engineered Nanoparticles for Hydrocarbon Detection in Oil-field Rocks,” Energy & Environmental Science , 4, 2, 505–509 .
79) Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Bi, J.; Zheng, S.; Xu, Z.; Zhu, D.; Alvarez, P. 2010, “ Adsorption of Tetracycline on Single-walled and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes as Affected by Aqueous Solution Chemistry ,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , 29, 12, 2713 –2719.
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1) 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖一等奖( 2/11 ):“水环境中污染物的界面化学过程及机制” (2015.02)
2) 天津市科学技术进步奖二等奖( 5/8 ):“城市污染河道原位修复技术集成及应用” (2015.01)
3) 天津市科学技术进步奖二等奖( 2/8 ):“石油污染土壤革新修复技术与应用” (2014.01)
4) 获得 the 10th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances “ Young Scientist Award ” (2013 年 8 月 )
5) 入选科技部“ 中青年科技创新领军人才 ”( 2015 )
6) 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”( 2005 )