兰伟,男,教授,博士生导师。陇原人才,甘肃省普通高校青年教师成才奖获得者。中国电子学会柔性电子技术分会第一届委员会委员(筹),西北四省电子显微镜学会第一届理事,丝绸之路新材料国际产学研用联盟理事,北京工业大学学报青年编委,佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)特聘专家。 2002年6月毕业于兰州大学物理系获理学学士学位;2007年6月,兰州大学物理科学与技术学院凝聚态物理专业博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位;之后留校工作,先后被兰州大学聘任为讲师、副教授和教授职称。2010年在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校材料科学与工程系John A Rogers教授(现美国西北大学,四院院士)研究小组作博士后。2020年在美国休斯顿大学工程学院Cunjiang Yu教授研究小组作访问学者。 主持国家自然科学基金3项、国家重大研究计划项目1项、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金1项、甘肃省自然科学基金2项,青海省科技项目2项,其它各类项目10余项,参与北京市拔尖创新人才选拔计划1项、国防863子课题1项、各类横向项目5项。目前主要从事柔性电子学领域的应用基础研究,具体涉及柔性能源转换与存储、柔性传感器研究,包括透明热疗片、透明柔性传感器、透明柔性超级电容器、生物可降解超级电容器、透明氧化物半导体薄膜等。在Sci. Adv.、PNAS、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Small、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、J. Mater. Chem.、Nanoscale、J. Power Sources、APL 等国际权威期刊上发表SCI 论文100余篇,ISI 统计SCI 论文被引用3500 多次,H因子为36,申报国家专利26项,其中已授权10项。主编《电子材料与器件实验》教材一部,参与编写英文专著一部。 已发表的代表性SCI论文: 1. Hongyun Ma, Jie Liang, Jian Qiu, Li Jiang, Lingxiao Ma, Hongwei Sheng, Mingjiao Shao, Qi Wang, Fengfeng Li, Yujun Fu, Jing Wang, Erqing Xie, Yang Chai*, and Wei Lan*, A Biocompatible Supercapacitor Diode with Enhanced Rectification Capability towards Ion/Electron Coupling Logic Operations, Adv. Mater.2023, 2301218 2. Mingjiao Shao, Hongwei Sheng, Liqi Lin, Hongyun Ma, Qi Wang, Jiao Yuan, Xuetao Zhang, Gang Chen, Wenquan Li, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Jing Wang, Zhibin Zhang, and Wei Lan*, High-Performance Biodegradable Energy Storage Devices Enabled by Heterostructured MoO3–MoS2 Composites Small 2022, 2205529 3. Jie Liang, Hongwei Sheng, Hongyun Ma, Pengxiang Wang, Qi Wang, Jiao Yuan, Xuetao Zhang, Mingjiao Shao, Wenquan Li, Erqing Xie, and Wei Lan*, Transparent Electronic Skin from the Integration of Strain Sensors and Supercapacitors Adv. Mater. Technol. 2022, 2201234 4. Hongwei Sheng, Jingjing Zhou, Bo Li, Yuhang He, Xuetao Zhang, Jie Liang, Jinyuan Zhou, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan*, Kairong Wang*, Cunjiang Yu*, A thin, deformable, high performance supercapacitor implant that can be biodegraded and bioabsorbed within an animal body, Science Advances 7 (2021) eabe3097 5. Qi Wang, Hongwei Sheng, Yurong Lv, Jie Liang, Yan Liu, Na Li, Erqing Xie, Qing Su, Faheem Ershad, Wei Lan,* Jing Wang,* and Cunjiang Yu*, A Skin-Mountable Hyperthermia Patch Based on Metal Nanofiber Network with High Transparency and Low Resistivity toward Subcutaneous Tumor Treatment, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2111228 6. Hongwei Sheng, Xuetao Zhang, Jie Liang, Mingjiao Shao, Erqing Xie, Cunjiang Yu,* and Wei Lan* Recent Advances of Energy Solutions for Implantable Bioelectronics, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2021, 2100199 7. Jie Liang, Hongwei Sheng, Qi Wang, Jiao Yuan, Xuetao Zhang, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan and Chuanfang (John) Zhang, PEDOT:PSS-glued MoO3 nanowire network for all-solid-state flexible transparent supercapacitors, Nanoscale Adv., 2021. 