soup = BeautifulSoup(urls.text , " html5lib" ) # print(soup.prettify()) content = soup.find( " div" , { " class" : " tt_article_useless_p_margin" }) images = content.findAll( ' img' ) for img in images: img_url = img[ ' src' ]+ " ?original" print (img_url,file=im_link) def get_links(): count=1 for line in tw_link: print (line,count) count+=1 get_images(line) get_links()
What I have tried:
<pre>The code seems to work fine when using a single link, but when i pass the urls to the function i ' m getting the following error.<br /> AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 23 count+=1 24 get_images(line) ---> 25 get_links()<br /> 1 frames in get_links() 22 print(line,count) 23 count+=1 ---> 24 get_images(line) 25 get_links()<br /> in get_images(urli) 12 print(soup.prettify()) 13 content = soup.find("div", {"class": "tt_article_useless_p_margin"}) ---> 14 images = content.findAll(' img ' ) 15 for img in images: 16 img_url = img[' src ' ]+"?original"<br /> AttributeError: ' NoneType ' object has no attribute ' findAll '
My guess is that i'm triggering some sort of Bot Detection (because when passing a single link different page is loaded not the one that's being loaded currently), is there any way to bypass that..? I've tried using time.sleep(5) but that also didn't work tw_link = open ( " TW_Links.txt" , " r" , encoding = ' utf-8' ) im_link = open ( " DCDN_Links.txt" , " w+" ) kak_link = open ( " KCDN_Links.txt" , " w+" ) def get_images(urlset): for x in urlset: rs = requests.Session() urls=rs.get(x) soup = BeautifulSoup(urls.text , " html5lib" ) content = soup.find( " div" , { " class" : " tt_article_useless_p_margin" }) images = content.findAll( ' img' ) for img in images: img_url = img[ ' src' ]+ " ?original" if " blog" in img_url: print (img_url,file=kak_link) print (img_url) print (img_url,file=im_link) print (img_url) # print(x) time.sleep( 2 ) def get_links(): count=1 linklist = [] for line in tw_link: line = line.replace( " \n" , " " ) linklist.append(line) get_images(linklist) get_links()
For those waiting for a solution, it was pretty simple, i was doubtful of the request module so i intercepted the traffic from the program using proxy and voila turns out the request module also included EOL symbol in the request as well, while it might've worked with most sites this particular site redirected to the 404 Page , so a simple removal of "\n" from the lines read did the trick.
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