博士,教授,博士研究生导师。辽宁省百千万人才工程百人层次人选,北京市教学名师。主要从事无机化学、应用化学、催化剂新材料、重防腐涂料、无机矿物资源有效高效利用、固废处置技术等研究,培养博士及硕士研究生120多人。主持和参加国家级科研项目 5 项,各企业委托的项目 20 多项, 公开发表科技论文 190 篇, 已获国家发明专利 授权 12 项。 首次提出了双电层防腐涂料理论,开发出了多种重防腐涂料,并成功实现了工业化,产品在 30 多个领域得以应用;首次解决了困扰氯碱行业的原料脱碘难题,开发成功了“卤水脱碘成套技术装置”,已为多家企业应用;解决了多家生产企业的工业水循环利用难题,实现了废水零排放。现兼任 中国石油和化工勘探设计协会硫酸和磷肥设计专业委员会委员 全国化工硫酸和磷肥设计技术中心技术委员会委员 全国废弃化学品处置标准化委员会委员 《工业催化》期刊编委会委员 福建省院士专家工作站特聘专家 济南市院士专家工作站特聘专家 江门市博士后企业创新导师 等。

  • 1. 双电层防腐涂料的构筑及防腐蚀行为研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31
  • 2. 北京市教学名师 ,省、市、自治区科技项目,项目时间:2017-06-13 至 2018-07-28
  • 3. 船舶与海洋工程绿色长效防腐涂料的研制与产业化 ,国家科技支撑计划,项目时间:2014-09-01 至 2017-12-30
  • 4. 纳米分子筛柱撑层状材料构筑复合双孔道结构催化剂的研究 ,国家自然科学基金项目,项目时间:2013-01-01 至 2016-12-31
  • 5. 蒙脱土层间限域合成纳米分子筛及其对重质油的催化裂化性能研究 ,主管部门科技项目,项目时间:2011-06-10 至 2013-06-10
  • 6. 铝基合金非晶形成能力研究 ,自选课题,项目时间:2002-01-01 至 2003-12-31
  • 1. 新浦化学(泰兴)有限公司卤水除碘技术许可使用合同 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2021-12-13 至 2023-12-31
  • 2. 水泥窑脱硝逃逸氨的捕集、回收及循环利用研究 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2019-11-10 至 2021-12-31
  • 3. 粉料仓防粘附、以清洁成套技术开发 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2019-10-28 至 2020-03-31
  • 4. 一种无机超分子双电层二维纳米片及其制备方法、 一种双电层防腐涂料及其应用、 一种水滑石-蒙脱土层板交替结构复合材料的制备方法 ,无依托项目研究成果,项目时间:2019-07-15 至 2039-07-14
  • 5. 北京化工大学—安徽陶博士环保科技有限公司无机涂料联合研发中心 ,自选课题,项目时间:2018-11-09 至 2023-11-09
  • 6. 黄金冶炼含氰废渣无害化处理及综合应用技术研究 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2017-10-10 至 2018-12-30
  • 7. 盐水脱碘技术工业化研究及应用 ,企事业单位委托科技项目,项目时间:2016-11-20 至 2018-12-31
  • 8. 盐(卤)水脱碘技术工业化研究及应用 ,项目时间:2015-01-20 至 2017-12-01
  • 9. 纳米多孔白炭黑生产技术研究 ,项目时间:2012-01-16 至 2016-12-30
  • 10. 白炭黑产品质量提升技术研究 ,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2013-12-31
  • 11. 用四氟化硅制备多晶硅相关技术开发 ,项目时间:2012-01-01 至 2013-12-31
  • 12. 卤水脱碘技术工业化研究及应用 ,项目时间:2011-07-20 至 2016-07-20
  • 13. 钒催化剂热稳定性改进研究 ,项目时间:2011-06-25 至 2012-06-25
  • 14. 单不饱和脂肪酸的合成 ,项目时间:2011-06-08 至 2011-09-30
  • 15. 光固化多功能防腐材料生产技术 ,项目时间:2011-04-25 至 2026-04-25
  • 16. 水性防锈底漆干燥技术研究 ,项目时间:2010-06-01 至 2015-06-01
  • 17. 新诺威生产工艺过程废水回用技术开发 ,项目时间:2009-01-01 至 2010-12-31
  • 18. 卤水脱SO42-(硫酸根)技术开发 ,项目时间:2008-01-01 至 2008-12-31
  • 19. 平顶山市汇源氯碱有限公司原料卤水脱碘技术 ,项目时间:2005-08-22 至 2006-08-22
  • 20. 新汶矿业集团有限责任公司泰山盐化工卤水脱碘技术开发 ,项目时间:2004-09-20 至 2006-09-20
  • 21. 脂肪酸加氢催化剂生产技术 ,项目时间:2003-04-23 至 2032-04-23
  • 2 . DOI Ullah, Irfan,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Afaq Ullah,Albalawi, Karma,李保山,El-Zahhar, Adel A.,Jevtovic, Violeta,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Asghar, Basim H.,Alghamdi, Majed M.
