Tsung-san Mou talks about logic in some of his works, we only focus on several questions that Mou introduces from Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica. One of the questions is that Mou misunderstands the distinction between the extensional functions and the intensional functions as the distinction between the internal meaning and external meaning of propositions. We have good reasons to believe that Mou does not know what Whitehead and Russell talk about a function of a function. Another question is that Mou misunderstands what is formal implication. Whitehead and Russell explain that formal implication is the implication always hold in the scope of a universal quantifier. Mou does not care about what the scope of a universal quantifier is, he only talks about the implication between two functions. What Mou says is the material implication, not the formal implication.

Lewis, Clarence Irving (1918). A Survey of Symbolic Logic. Berkeley: University of California Press
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  • Whitehead, Alfred N. and Russell, Bertrand (1910). Principia Mathematica, Volume 1. Merchant Books
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