一、 基本信息





办公室:动科动医楼 342

办公电话: 010-62814346

电子邮箱: suhuawei@cau.edu.cn

二、 个人简介

(一) 学习经历

2008.09—2011.07 中国农业大学 动物营养与饲料科学专业 博士(导师:李胜利教授)

2006.09—2008.07 中国农业大学 动物营养与饲料科学专业 硕士(导师:曹兵海教授)

2002.09—2006.07 中国农业大学 动物科学专业 本科

(二) 工作经历

2016.03— 至今 中国农业大学动物科技学院 讲师 / 副教授

2015.08—2017.01 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 博士后

2014.08—2015.07 现代牧业集团蚌埠牧场 副场长

2013.03—2014.07 现代牧业集团营养中心 部长

2011.08—2014.08 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所 博士后


本科生课程 : 《牛生产学》

研究生课程 : 《饲料营养与畜禽产品品质》、《农牧经营管理》、《 Seminar C


科研项目 :

[1] 国际合作项目: 美斯特 产品对肉用母牛繁殖性能和子代犊牛生长性能的影响,主持( 2021.11.01-2022.12.31

[2] 世界顶尖涉农大学合作种子基金专项: 牛精英计划 人才培养国际交流项目,主持( 2021.01-2021.12

[3] 国际合作项目: 美斯特 产品对肉牛生长性能、屠宰性能和牛肉品质的影响,主持( 2019.12.01-2020.06.30

[4] 现代农业产业技术体系建设项目( CARS-37 ):肉牛牦牛 - 育肥营养与饲养,参加( 2017.01- 至今)

[5] 省校合作项目:中部旱作农业区种养结合肉牛增产增效技术集成试验示范项目,参加( 2020.06-2021.12

[6] 中国工程院咨询研究项目: 云南肉牛产业发展战略咨询研究 子课题主持( 2019.08.01-2020.07.31

[7] 人文横向:云南省高原草畜产业核心竞争力研究,参加( 2019.07-2021.07

[8] 农业农村部:优质青粗饲料资源开发利用示范项目 (16190051)- 子课题主持( 2019.01-2019.12

[9] 教育部基本科研业务费 - 对口支援科研合作基金项目:南疆农业果业副产品综合饲用技术研发( 2019TC156 ),主持( 2019.01-2019.11

[10] 国家重点研发计划:优质肉牛全产业链绿色生产模式的构建与示范( 2018YFD0501805 ),子课题主持( 2017.08-2021.08

[11] 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划(东西部科技合作项目):优质肉牛精准化养殖技术研究与示范 2017BY078 )子课题主持( 2018.06-2020.12

[12] 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划重大(重点)项目:宁夏深度贫困区肉牛产业提质增效技术集成示范 2018BFF02001 )子课题主持( 2018.5-2020.12

[13] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目( 31802084 ):蛋氨酸对肉牛前脂肪细胞增殖与分化的调控作用及其机制研究,主持( 2019.01-2021.12

[14] 教改项目:加强 牛精英实验班 建设项目( 2019010205 ),主持( 2019.01-2019.12

[15] 中央高校基本科研业务费( 2019TC001 ):蛋氨酸对肉牛骨骼肌成肌卫星细胞增殖与分化的调控机制,主持( 2019.01-2019.11

[16] 横向合作项目:内蒙古天韵牧业养牛扶贫项目,主持( 2018.07-2020.12

[17]“ 十三五 专业学位研究生教育改革项目:校企联合培养全产业链综合技能专业学位研究生体系建设 - 以《农牧经济管理》课程为例,参加( 2018.07-2020.07

[18] 中央高校基本科研业务费( 2018QC023 ):蛋氨酸对肉牛前脂肪细胞增殖与分化的调控作用及其机制研究,主持( 2018.01-2018.11

[19] 中央高校基本科研业务费( 2017QC002 ):冷鲜牛肉半湿法成熟过程中不同部位的肉质特性变化规律研究,主持( 2017.01-2017.11

[20] 国际合作项目:复合益生菌 BioWish MultiBio 在犊牛饲养中的应用效果研究,主持( 2017.07-2018.06

论文及著作( * 通讯作者, # 并列作者) :

[1] Qin X, Zhang D, Qiu X, Zhao K, Zhang S, Liu C, Lu L, Cui Y, Shi C, Chen Z, Hao R, Li Y, Yang S, Wang L, Wang H, Cao B, Su H* . 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid isopropyl ester supplementation altered ruminal and cecal bacterial composition and improved growth performance of finishing beef cattle. Frontiers in Nutrition. Accepted: 24 Jan 2022.

