Yuye Li,
Huaguang Gu*
, Jia Bing, Xueli Ding. The nonlinear mechanism for the same responses of neuronal bursting to opposite self-feedback modulations of autapse.
Science China Technological Sciences
Linan Guan,
Huaguang Gu*
, Zhiguo Zhao. Dynamics of subthreshold and suprathreshold resonance modulated by hyperpolarization-activated cation current in a bursting neuron.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2021, 104:577–601.
Kaihua Ma,
Huaguang Gu*
, Zhiguo Zhao. Fast-slow variable dissection with two slow variables: A case study on bifurcations underlying bursting for seizure and spreading depression.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2021, 31(6): 2150096.
Ben Cao, Runxia Wang,
Huaguang Gu*
, Yuye Li. Coherence resonance for neuronal bursting with spike undershoot.
Cognitive Neurodynamics
, 2021, 15(1):77-90.
Bo Lu,
Huaguang Gu*
, Xianjun Wang, Hongtao Hua. Paradoxical enhancement of neuronal bursting response to negative self-feedback of autapse and the nonlinear mechanism.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
, 2021, 145: 110817.
Yanbing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
, Yuye Li, Xueli Ding. Inhibitory autapses enhance coherence resonance of a neuronal network.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
, 2021, 95:105643.
Ben Cao,
Huaguang Gu*
, Jiawei Bai, Fuqiang Wu. Bifurcation and chaos of spontaneous oscillations of hair bundle in auditory hair cells.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2021, 31(4): 2130011
Linan Guan,
Huaguang Gu*
, Yanbing Jia. Multiple coherence resonances evoked from bursting and the underlying bifurcation mechanism.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2020, 100:3645–3666.
Xianjun Wang,
Huaguang Gu*
, Bo Lu. Paradoxical reduction and bifurcations of neuronal bursting activities modulated by excitatory self-feedback.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2020, 101:2383–2399.
Zhiguo Zhao, Li Li,
Huaguang Gu*
. Excitatory autapse induces different cases of reduced neuronal firing activities near Hopf bifurcation.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
, 2020, 85:105250.
Xinjing Zhang,
Huaguang Gu*
, Kaihua Ma. Dynamical mechanism for conduction failure behavior of action potentials related to pain information transmission.
, 2020, 387:293-308.
Fuqiang Wu,
Huaguang Gu*
. Bifurcations of negative responses to positive feedback current mediated by memristor in a neuron model with bursting patterns.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2020, 30(4): 2030009. (Feature Article)
Zhiguo Zhao, Li Li,
Huaguang Gu*
, Yu Gao. Different dynamics of repetitive neural spiking induced by inhibitory and excitatory autapses near subcritical Hopf bifurcation.
Nonlinear Dynamics,
2020, 99(2):1129-1154.
Linan Guan, Bing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
. A novel threshold across which the negative stimulation evokes action potential near a saddle-node bifurcation in a neuronal model with Ih current.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2019, 19(14):1950198.
Xinjing Zhang,
Huaguang Gu*
, Linan Guan. Stochastic dynamics of conduction failure of action potential along nerve fiber with Hopf bifurcation.
Science China Technological Science
, 2019, 62(9):1502-1511.
Fuqiang Wu,
Huaguang Gu*
, Yuye Li. Inhibitory electromagnetic induction current induced enhancement instead of reduction of neural bursting activities.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
, 2019, 79:104924.
Yuye Li,
Huaguang Gu*
, Xueli Ding. Bifurcations of enhanced neuronal bursting activities induced by the negative current mediated by inhibitory autapse.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2019, 97(4): 2091-2105.
Xinjing Zhang,
Huaguang Gu*
. Influences of Hopf bifurcation dynamics on conduction failure of action potentials along nerve C-fiber.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2019, 29(7): 19500093.
Yanbing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
. Identifying nonlinear dynamics of brain functional networks of patients with schizophrenia by sample entropy.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2019, 96(4): 2327-2340.
Zhiguo Zhao, Li Li,
Huaguang Gu*
. Dynamical mechanism of hyperpolarization-activated non-specific cation current induced resonance and spike-timing precision in a neuronal model.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
, 2018, 12: 62.
Yanbing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
, Qiang Luo*. Sample entropy reveals an age-related reduction in the complexity of dynamic brain.
Scientific Reports
, 2017, 8: 7990.
Bing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
. Dynamics and physiological roles of stochastic neural firing patterns near bifurcation points.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2017, 27(7): 1750113.
Bing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
, Lei Xue. A basic bifurcation structure from bursting to spiking of the injured nerve fibers in a two-dimensional parameter space.
Cognitive Neurodynamics
, 2017, 11(2): 189–200.
Yuye Li,
Huaguang Gu*
. The distinct stochastic and deterministic dynamics between period-adding and period-doubling bifurcations of neural bursting patterns.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2017, 87(4): 2541–2562.
Zhao Zhiguo, Bing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
. Bifurcations and enhancement of neuronal firing induced by negative feedback.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2016, 86(10):1549–1560.
Weiwei Xiao,
Huaguang Gu*
, Mingrui Liu. Spatiotemporal dynamics in a network composed of neurons with different excitabilities and excitatory coupling.
