后真相时代反转新闻现象研究——以“陕西榆林产妇坠楼”事件为例 其他题名 Research on Reversal News in the ‘Post-truth Era’: Taking the Event that a Pregnant Woman Jumping off the Hospital Building in Yulin County, Shanxi Province as an Example 导师 魏占兴 2018-05-20 学位授予单位 兰州大学 学位授予地点 兰州 学位名称 学士 关键词 后真相 “陕西榆林产妇坠楼” 中文摘要




With the development of network social media, the changes of traditional information production mode and the status of the audience have brought great challenges to the media production and the guidance of public opinion and have accelerated the arrival of the Post-Truth Era. ‘Post-truth’ is a political concept originally, and in 2016 it was listed as the annual vocabulary by Oxford Dictionary. Some political events such as the United States election have provided a typical annotation for ‘Post-truth’. Known as the ‘fourth power’, journalism is a career that pursues truth and fact and is closely related to politics. When ‘post-truth’ is linked to ‘news’, the authenticity of the news is challenged. As emotions precede facts, people value the facts no longer. As a result, the truth becomes more confusing, especially in recent years the reversal news frequently takes place, which has an impact on media credibility, public opinion guidance and social stability.

A pregnant jumped off the hospital building in Yulin County, Shanxi Province in 2017. The event, as a typical case among reversal news in 2017, has been chosen in this research. The paper tries to use the theories of Journalism, Communication, Psychology and so on to study the phenomenon of reversal news, based on the logical line of definitions, spread mechanism, causes, characters, effects and measures to avoid. The research holds the realization that pursuing the news authenticity is a dynamic process and it is inevitable to reverse the phenomenon of news in the background of the Post Truth Era and the rapid development of social media. Undeniably, media has an unshirkable responsibility for the frequent reversal news, but we can`t generalize the performance of different media platforms. As the media industry constant self-reflection, the performance of the traditional media and its new media platforms, network media and its derivative platforms played an important role in the excavation of truth and guiding public opinion in the ‘Yulin Maternal Fall’ event. At the same time, the report on We-Media is more inclined to render the emotion and express the personal opinion. Additionally, the improper practice of the government and the audience also played an important role in reversing the news. Thus, this study proposed some suggestions to the government, the media and the audience on avoiding the negative effect of the reversal news, so as to make reference for the news production and the guide of public opinion.

URL 查看原文 文献类型 学位论文 条目标识符 https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/231335 Collection 新闻与传播学院
Recommended Citation:
GB/T 7714 安淑月. 后真相时代反转新闻现象研究——以“陕西榆林产妇坠楼”事件为例[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2018.
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