    Facile fabrication of Ag nanoparticles: An advanced material for antioxidant, infectious therapy and photocatalytic applications [期刊论文] ,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 2022-07-01 3 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Arooj, Aaranda,Tahir, Kamran,Ibrahim, Mohamed M.,Jevtovic, Violeta,AL-Abdulkarim, Hessah A.,Saleh, Ebraheem Abdu Musad,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Amin, Mohammed A.,李保山
    Facile fabrication of novel Ag2S-ZnO/GO nanocomposite with its enhanced photocatalytic and biological applications [期刊论文] ,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022-03-05 4 . DOI 战兴晓,李保山,刘建军,左胜利
    水性硅丙乳液对硅酸盐富锌涂层防腐蚀性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,腐蚀与防护, 2021-12-15 5 . DOI 马贺成,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,刘文琦,王艺蒙,李保山
    One-Step Fabrication of 2D/2D Z-Scheme BiOCl/g-C3N4 Nanosheets Heterojunction for Efficient Degradation of RhB and Cr(VI) Ions Reduction under Visible-Light Illumination [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2021-10-06 6 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Tahir, Kamran,Ullah, Sami,Arooj, Aaranda,李保山,Rehman, Khalil ur,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Mati Ullah,Ullah, Irfan
    A Tagetes minuta based eco-benign synthesis of multifunctional Au/MgO nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic, antibacterial and DPPH scavenging activities [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2021-07-01 7 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bandar A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Alqarni, Ali O.,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ullah, Sami,Wasim, Muhammad,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Ahmad, Waqas
    Biosynthesis of silver capped magnesium oxide nanocomposite using Olea cuspidata leaf extract and their photocatalytic, antioxidant and antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2021-03-01 8 . DOI 李保山
    教材中价层电子对互斥理论的问题探讨 [期刊论文] ,大学化学, 2020-12-14 9 . DOI Afaq Ullah Khan,Arif Ullah Khan,李保山,Mater H. Mahnashi,Bander A. Alyami,Kamran Tahir,Shafiullah Khan,Sadia Nazir
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020-09-01 10 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bander A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2020-09-01 11 . DOI Zhou, Juan,Lin, Husitu,于迎春,左胜利,李保山,刘建军
    Bright Luminous and Stable CsPbBr3@PS Microspheres Prepared via Facile Anti-solvent Method using CTAB as Double Modifier [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2020-08-17 12 . DOI 杨柳,李保山
    颜填料对乙烯基酯树脂重防腐涂料性能的 影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2020-07-01 13 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Huo, Yuewen,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,王磊,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of BiOCl/ZnO/CN Nanocomposite for Visible-Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2020-02-07 14 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Wang, Lei
    Fabrication of foamed zinc oxide-silica spheres coupled with Ag-AgBr for high-efficiency photo-/electrocatalytic overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2020-01-20 15 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进 展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 16 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 17 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Zhang, Xiaorong,Abbas, Zaheer,Khan, Shafiullah,Rehman, Wajid,Zaman, Umber,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,李保山
    A facile band alignment with sharp edge morphology accelerating the charge transportation for visible light photocatalytic degradation: A multiplex synergy [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2019-12-01 18 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Jinxi Zhang,Lei Wang
    Synthesis of foamed zinc oxide–silica spheres coupled with g-C 3 N 4 nanosheets for visible light photocatalysis [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2019-10-01 19 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,Jinbo Pan,Hecheng Ma,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Sadeeq Ullah,Muzaffar Iqbal,李保山
    Fabrication of flower-shaped hierarchical rGO QDs-Bi-Bi2WO6/EP floating photocatalyst: Eminent degradation kinetic under sun-like irradiation [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2019-08-15 20 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Muhammad Arif,Xianglong Kong,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of 3-D ZnO/CN nanorods for photo-/electrocatalytic water splitting: An efficient morphology for charge carriers transportation [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2019-08-13 21 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Xiaorong Zhang,Ghulam Yasin,Muhammad Arif,Zaheer Abbas,Umber Zaman,李保山