[2] Qiu X, Qin X, Chen L, Chen Z, Hao R, Zhang S, Yang S, Wang L, Cui Y, Li Y, Ma Y, Cao B*, Su H* . Serum biochemical parameters, rumen fermentation, and rumen bacterial communities are partly driven by the breed and sex of cattle when fed high-grain diet. Microorganisms. 2022; 10(2):323.

[3] Wang H, Yu Z, Gao Z, Li Q, Qiu X, Wu F, Guan T, Cao B, Su H* . Effects of compound probiotics on growth performance, rumen fermentation, blood parameters and health status of neonatal holstein calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 2021 Dec 23.

[4] Qiu Q, Gao C, Su H* , Cao B*. 2021. Rumen fermentation characteristics require more time to stabilize when diet shifts. Animals, 2021; 11(8):2192.

[5] Qiu X, Qin X, Chen L, Qiu Q, Wang H, Aziz ur Rahmanand M, Cao B*, Su H* . Effects of age and rice straw inclusion levels in the diet of yiling cull cows on growth performance, meat quality, and antioxidant status of tissues. Animals. 2021; 11(6):1732.

[6] Niu W, Wang H, He Y, Qiu Q, Shao T, Cao B*, Su H* . Comparative analysis of wheat hay and silage in methane production, fermentation characteristics and microbiota using in vitro rumen cultures. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(23):8456.

[7] Wang H, Wu F, Guan T, Zhu Y, Yu Z, Zhang D, Zhang S, Su H* , Cao B*. Chopping roughage length improved rumen development of weaned calves as revealed by rumen fermentation and bacterial community. Animals 2020, 10(11), 2149.

[8] Wang H, Niu W, Wu F, Qiu X, Yu Z, He Y, Li H, Su H* , Cao B*. Effects of dietary energy on antioxidant capacity, glucose-lipid metabolism and meat fatty acid profile of Holstein bulls at different ages. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2021, 105(2):199-209.

[9] Qiu Q, Gao C, Aziz Ur Rahman M, Cao B*, Su H* . Digestive ability, physiological characteristics, and rumen bacterial community of holstein finishing steers in response to three nutrient density diets as fattening phases advanced. Microorganisms. 2020, 8(3):335.

[10] Qiu Q, Qiu X, Gao C, Muhammad AUR, Cao B*, Su H* . High density diet improves growth performance and beef yield but affects negatively on serum metabolism and visceral morphology of Holstein steers. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2020, 00:1-12.

[11] Wang H, Li H, Wu F, Qiu X, Yu Z, Niu W, He Y, Su H* , Cao B*. Effects of dietary energy on growth performance, rumen fermentation and bacterial community, and meat quality of holstein-friesians bulls slaughtered at different ages. Animals, 2019, 9(12):1123

[12] Qiu Q, Gao C, Gao Z, Rahman MAU, He Y, Cao B*, Su H*. Temporal dynamics in rumen bacterial community composition of finishing steers during an adaptation period of three months. Microorganisms, 2019, 7(10), 410.

[13] Qiu Q, Zhu Y, Qiu X, Gao C, Wang J, Wang H, He Y, Rahman MAU, Cao B*, Su H* .  Dynamic variations in fecal bacterial community and fermentation profile of holstein steers in response to three stepwise density diets. Animals, 2019, 9(8), 560.

[14] Rahman MAU, Xia C, Ji L, Cao B*, Su H* . Nutrient intake, feeding patterns, and abnormal behavior of growing bulls fed different concentrate levels and a single fiber source (corn stover silage). Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2019, 33: 46-53.