Science China Technological Science
, 2016, 59(12): 1943–1952. (Cover)
Yanbing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
. Transition from double coherence resonances to single coherence resonance in a neuronal network with phase noise.
, 2015, 25(12): 123124.
Zhiguo Zhao,
Huaguang Gu
*. The influence of single neuron dynamics and network topology on time delay-induced multiple synchronous behaviors in inhibitory coupled network. C
haos, Solitons & Fractals
, 2015, 80(11):96–108.
Huaguang Gu
*,Baobao Pan. Identification of neural firing patterns, frequency, and temporal coding mechanisms in individual aortic baroreceptors.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,
2015, 9:108.
Huaguang Gu
*, Baobao Pan.A four-dimensional neuronal model to describe the complex nonlinear dynamics observed in the firing patterns of a sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury model.
Nonlinear Dynamics,
2015, 81(4):2107–2126.
Huaguang Gu*
, Baobao Pan, Yuye Li. The dependence of synchronization transition processes of coupled neurons with coexisting spiking and bursting on the control parameter, initial value, and attraction domain.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2015, 82(3):1191–1210.
Wei Cheng#, Edmund T. Rolls#,
Huaguang Gu#
, Jie Zhang, Jianfeng Feng*. Autism: Reduced connectivity between cortical areas involved in face expression, theory of mind, and the sense of self.
, 2015, 138(5):1382-1393. (#共同第一作者)
Yuye Li,
Huaguang Gu
*. The influence of initial values on spatial coherence resonance in neuronal networks.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2015, 25(8):1550104.
Huaguang Gu
*,Baobao Pan, Guanrong Chen, Lixia Duan.Biological experimental demonstration of bifurcations from bursting to spiking predicted by theoretical models.
Nonlinear Dynamics
, 2014, 78(1):391–407.
Huaguang Gu*
, Baobao Pan, Jian Xu. Experimental observation of spike, burst and chaos synchronization of calcium concentration oscillation.
Europhysics Letters,
2014, 106:50003.
Huaguang Gu
*, Weiwei Xiao. Difference between intermittent chaotic bursting and spiking of neural firing patterns.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2014, 24(6):1450082.
Huaguang Gu*
,Shenggen Chen. Potassium-inducedbifurcations and chaos in neural firing patterns observed from a biological experimental pacemaker.
Science China Technological Sciences
,2014, 57(5):864–871.
Huaguang Gu
*. Different bifurcation scenarios of neural firing pattern in identical pacemakers.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
, 2013, 23(12): 1350195.
Huaguang Gu*
, Yuye Li, Bing Jia, Guanrong Chen. Parameter-dependent synchronization transition of coupled neurons with co-existing spiking and bursting.
Physica A,
2013, 392(15): 3281–3292.
Huaguang Gu*
. Experimental observation of transitions from chaotic bursting to chaotic spiking in a neural pacemaker.
, 2013, 23(2): 023126.
Huaguang Gu*
, Bing Jia, Guanrong Chen. Experimental evidence of a chaotic region in a neural pacemaker.
Physics Letters A
, 2013, 377(9): 718–720.
Huaguang Gu*
, Bing Jia, Yuye Li, Guanrong Chen. White noise-induced spiral waves and multiple spatial coherence resonances in a neuronal network with type I excitability.
Physica A
, 2013, 392(6): 1361–1374.
Bing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*.
Identifying type I excitability using dynamics of stochastic neural firing patterns.
Cognitive Neurodynamics,
2012, 6(6): 485–497.
Bing Jia,
Huaguang Gu*
, Li Li, Xiaoyan Zhao. Dynamics of period-doubling bifurcation to chaos in the spontaneous neural firing patterns.
Cognitive Neurodynamics,
2012, 6(1): 89–106.
Huaguang Gu*
, Bing Jia, Qishao Lu. Exponential decay characteristics of the integer multiple neural firing patterns.
Cognitive Neurodynamics
, 2011, 5(1): 87–101.
Zhiqiang Liu, Huimin Zhang, Yuye Li, Cuncai Hua,
Huaguang Gu*
, Wei Ren. Multiple spatial coherence resonance induced by stochastic signal in neuronal networks near a saddle-node bifurcation. Physica A, 2010, 389: 2642–2653.
Minghao Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Li Li, Yulin Xu, Hongju Liu,
Huaguang Gu*
, Wei Ren. Identifying distinct stochastic dynamics from chaos: a study on multimodal neural firing patterns.
International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos
, 2009, 19(2): 453–485. (Tutorials and Reviews).
Huaguang Gu
, Minghao Yang, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Dynamics of autonomous stochastic resonance in neural period adding bifurcation scenarios. Physics Letters A, 2003, 319(1-2): 89–96.
Huaguang Gu
, Minghao Yang, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren. Experimental observation of the stochastic bursting caused by coherence resonance in experimental neural pacemaker.
2002, 13: 1657–1660.
Huaguang Gu
, Wei Ren, Qishao Lu, Shunguang Wu, Wenjuan Chen. Integer multiple spiking in neuronal pacemakers without external periodic stimulation.
Physics Letters A,
2001, 285: 63–68.
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