mac上的xampp出现Access forbidden! You don’t have permission to access the requested object. It is either 2015-03-24 16:57:02


Access forbidden!  You don’t have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

这时可以找到apache的httpd.conf文件,找出<Directory />


<Directory />
    Options All
    AllowOverride All
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

chmod -R 777 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs



在 CentOS5.3 MySQL 5.0.45 Apache2.2.3 PHP5.1.6(都是系统自带的)中运行PHP程序出错。 装好 apachephpmysql 后,拷贝(tar / mv )一份 phpmyadmin 过后运行出错: You don ’t have permission to access / on this server 有人说把selinux关掉就好了, 的确是在 Cen... 好久不没弄 apache和php了,突然遇到这种奇葩的问题,本来想直接在网上找现成的解决思路,结果网上搜索花了不少功夫,也没找到原因。 后来看日志文件:apache\logs\error.log发现了蛛丝马迹。 [core:error] [pid 200:tid 1704] (20024)The given path is misformatt ed o... 当访问网站 出现 “You don 't have permission to access / on this server.”时,造成此现象的原因大概有以下两点: 一:用户程序不完整,或者未在空间上设置首页,导致网站无法访问; 二:伪静态未开启,或用户的伪静态文件、伪静态规则不正确; 可根据以上提示查看代码或管理后台修改。 xampp 上去运行的时候,发现有问题,没法运行,报以下的错误: Access for bidden !  You don ’t have permission to access the request ed object . It is either read-protect ed or not readable by the server. 这时可以找到apache的httpd.conf文件, >在SuExec下使用VirtualHosts的Apache HTTP Server 2.2.21>PHP 5.3.8通过fcgid> Arch Linux 2011.08.19每当我尝试访问PHP文件时,我都会从Apache获得403 Access Deni ed 错误. HTML文件和文本文件工作正常.我已经在我能想到的PHP文件中使用了所有可想到的权限组合,从644到777.不... You don 't have permission to access /a/ajax.html on this server. Additionally, a 403 For bidden error was encounter ed while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the req 在新 Mac 上本想配置下apache环境,用来跑项目的 中间自己自定义了Apache的访问目录,想来直接在apache的httpd.conf文件改下文件路径就好,哪知,怎么配置都不行。报错:报403 For bidden , You don ’t have permission to access /on this serve Mac 版本:10.13.4 Apache版本:2.4.29 (Unix)... Access for bidden ! You don 't have permission to access the request ed directory. There is either no index document or the directory is read-protect ed . If you think this is a server error, please conta