8. Faguang Zhou, Zhizai Li, Wei Lan, Qian Wang, Liming Ding, Zhiwen Jin, Halide Perovskite, a Potential Scintillator for X-Ray Detection, Small Methods, 4 (2020) 2000506 9. Yonglu Ma, Hongwei Sheng, Wei Dou, Qing Su, Jinyuan Zhou, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan*, Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Anchored on Ti3C2Tx MXene Paper for Flexible Supercapacitors with Ultrahigh Volumetric Capacitance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (2020) 41410-41418 10. Chao Yue Zhang, Zhong Wei Lu, Yu Hai Wang, Zhe Dai, Hao Zhao, Geng Zhi Sun, Wei Lan, Xiao Jun Pan, Jin Yuan Zhou, Er Qing Xie, Cooperative chemisorption of polysulfides via 2D hexagonal WS2-rimmed Co9S8 heterostructures for lithium-sulfur batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal 392 (2020) 123734 11. Yu Hai Wang, Zhe Dai, Chao Yue Zhang, Guo Wen Sun, Zhong Wei Lu, Xiu Ping Gao, Geng Zhi Sun, Wei Lan, Zhen Xing Zhang, Xiao Jun Pan, Investigation into performance enhancements of Li-S batteries via oxygen-containing functional groups on activated multi-walled carbon nanotubes using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 1049-1057 12. Lingxiao Ma, Dayu Yin, Chenhao Dong, Wei Lan*, Erqing Xie, Effect of swift heavy 86Kr30+ ions irradiation on optical and electrical properties of p‑type transparent Ni‑doped CuAlO2 films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 31 (2020) 2130-2138 13. Chuanfang (John) Zhang, Yonglu Ma, Xuetao Zhang, Sina Abdolhosseinzadeh, Hongwei Sheng, Wei Lan*, Amir Pakdel, Jakob Heier, and Frank Nuesch, Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes): Synthesis, Properties, and Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications, Energy Environ. Mater., 0 (2019) 1 –27; 14. Zhenyu Yang, Yuhai Wang, Zhe Dai, Zhongwei Lu, Xiuyun Gu, Hao Zhao, Gengzhi Sun, Wei Lan, Zhenxing Zhang, Xiaojun Pan, Jinyuan Zhou, Erqing Xie, Nature of improved double-layer capacitance by KOH activation on carbon nanotube-carbon nanofiber hierarchical hybrids, Carbon 146 (2019) 610-617; 15. Zhong Wei Lu, Yu Hai Wang, Zhe Dai, Xiao Peng Li, Chao Yue Zhang, Geng Zhi Sun, Cheng Shi Gong, Xiao Jun Pan, Wei Lan, Jin Yuan Zhou, Er Qing Xie, One-pot sulfur-containing ion assisted microwave synthesis of reduced graphene oxide@nano-sulfur fibrous hybrids for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries, Electrochimica Acta 325 (2019) 134920; 16. Wei Lan*, Xuetao Zhang, Aoce Zhai, Wanqing Meng, Hongwei Sheng, Wei Dou, Chuanfang (John) Zhang, Qing Su, Jinyuan Zhou, Erqing Xie Flexible CuO nanotube arrays composite electrodes for wire-shaped supercapacitors with robust electrochemical stability, Chemical Engineering Journal 374 (2019) 181–188; 17. Asim Abas, Hongwei Sheng, Yonglu Ma, Xuetao Zhang, Yupeng Wei, Qing Su, Wei Lan*, Erqing Xie, PEDOT:PSS coated CuO nanowire arrays grown on Cu foam for high‑performance supercapacitor electrodes Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30 (2019) 10953–10960; 18. Zhenyu Yang, Yuhai Wang, Zhe Dai, Zhongwei Lu, Xiuyun Gu, Hao Zhao, Gengzhi Sun, Wei Lan, Zhenxing Zhang, Xiaojun Pan, Jinyuan Zhou, Erqing Xie, Nature of improved double-layer capacitance by KOH activation on carbon nanotube-carbon nanofiber hierarchical hybrids, Carbon 146 (2019) 610-617; 19. Hongwei Sheng, Xuetao Zhang, Yonglu Ma, Pengxiang Wang, Jinyuan Zhou, Qing Su, Wei Lan*, Erqing Xie, and Chuanfang John Zhang*, Ultrathin, Wrinkled, Vertically Aligned Co(OH)2 Nanosheets/Ag Nanowires Hybrid Network for Flexible Transparent Supercapacitor with High Performance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 8992–9001; 20. Xuetao Zhang, Chuanfang (John) Zhang, Asim Abas, Yue Zhang, Xuemei Mu, Jinyuan Zhou, Qing Su, Wei Lan*, Erqing Xie, Ag nanoparticles enhanced vertically-aligned CuO nanowire arrays grown on Cu foam for stable hybrid supercapacitors with high energy density, Electrochimica Acta 296 (2019) 535-544; 21. Dongyan Han, Yunxia Li, Xiao Jiang, Wenyu Zhao, Fangcong Wang, Wei Lan, Erqing Xie, Weihua Han, A facile method to prepare transparent and stretchable epidermal thin film heaters, Composites Science and Technology 168 (2018) 460-466; 22. Wei Lan∗, Zhiwei Yang, Yue Zhang, Yupeng Wei, Pengxiang Wang, Asim Abas, Guomei Tang, Xuetao Zhang, Junya Wang, Erqing Xie, Novel transparent high-performance AgNWs/ZnO electrodes prepared on unconventional substrates with 3D structured surfaces, Applied Surface Science 433 (2018) 821–828. 