[15] Wang H, He Y, Li H, Wu F, Qiu Q, Niu W, Gao Z, Su H* , Cao B*. Rumen fermentation, intramuscular fat fatty acid profiles and related rumen bacterial populations of Holstein bulls fed diets with different energy levels. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103:4931-4942.

[16] Esser NM, Su H , Coblentz WK, Akins MS. Efficacy of recycled sand or organic solids as bedding sources for lactating cows housed in freestalls. Journal of Dairy Science, 2019, 102:6682–6698.

[17] Williams KT, Weigel KA, Coblentz WK, Esser NM, Schlesser H, Hoffman PC, Su H, Akins MS. Effect of diet energy density and genomic residual feed intake on pre-bred dairy heifer feed efficiency, growth, and manure excretion. Journal of Dairy Science, 2019, 102(5):4041-4050.

[18] He Y, Wang H, Yu Z, Niu W, Qiu Q, Su H* , Cao B*. Effects of the gender differences in cattle rumen fermentation on anaerobic fermentation of wheat straw [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 205: 845-853.

[19] He Y, Yu Z, Qiu Q, Shao T, Niu W, Xia C, Wang H, Su H* , Cao B*. Effects of dietary protein levels and calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids on nitrogen mobilization, rumen microbiota and plasma fatty acid composition in Holstein bulls. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2018, 246: 1-10.

[20] Xia C, Rahman MAU, He Y, Shao T, Qiu Q, Su H* , Cao B*. Effect of increased dietary crude protein levels on production performance, nitrogen utilisation, blood metabolites and ruminal fermentation of Holstein bulls. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2018, 31:1643-1653.

[21] Qiu Q, Shao T, He Y, Cao B*, Su H* . Applying real-time quantitative PCR to diagnosis of freemartin in Holstein cattle by quantifying SRY gene: A comparison experiment. PeerJ, 2018, 6(2):e4616.

[22] Su H# , Zhang S#, Li H, Xie P, Sun B. Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict physical parameters of beef. Spectroscopy Letters, 51(4): 2018, 163-168.

[23] Ji S, Jiang T, Yan H, Guo C, Liu J, Su H , Alugongo GM, Shi H, Wang Y, Cao Z, Li S.. Ecological restoration of antibiotic-disturbed gastrointestinal microbiota in foregut and hindgut of cows. 2018, Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 8:79.

[24] He Y, Qiu Q, Shao T, Niu W, Xia C, Wang H, Li Q, Gao Z, Yu Z, Su H* , Cao B*. Dietary alfalfa and calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids alter protein utilization, microbial populations, and plasma fatty acid profile in holstein freemartin heifers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(50), 2017, 10859-10867.

[25] He Y, Niu W, Qiu Q, Xia C, Shao T, Wang H, Li Q, Yu Z, Gao Z, Rahman MAU, Su H* , Cao B*. Effect of calcium salt of long-chain fatty acids and alfalfa supplementation on performance of Holstein bulls. Oncotarget, 2017, 9(3):3029-3042.

[26] Xia C, Liang Y, Bai S, He Y, Muhammad AUR, Su H* , Cao B*. Effects of harvest time and added molasses on nutritional content, ensiling characteristics and in vitro degradation of whole crop wheat. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2017, 3:354-362.

[27] Xia C, Muhammad A, Niu W, Shao T, Qiu Q, Su H* , Cao B*. Effects of dietary forage to concentrate ratio and wildrye length on nutrient intake, digestibility, plasma metabolites, ruminal fermentation and fecal microflora of Chinese Male Holstein calves. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(2): 415-427.

[28] Niu W, He Y, Wang H, Xia C, Shi H, Cao B*, Su H* . Effects of leymus chinensis replacement with whole-crop wheat hay on blood parameters, fatty acid composition, and microbiomes of Holstein bulls. Journal of Dairy Science, 2017, 101: 246–256.

