
西湖名师论坛第八十五期 | 刘维屏:环境过程中手性污染物的对映选择性与毒理学

时间 :2020年11月12日(周四)下午14:30-16:00

Time :2:30-4:00 PM, Thursday, Nov 12, 2020

地点 :西湖大学云栖校区2号楼611室

Venue: Room 611, Building 2, Yunqi Campus

主持人: 西湖大学工学院讲席教授 李凌

Host: Ling Li, Chair Professor of School of Engineering, Westlake University

讲座语言: 中文

Lecture language : Chinese

主讲人/Speaker 刘维屏, 浙江大学环境健康研究所所长

Weiping LIU, Professor, the director of the Environmental Health Research Institute, Zhejiang University

刘维屏,教授。现任浙江大学环境健康研究所所长。曾任浙江大学环境科学研究中心主任、环境与资源学院院长。 浙江大学获学士和硕士学位,日本东京农业大 学博士学位。 2002 年国家杰出青年基金获得者, 2006 年教育部 创新团队 带头人,浙江省 钱江学者 和浙江大学“求是学者”特聘教授。兼任中国环境科学学会理事,中国化学会环境化学分会、中国环境科学学会环境化学专业委员会委员和持久性有机污染物专业委员会委员 。是生态毒理学报、农药学学报的副主编, Sci. Total Environ. Ecotoxic. Environ. Safety Chirality 及环境工程学报、环境化学等的编委。

主要从事环境污染与健康方面的研究,特别是环境有机污染物的化学结构多样性与环境风险差异性研究。主持了国家重点基础研究 “973” 和国家高科技“ 863 ”课题,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、重大国际合作项目、重大科研仪器项目、重点项目等国家级课题 20 余项。已在 PNAS EST 等学术期刊发表论文 300 余篇,被引 19000 余次(其中 SCI 引用 14000 余次, H 因子 65 2014 年以来均为爱思唯尔的 Scopus 数据库世界高被引学者和斯坦福大学公开发布的“世界引用最多的前 10 万名学者” 之一);出版专著教材 5 部(其中英文 2 部);获省部科技(教学成果)一等奖 3 项。指导的博士研究生, 2 人分获 2002 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文 2003 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文 提名论文,有 2 人获美国化学会颁发的杰出青年研究奖。 2012 年遴选为美国科学促进会会士( AAAS Fellow )。



Enantioselectivity in Environmental Process and Toxicology of Chiral Contaminants


The speed at which new chemicals are introduced into the market is accelerating due to the rapid urbanization and industrialization worldwide. Many organic pollutants have structural diversity, such as congener, isomer and especial enantiomers. The significance of molecular chirality is widely recognized in life sciences. Enantiomers of the same compound have identical physical-chemical properties and thus appear as a single compound in standard analysis. For economic reasons, chiral pesticides are primarily used as mixtures of enantiomers, or racemates. However, enantiomers are known to selectively interact with biological systems that are usually enantioselective and may behave as drastically different compounds. Many of organic chemicals are agricultural chemicals, including but not limited to synthetic pyrethroids, organophosphates, acylanilides, phenoxypropanoic acid and imidazolinones. They are typically used in their racemic form. Unfortunately, they exhibit enantioselective behavior during agricultural use. Therefore, these compounds may pose enantioselective ecological threats to non-target organisms and/or humans, affecting the safety of food chain and even the entire ecosystem. Therefore, the toxicity of chiral pollutants has gained much attention in the academia in the recent years. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the relationships between enantioselective environmental process and toxicology of the aforementioned chiral compounds during environmental risk assessment, which has been the main focus of my research group in the past 20 years.

科技合作部 毕老师