    Fabrication of Amorphous BiOCl/TiO2‐C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient Water Oxidation [期刊论文] ,ChemistrySelect, 2019-07-01 22 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,潘金波,马贺成,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Muzaffar Iqbal,Sadeeq Ullah,李保山
    One-Pot Fabrication of Hierarchical Floating Bi-Bi2S3-Bi2WO6/Expanded Perlite Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis of Organic Contaminants Utilized Sunlike Illumination [期刊论文] ,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019-05-22 23 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Muhammad Arif,Ghulam Yasin,李保山,Hashmat Daud Khan
    Layered by Layered Ni-Mn-LDH/g-C3N4 Nanohybrid for Multi-Purpose Photo/electrocatalysis: Morphology Controlled Strategy for Effective Charge Carriers Separation [期刊论文] ,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019-03-01 24 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    Fabrication of Highly Efficient and Hierarchical CdS QDs/CQDs/H-TiO2 Ternary Heterojunction: Surpassable Photocatalysis under Sun-like Illumination [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2019-01-09 25 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Baloch, Musa Kaleem
    Hollow mesoporous architecture: A high performance bi-functional photoelectrocatalyst for overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2018-12-01 26 . DOI 任保勇,林坤,李保山
    汽车三元催化器的免拆清洗 [期刊论文] ,清洗世界, 2018-11-30 27 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,左胜利,Ma, Hecheng,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    One step fabrication of novel Ag-CdS@EP floating photocatalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination [期刊论文] ,DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2018-09-21 28 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    Pd/Ni-MCM-41制备及其对苯甲醛加氢的催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-09-15 29 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Sher, Zunaira,Ali, Jawad,Nazir, Sadia
    A revival of 2D materials, phosphorene: Its application as sensors [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-25 30 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山
    Fabrication of floating CdS/EP photocatalyst by facile liquid phase deposition for highly efficient degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 2018-08-15 31 . DOI 韩璐,李春,高运华,盛灵慧,王志栋,李保山
    维生素标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,食品安全质量检测学报, 2018-08-15 32 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    多级孔MnAPSO-34分子筛的制备、表征及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-08-15 33 . DOI Pan Jin-Bo,刘建军,Ma He-Cheng,Khan, Usman Ali,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    Preparation of Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl Microsphere with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Pollutant Elimination [期刊论文] ,CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-10 34 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Abrar,Ali, Jawad
    Controlled Synthesis of highly proficient and durable hollow hierarchical heterostructured (Ag-AgBr/HHST): A UV and Visible light active photocatalyst in degradation of organic pollutants [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 2018-07-05 35 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Synthesis of cuboid BiOCl nanosheets coupled with CdS quantum dots by region-selective deposition process with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2018-07-01 36 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of Z-scheme CdS/CQDs/BiOCl heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity for environmental pollutant elimination [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2018-06-30 37 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Hashmat Daud
    In Situ Fabrication of Foamed Titania Carbon Nitride Nanocomposite and Its Synergetic Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2018-06-20 38 . DOI Ali, Jawad,Irshad, Rabia,李保山,Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,Shakeel, Muhammad,Khan, Naeem Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq
    Synthesis and characterization of phytochemical fabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2018-06-01 39 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of flower-like hierarchical CdS QDs/Bi/Bi2WO6 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2018-05-07 40 . DOI 王萌,李保山,吴建华,方大庆,王红峰,郑天水
    双电层纳米材料的制备及在防腐涂料中的应用 [期刊论文] ,石油化工高等学校学报, 2018-04-20 41 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Shakeel, Muhammad,刘建军,左胜利