23. Xuetao Zhang, Jinyuan Zhou, Wei Dou, Junya Wang, Xuemei Mu, Yue Zhang, Asim Abas, Qing Su, Wei Lan*, Erqing Xie, Chuanfang (John) Zhang*, Room-temperature vertically-aligned copper oxide nanoblades synthesized by electrochemical restructuring of copper hydroxide nanorods: An electrode for high energy density hybrid device, Journal of Power Sources 383 (2018) 124-132; 24. Yijun Han, Peng Dong, Peiping La, Yupeng Wei, Xin Guo, Jie Sheng, Wei Lan, Effect and Mechanism of NaCl Content on Phase and Size of Submicron Tungsten Boride Powders by Salt-assisted Combustion Synthesis, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 47 (2018) 131-138 25. Daowei He, Jingsi Qiao, Linglong Zhang, Junya Wang, Tu Lan, Jun Qian, Yun Li, Yi Shi*, Yang Chai, Wei Lan, Luis K. Ono, Yabing Qi, Jian-Bin Xu, Wei Ji*, Xinran Wang*, Ultrahigh mobility and efficient charge injection in monolayer organic thin-film transistors on boron nitride, Science Advances 3 (2017) e1701186; 26. Hao Zhao, Xiangwen Ma, Jinglong Bai, Zhenyu Yang, Gengzhi Sun, Zhenxing Zhang, Xiaojun Pan, Wei Lan, Jin Yuan Zhou, Erqing Xie, Energy storage mechanism in aqueous fiber-shaped Li-ion capacitors based on aligned hydrogenated-Li4Ti5O12 nanowires, Nanascale 9 (2017) 8192-8199; 27. Wei Lan*, Youxin Chen, Zhiwei Yang, Weihua Han, Jinyuan Zhou, Yue Zhang, Junya Wang, Guomei Tang, Yupeng Wei, Wei Dou, Qing Su, and Erqing Xie, Ultraflexible Transparent Film Heater Made of Ag Nanowire/PVA Composite for Rapid-Response Thermotherapy Pads, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 (2017) 6644-6651; 该文章被美国科学促进会网站EurekAlert!、科学网、科学新闻等媒体报道和转载,网页:https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-02/acs-shp022217.php 28. Junya Wang, Wei Dou, Xuetao Zhang, Weihua Han, Xuemei Mu, Yue Zhang, Xiaohua Zhao, Youxin Chen, Zhiwei Yang, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan*, Xinran Wang*, Embedded Ag quantum dots into interconnected Co3O4 nanosheets grown on 3D graphene networks for high stable and flexible supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta 224 (2017) 260-268; 29. Junya Wang, Xuetao Zhang, Yue Zhang, Asim Abas, Xiaohua Zhao, Zhiwei Yang, Qing Su, Wei Lan*, Erqing Xie, Lightweight, interconnected VO2 nanoflowers hydrothermally grown on 3D graphene networks for wide-voltage-window supercapacitors, RSC Advances 7 (2017) 35558-35564. 30. Haitao Zhao, Weihua Han, Wei Lan, Jinyuan Zhou, Zemin Zhang, Wenbin Fu, Erqing Xie, Bubble Carbon-nanofibers Decorated with MnO2 Nanosheets as High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrode, Electrochimica Acta 222 (2016) 1931-1939; 31. Delei Ding, Wei Lan*, Zhiwei Yang, Xiaohua Zhao, Youxin Chen, Junya Wang, Xuetao Zhang, Yue Zhang, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, A simple method for preparing ZnO foam/carbon quantum dots nanocomposite and their photocatalytic applications, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 47 (2016) 25-31; 32. Shuai Cao, Ye Wang, Lin Cao, Yu Wang, Bingpeng Lin, Wei Lan, Baocheng Cao, Preparation and antimicrobial assay of ceramic brackets coated with TiO2 thin films, Korean Journal of Orthodontics, 46 (2016) 146-154; 33. Wei Lan*, Guomei Tang, Yaru Sun, Yupeng Wei, Peiqing La, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Different-layered Ni(OH)2 nanoflakes/3D graphene composites for flexible supercapacitor electrodes, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 27 (2016) 2741-2747; 34. Youxin Chen, Wei Lan*, Junya Wang, Ranran Zhu, Zhiwei Yang, Delei Ding, Guomei Tang, Kairong Wang, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Highly flexible, transparent, conductive and antibacterial films made of spin-coated silver nanowires and a protective ZnO layer, Physica E 76 (2016) 88-94; 2015年及以前 35. Panpan Jing, Wei Lan*, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, High photocatalytic activity of V-doped SrTiO3 porous nanofibers produced from a combined electrospinning and thermal diffusion process, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 6 (2015) 1281-1286; 36. Panpan Jing, JinLu Du, Jianbo Wang, Wei Lan, Lining Pan, Jianan Li, Jinwu Wei, Derang Cao, Xinlei Zhang, Chenbo Zhao, Qingfang Liu, Hierarchical SrTiO3/NiFe2O4 composite nanostructures with excellent light response and magnetic performance synthesized toward enhanced photocatalytic activity, Nanoscale 7 (2015) 14738-14746; 37. Wei Lan*, Yaru Sun, Youxin Chen, Junya Wang, Guomei Tang, Wei Dou, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Ultralight and Flexible Supercapacitor Electrodes Made from the Ni(OH)2 Nanosheets doped with Ag Nanoparticles/3D Graphene Composite, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 20878-20883; 38. Wei Deng, Yaru Sun, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan*, Porous CoO nanobundles composited with 3D graphene foams for supercapacitors electrodes, Materials Letters 137 (2014) 124-127; 39. Yuren Li, Jin Yan, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan*, Preparation of Graphene-TiO2 nanotubes/nanofibers composites as an enhanced visible light photocatalyst using a hybrid synthetic strategy, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 27 (2014) 695-701; 40. Jiaqi Pan, Wei Lan*, Hongquan Liu, Yingzhuo Sheng, Boxue Feng, Xin Zhang, Erqing Xie, Preparation and properties of transparent conductive N-doped CuAlO2 films using N2O as the N source, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 25 (2014) 4004-4007; 41. Wei Deng, Wei Lan*, Yaru Sun, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Porous CoO nanostructures grown on three-dimension graphene foams for supercapacitors electrodes, Applied Surface Science 305 (2014) 433-438; 42. Panpan Jing, Wei Lan*, Qing Su, Minglang Yu, and Erqing Xie, Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity of Novel NiTiO3 Nanowires with Rosary-Like Shape, Science of Advanced Materials 6 (2014) 1-7; 43. Chengquan Zhu, Yuren Li, Qing Su, Bingan Lu, Jiaqi Pan, Jiawang Zhang, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan*, Electrospinning direct preparation of SnO2/Fe2O3 heterojunction nanotubes as an efficient visible-light photocatalyst, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 575 (2013) 333–338; 44. Qing Su, Jiawang Zhang, Yuan Wang, Minglang Yu, Chengquan Zhu, Wei Lan, Xueqin Liu, Effect of the morphology of V2O5/TiO2 nanoheterostructures on the visible light photocatalytic activity, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74 (2013) 1475–1481; 45. Chengquan Zhu, Wei Deng, Jiaqi Pan, Bingan Lu, Jiawang Zhang, Qing Su, Erqing Xie, Wei Lan*, Structure effect of dual-spinneret on the preparation of electrospun composite nanofibers with side-by-side heterojunctions, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 24 (2013) 2287-2291; 46. Jiaqi Pan, Shikuan Guo, Xin Zhang, Boxue Feng, Wei