[29] Su H , Akins MS, Esser NM, Ogden R, Coblentz WK, Kalscheur KF. Effects of feeding alfalfa stemlage or wheat straw for dietary energy dilution on nutrient intake and digestibility, growth performance, and feeding behavior of holstein dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 2017, 100, 7106-7115.

[30] Rahman MAU, Xia C, Su H , Cao B. Effects of hay grass level and its physical form (full length versus chopped) on standing time, drinking time, and social behavior of calves. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2017, 21: 7-12.

[31] Sha K, Lang Y, Sun B, Su H , Li H, Zhang L, Zhang Y. Changes in lipid oxidation, fatty acid profile and volatile compounds of traditional Kazakh dry-cured beef during processing and storage: lipid oxidation and volatile compounds of Kazakh dry-cured beef. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2016, 41(4): e13059.

[32] Remick E, Akins M, Su H , Coblentz W. Sorghum as a forage in Wisconsin. Proc. of the 2016 Wisconsin Crop Management Conference, Vol. 55: 63-66.

[33] Su H , Esser NM, Coblentz WK, Borchardt MA, Jokela W, Akins M. Assessment of different bedding systems for lactating cows in freestall housing. Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 94(supplement5), 582.

[34] Su, H. , Esser, N. M., Coblentz, W. K., Kalscheur, K. F., Hatfield, R. D., and Akins, M. Effects of feeding alfalfa stemlage or wheat straw for dietary energy dilution on growth performance and sorting behaviors of holstein dairy heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 94(supplement5), 693.

[35] Remick E, Su H , Coblentz WK, Akins M. Yield and nutritive value of photoperiod-sensitive sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass in central Wisconsin. Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 94(supplement5), 308

[36] Williams K, Weigel KA, Coblentz WK, Esser NM, Schlesser H, Hoffman P, Su H , Akins M. Effect of diet energy level and genomic residual feed intake on dairy heifer performance. Journal of Animal Science, 2016, 94(supplement5), 154.

[37] Rahman MAU, Rehman A, Xia C, Zhang X, Cao B, Ji L, Su H . Extrusion of feed/feed ingredients and its effect on digestibility and performance of poultry: A review. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2015, 4: 48-61.

[38] Zhang Q#, Su H# , Wang F, Cao Z, Li S. Effects of energy density in close-up diets and postpartum supplementation of extruded full-fat soybean on lactation performance and metabolic and hormonal status of dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 2015, 98 : 7115-7130

[39] Zhang L, Sun B, Xie P, Li H, Su H, Sha K, Huang C, Lei Y, Liu X, Wang H. Using near infrared spectroscopy to predict the physical traits of Bos grunniens meat. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2015, 64: 602-608.

[40] Su H , Sha K, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Xu Y, Li H, Sun B. Development of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict chemical composition with a wide range of variability in beef. Meat Science, 2014, 98: 110–114.

[41] Su H , Wang F, Yang Z, Cao Z, Cao B, Li S. Responses of energy balance, physiology and production for transition dairy cows fed a low-energy prepartum diet during hot season. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2013, 45(7):1495-1503.

[42] Hu Z, Su H , Li S, Cao Z. Effect of parenteral administration of glutamine on autophagy of liver cell and immune responses in weaned calves. Journal of Animal Physiology and Nutrition , 2012, 97(6):1007-1014.

[43] Gao F, Zhang Z, Zhang C, Su H , Li S. Effect of maternal different energy density during prepartum on the growth performance, immunity and anti-oxidation capability of neonatal calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 2012, 95 :4510–4518.

[44] Su H, Yang Z, Li S, Cao Z. Effects of supplemental carbohydrate source on lactation performance, nitrogen balance, and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows fed energy-deficient total mixed rations. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2011, 2(3): 153-163.