    Hybriding hierarchical zeolite with Pt nanoparticles and graphene: Ternary nanocomposites for efficient visible-light photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2018-04-01 42 . DOI 吴乃瑾,宋云,魏文侠,杨苏才,李佳斌,王海见,李保山
    高分散型金属改性硅基介孔分子筛的制备及强化方法 [期刊论文] ,化工新型材料, 2017-12-15 43 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,刘建军,左胜利
    Well-dispersed Ni nanoclusters on the surfaces of MFI nanosheets as highly efficient and selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of naphthalene to tetralin [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-10-30 44 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    C 4 馏分加氢催化剂的应用 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-08-15 45 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Wang, Ning,刘建军,左胜利
    A new soft template-oriented method for the preparation of hollow analcime microspheres with nanosheets-assembled shells [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2017-08-01 46 . DOI 梁伟,李保山
    助剂Mo对硅柱撑蒙脱土负载镍催化剂结构及加氢脱氧性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-06-15 47 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Nazir, Sadia
    Antibacterial activity of biochemically capped iron oxide nanoparticles: A view towards green chemistry [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-05-01 48 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Yan, Dongpeng
    Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Well-Ordered Crystalline Heteroatom Mesoporous MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,CRYSTALS, 2017-04-01 49 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    A simple fabrication for sulfur doped graphitic carbon nitride porous rods with excellent photocatalytic activity degrading RhB dye [会议论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-01-01 50 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Khan, Abrar,Rahman, Aziz Ur
    Facile and green synthesis of phytochemicals capped platinum nanoparticles and in vitro their superior antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-01-01 51 . DOI 李保山
    离子膜烧碱原料卤水中微量碘的脱除技术 [期刊论文] ,江苏氯碱, 2016-12-20 52 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Arif Ullah,Shah, Sayyed Asim Ali,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Yasin, Ghulam,Hameed, Muhammad Usman
    Sapium sebiferum leaf extract mediated synthesis of palladium nanoparticles and in vitro investigation of their bacterial and photocatalytic activities [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-11-01 53 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Naz, Rubina,Raza, Muslim
    Visible light photo catalytic inactivation of bacteria and photo degradation of methylene blue with Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by a novel method [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-09-01 54 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Shahab Ullah
    Preparation, characterization and an efficient photocatalytic activity of Au/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by green deposition method [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2016-09-01 55 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    杂原子分子筛的合成与应用的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,石油化工, 2016-08-15 56 . DOI 廖波,刘建军,李保山,左胜利
    N-羟基-1,6-亚甲基桥[10]轮烯-3,4-酰亚胺/乙酸钴液相催化氧化3-甲基吡啶制备烟酸 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2016-07-20 57 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山
    A Novel Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Bimetallic Catalysts Pt@M-MCM-41 (M = Ni, Co) for Hydrocracking of Residual Oil [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2016-05-05 58 . DOI 杜伟钊,盛灵慧,李保山,王晶,向新乾,李秀琴
    气相色谱-质谱法测定橄榄油中8种脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,中国粮油学报, 2016-04-25 59 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,Huang, Yanni,Zhang, Chi,刘建军,Piao, Lingyu,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Superior nanoporous graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst coupled with CdS quantum dots for photodegradation of RhB [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS TODAY, 2016-04-15 60 . DOI 黄莉娜,侯光胜,李保山
    卤水中碘离子的氧化行为研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 61 . DOI 夏涵泊,李保山
    烟气中一氧化氮的液相吸收与综合利用 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 62 . DOI Batool, Madeeha,Shah, Asma Tufail,Din, Muhammad Imran,李保山
    Catalytic Pyrolysis of Low Density Polyethylene Using Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Encapsulated Monovacant Keggin Units (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) and ZSM-5 [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2016-01-01 63 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,刘建军,左胜利,Zhao, Yunchen