Lan*, The photoconductivity properties of transparent Ni doped CuAlO2 films, Materials Letters 96 (2013) 31–33; 47. Minglang Yu, Xueqin Liu, Yuan Wang, Youbin Zheng, Jiawang Zhang, Mingyang Li, Wei Lan, Qing Su, Gas sensing properties of p-type semiconducting vanadium oxide nanotubes, Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 9554-9558; 48. Chengquan Zhu, Bingan Lu, Qing Su, Erqing Xie and Wei Lan*, A Simple Method for the Preparation of Hollow ZnO Nanospheres for use as a High Performance Photocatalyst, Nanoscale, 4, 3060–3064 (2012); 49. Bingan Lu, Chengquan Zhu, Zhenxing Zhang, Wei Lan and Erqing Xie, Preparation of highly porous TiO2 nanotubes and their catalytic applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 1375-1379 (2012); 50. Suckwon Hong, Frank Du, Wei Lan, Sangmin Kim, Hoonsik Kim and John A. Rogers, Monolithic Integration of Arrays of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Sheets of Graphene, Advanced Materials 23, 3821-3826 (2011); 51. Guoqing Wang, Wei Lan, Minglang Yu, Guojian Han, Yuan Wang, Qing Su, Xueqin Liu, Optical and structural properties of TiO2 films as a function of Nb doping concentration Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 22: 463-466 (2011); 52. Guoqing Wang, Wei Lan*, Guojian Han, Yuan Wang, Qing Su, Xueqin Liu, Effects of Nb doping on the phase transition and optical properties of sol-gel TiO2 thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509:4150-4153(2011); 53. Wei Lan*, Jiaqi Pan, Chenquan Zhu, Guoqing Wang, Qing Su, Xueqin Liu, Erqing Xie, H. Yan, Role of oxygen in structural properties of annealed CuAlO2 films, Journal of Crystal Growth, 314: 370–373 (2011); 54. Xiaodong Li, Yongzhe Zhang, Zhenxing Zhang, Jinyuan Zhou, Jie Song, Bingan Lu, Erqing Xie, and Wei Lan: Electrospraying Tuned Photoanode Structuresfor Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Enhanced Energy Conversion Efficiency. Journal of Power Sources, 196:1639-1644 (2011); 55. Y. Wang, Q. Su, C. H. Chen, M. L. Yu, J. G. Han, G. Q. Wang, K. Xin, W. Lan, X. Q. Liu, Low temperature growth of vanadium pentoxide nanomaterials by chemical vapour deposition using VO(acac)(2) as precursor, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 43: 185102 (2010); 56. Jie Song, Xiuyun An, Jinyuan Zhou, Yanxia Liu, Wei Wang, Xiaodong Li, Wei Lan, and Erqing Xie, Investigation of enhanced ultraviolet emission from different Ti-capped ZnO structures via surface passivation and surface plasmon coupling, Applied Physics Letters 97:122103 (2010); 57. Bingan Lu, Yajiang Wang, Yanxia Liu, Huigao Duan, Jinyuan Zhou, Zhenxing Zhang, Youqing Wang, Xiaodong Li, Wei Wang, Wei Lan, and Erqing Xie, Superhigh-throughput needleless electrospinning using a rotary cone as spinneret, Small 6:1612–1616 (2010); 58. Wei Wang, Jinyuan Zhou, Shanshan Zhang, Jie Song, Huigao Duan, Ming Zhou, Chengshi Gong, Zhong Bao, Bingan Lu, Xiaodong Li, Wei Lan and Erqing Xie, A novel method to fabricate silica nanotubes based on phase separation effect, Journal of Materials Chemistry 20: 9068-9072 (2010); 59. W. Lan*, W. L. Cao, M. Zhang, X. Q. Liu, Y. Y. Wang, E. Q. Xie, H. Yan, Annealing effect on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of CuAlO2 films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Journal of Materials Science 44 (6):1594-1599 (2009); 60. Q. Su, W. Lan, Y. Y. Wang, X. Q. Liu, Structural characterization of beta-V2O5 films prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science 255 (7):4177-4179 (2009); 61. G. B. Dong, M. Zhang, W. 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