[45] Su H, Wang F, Cao Z, Li S. Physiological and productive responses to seasonal variation in transition dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 2012, 95, Suppl. 2: 582. (Abstract)

[46] Su H, Wang F, Cao Z, Li S. Effects of prepartum dietary energy density and postpartum extruded full-fat soybean (ESB) supplementation on energy balance and productive performance of transition dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 2012, 95, Suppl. 2: 582. (Abstract)

[47] Su H, Wang F, Yang Z, Cao Z, Li S. Effects of supplemental extruded full-fat soybean (ESB) on ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion, blood parameters and productive performance of early lactation dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 2012, 95, Suppl. 2: 128. (Abstract)

[48] 苏华维 , 李英齐 , 姜武 , 玉柱 . 优质青粗饲料助力宁夏肉牛产业节本增效 [J]. 中国畜牧业 , 2021, (23): 22-23.

[49] 高朝煜 , 王晶晶 , 邱清华 , 祝仰祥 , 邱鑫君 , 曹兵海 *, 苏华维 * . 不同营养水平饲粮对热应激条件下育肥荷斯坦阉牛生长性能、瘤胃发酵及血液参数的影响 [J]. 动物营养学报 , 2021, 33(11): 6555-6571.

[50] 史长笑 , 李英齐 , 苏华维 * . 玉米加工方式对肉牛淀粉利用率和生产性能影响的研究进展 [J]. 中国畜牧杂志 :1-12[2021-12-11].

[51] 邱清华 , 欧阳克蕙 , 苏华维 * , 曹兵海 *. 异性孪生母牛的可育性鉴别和利用进展 [J]. 畜牧兽医学报 , 2021, 52(06):1471-1480.

[52] 钟港 , 刘黎 , 周伟 , 陈东 , 苏华维 , 陈坤 , 于松 , 张大林 , 李延鹏 , 姜波 . 海藻提取物对围产后期母牛和初生犊牛血液生化指标及抗氧化力的影响 [J]. 中国兽医学报 , 2021, 41(09):1835-1840.

[53] 钟港 , 陈东 , 田科雄 , 张佩华 , 苏华维 , 邓攀 , 李秋凤 , 万发春 . 发酵菌糠替代白酒糟对育肥牛瘤胃发酵参数、微生物菌群结构和功能的影响 [J/OL]. 动物营养学报 , 2021, 33( 11):1-14.

[54] 王斐然 , 何雅琴 , 王富伟 , 郑宇慧 , 苏华维 * , 李胜利 *. 补饲全脂膨化大豆对奶牛生产性能和消化代谢的影响 [J]. 动物营养学报 , 2021,33(10):5677-5689.

[55] 王富伟 , 何雅琴 , 郑宇慧 , 苏华维 * , 李胜利 *. 饲粮能量水平对干奶期奶牛瘤胃发酵、消化代谢及血浆生化指标的影响 [J]. 动物营养学报 , 2021,33(10):5690-5700.

[56] 郭睿 , 艾琪 , 陈亚飞 , 苏华维 , 蒋慧 , 蒋涛.添加残次苹果发酵物对玉米秸秆青贮品质的影响.动物营养学报 . 2021, 33( 8):1-10

[57] 艾琪 , 蒋慧 , 郭睿 , 蒋涛 , 苏华维 . 添加残次苹果发酵物对稻草青贮品质及其微生物数量的影响 [J]. 农业工程学报 , 2020, 36(22):316-323.

[58] 邓嘉杰 , 姚鸿钦 , 邓嘉菡 , 苏华维 * . 草地贪夜蛾虫害的饲料应对措施 [J]. 中国奶牛 , 2020(10):20-23.

[59] 苏华维 , 史长笑 , 曹兵海 , 李胜利 , 曹志军 . 基于 牛精英挑战赛 探索高校实践创新型人才培养模式 [J]. 中国乳业 , 2020(S1):11-15.

[60] 王海波 , 苏华维 * , 曹兵海 *. “ 牛精英计划 对肉牛产业人才培养的促进作用 [J]. 中国乳业 , 2020(S1):79-81.

[61] 苏华维 . 我国肉牛产业面临的挑战 & 云南肉牛产业的机遇 . 安格斯, 2020.10.07

[62] 苏华维 . 中国牛肉供应长期紧缺 肉牛产业机遇多挑战大 . 安格斯, 2020.04.07

[63] 苏华维 . 我国奶公犊育肥存在的误区及探索 . 安格斯, 2019.12.11

[64] 苏华维 , 曹兵海 . 奶牛场新的盈利点:奶肉牛复合养殖模式 . 养牛, 2019.03.04.

