I have a use case where I need to create a directory in all hosts in a group whose name will be the name of the group.
I create a dynamic inventory file with output of the form :
"db": ["host1", "host2", "host3"],
"logs": ["host2"],
"misc": ["host4"]
I need to create a directory by the name db in every host of the group db and directory named log in every host of the group log.
My playbook so far looks like :
- hosts: db
- name: create db directory
file: path=db state=directory
- hosts: logs
- name: create logs directory
file: path=logs state=directory
The number of groups is at least 10+. This may grow in the future.
I want to write something that will be easily extendable and manageable for the future groups.
I read that ansible doesn't provide a default fact or variable for group name for the task. I see that this can be best done if I provide a variable like groupname in host.
Is there a better solution that could use looping instead of repeating the same task?
You can use the magic variable group_names
. The variable is a list (array) of all the groups the current host is in. More information is available per the documentation
- hosts: all
- name: create db directory
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
with_items: "{{ group_names }}"
Disclaimer: Did not test this code.
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