日本分子生物学会第45届年会(MBSJ2022)于2022年11月30日至12月2日在千叶县幕张展览馆举行。我们决定将MBSJ2022作为热烈讨论的场所,并组织了主题为MBSJ2022,激烈的“辩论论坛”(日语中的 Gekiron Colosseo)。我们有 6000 多名参与者,我们相信会议最终圆满结束,因为大约 80% 的调查受访者对 MBSJ2022 总体上感到满意 (https://www.mbsj.jp/meetings/annual/2022/enq .html)。实施“论战论坛”,开展多项新项目;图形摘要介绍、“Science Pitch”、“Meet My Hero/Heroine”、MBSJ-ASCB-EMBO 联合会议、资助申请个展、主题曲、现场古典音乐、精心制作的照相亭和紧凑的指南地图,所有这些都使参与者之间的互动更加紧密。对于这些史无前例的项目的实施,在这里,我想总结一下我们如何组织这次会议和我们的意图。
The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ2022) was held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture from November 30 to December 2, 2022. We decided to make MBSJ2022 as the place for heated discussion and organized the meeting with the theme for MBSJ2022, heated “Debate Forum” (Gekiron Colosseo in Japanese). We had more than 6000 participants, and we believe that the meeting was finally ended in great success, as approximately 80% of survey respondents were generally satisfied with MBSJ2022 (https://www.mbsj.jp/meetings/annual/2022/enq.html). To implement the heated “Debate Forum,” we carried out many new projects; introduction of graphic abstracts, “Science Pitch,” “Meet My Hero/Heroine,” MBSJ-ASCB-EMBO joint sessions, a solo exhibition of Grant-in-Aid applications, a theme song, live classical music, elaborate photo booths, and a compact guide map, all together enabled close interaction among the participants. For the implementation of these unprecedented projects, here, I would like to summarize how we organized this meeting and our intentions.