[65] 苏华维 , 曹兵海 . 荷斯坦奶公犊资源的利用与前景分析 . 养牛, 2018.07.25.

[66] 王海波 , 何阳 , 李航 , 吴飞 , 邱清华 , 牛文静 , 高志标 , 苏华维 * , 曹兵海 *. 日粮能量水平对荷斯坦公牛瘤胃发酵、肌内脂肪酸组成及瘤胃细菌组成的影响 . 第三届中国反刍动物营养与饲养技术研讨会论文集, 2019 10 月,杭州( P 325-343

[67] 邱鑫君,吴 飞, 苏华维 * ,曹兵海 *. 燕麦干草长度对断奶安格斯母犊牛生长性能、养分表观消化率和瘤胃发酵的影响 . 第三届中国反刍动物营养与饲养技术研讨会论文集, 2019 10 月,杭州( P 627-634

[68] 秦肖莉,官天赐, 苏华维 * ,曹兵海 *. 母牛免疫水平对初乳质量及犊牛被动免疫的影响 . 第三届中国反刍动物营养与饲养技术研讨会论文集, 2019 10 月,杭州( P 174-182

[69] 苏华维 , 杨永在 , 曹兵海 . 体外产气法评定马铃薯茎叶青贮的瘤胃发酵特性 . 第二届中国反刍动物营养与饲养技术研讨会会议论文集 , 2017 10 , 宜宾

[70] 何阳 , 王晶晶 , 苏华维 * , 曹兵海 *. 日粮蛋白水平及长链脂肪酸钙盐对荷斯坦公牛消化代谢的影响 . 第二届中国反刍动物营养与饲养技术研讨会会议论文集 , 2017 10 , 宜宾

[71] 苏华维 ,邱清华,邵陶祺,曹兵海 . 异性孪生母牛可育性鉴定方法的研究 . 国家肉牛牦牛产业技术体系第七届技术交流会论文集, 2017 8 月,西宁

[72] 苏华维译 . 如何制作高质量的青贮饲料 . 荷斯坦杂志, 2015.04.27

[73] Van Amburgh M, Soberon F, 曹志军 , 黄鸿威 , 史伟娜 , 苏华维 . 2015. 犊牛营养与管理对其终生生产性能的影响 . 中国奶牛 , 2: 45-50.

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[1] 副主编 : 《国外肉牛产业研究》 . 北京:中国农业大学出版社, 2019.9. (国家出版基金资助)

[2] 参编 : 《奶牛营养学》 . 北京:科学出版社, 2020.9. (国家出版基金资助)

授权专利 :

[1] 曹兵海 , 苏华维 , 邱清华 , 何阳 , 邵陶祺 , 姬琳堡 . 一种检测异性孪生母牛 SRY 相对含量的方法 . (公开号: 107058569A ,公开日: 2017.8.18

[2] 李胜利 , 曹志军 , 高健 , 苏华维 , 王富伟 . 一种大型牧场高效灌服系统及方法 . (公开号: 107242149A ,公开日: 2017.10.13

[3] 曹兵海 , 苏华维 . 发明专利:一种高水分青贮饲料的制作方法及其专用青贮窖 . (公开号: CN103229639A ,授权公告日: 2015.10.28

[4] 曹兵海 , 苏华维 . 发明专利:一种高档牛肉的宰后排酸方法 . (公开号: CN103141856A ,授权公告日: 2015.07.15

[5] 李胜利 , 王富伟 , 苏华维 . 实用新型:一种固定式修蹄机 . ( 公开号: CN202446289U ,授权公告日: 2012.09.26)

[6] [13] 李胜利 , 王富伟 , 苏华维 . 发明专利:一种牛头保定器及其保定方法 . ( 公开号: CN101999948B ,授权公告日: 2012.03.28)

(五) 社会服务工作

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2021 5 第四届全国农林高校牛精英挑战赛 特等奖 指导教师

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* 以上信息截止到 2022 1 月。