    Preparation and catalytic performance of a novel highly dispersed bifunctional catalyst Pt@Fe-MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2016-01-01 64 . DOI Tahir,Kamran,Nazir,Sadia,Ahmad,Aftab,李保山,AliShah,SayyedAsim,Khan,ArifUllah,Khan,GulMajid,Khan,QudratUllah,HaqKhan,ZiaUl,Khan,FaheemUllah
    Biodirected synthesis of palladium nanoparticles using: Phoenix dactylifera leaves extract and their size dependent biomedical and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,RSC Advances, 2016-01-01 65 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Arif Ullah,Ul Islam, Rafiq
    Enhanced chemocatalytic reduction of aromatic nitro compounds by biosynthesized gold nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2015-12-05 66 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Zhao, Yunchen
    Enhanced visible light photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli using silver nanoparticles as photocatalyst [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2015-12-01 67 . DOI 徐晶晶,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    介孔AgBr/TiO 2 -SiO 2 光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2015-10-20 68 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Gong, Peng Yu,Khan, Shahab Ullah,Ahmad, Aftab
    Nerium oleander leaves extract mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its antioxidant activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2015-10-01 69 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Faheem Ullah
    An efficient photo catalytic activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Salvadora persica stem extract [期刊论文] ,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2015-08-17 70 . DOI 李鸿鹏,李保山
    液流电池钛基负极电解液在不同温度下的电化学性能 [期刊论文] ,化工学报, 2015-05-15 71 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Zhang, Wen,Lv, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of well-ordered mesoporous Ni-MCM-41 with high nickel content [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2015-05-15 72 . DOI 赵龙,李保山
    在液氨环境中制备氨基钠的研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2015-01-10 73 . DOI 李保山,Wu, Naijin,Wu, Kai,刘建军,Han, Chunying,Li, Xianfen
    Bimetallic V and Ti incorporated MCM-41 molecular sieves and their catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 74 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,李保山,Yue, Liwen,Wu, Naijin,Lv, Kaixuan,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Hierarchical porous nano-MFI zeolite-pillared montmorillonite clay synthesized by recrystallization for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 75 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,Zhang, Fei,Yue, Liwen,Li, Xuan,Tao, Yu,Zhang, Ge,Wu, Kai,Wang, Cong,李保山
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed in silica pillared clay as an efficient catalyst for chlorobenzene dechlorination [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 76 . DOI 李至秦,武莉莉,李保山
    氟硅酸钠为原料制备纳米白炭黑及高含氟溶液 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-12-10 77 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Zhang, Jie
    Preparation of Carbon Nanofibers by Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide on a Nickel Sponge Catalyst [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-12-05 78 . DOI 武莉莉,李至秦,李保山
    氟硅酸制备高质量纳米白炭黑及F-溶液研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-11-10 79 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Li, Xuan
    Synthesis of Tunable Fe3O4@Mesoporous-silica-pillared Clay (MSPC) and Its Performance in Lysozyme Loading and Releasing Behavior [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 80 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Wu, Naijin,Li, Xuan
    Facile Synthesis of Copper-doped Mesoporous Silica Pillared Clay (Cu-MSPC) as a High-performance Catalyst for Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 81 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    One-pot synthesis of foamed titania-silica composite and its photocatalytic performance [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-08-15 82 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    One-pot synthesis of novel Ag-AgBr@HHSS with superior visible photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-08-01 83 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wanhang,刘建军
    Synthesis of Magnetic Fe3O4@hierarchical Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2014-07-02 84 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of magnetic FexOy@silica-pillared clay (SPC) composites via a novel sol-gel route for controlled drug release and targeting [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2014-07-01 85 . DOI Wu, Kai,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization of MCM-41 with high vanadium content in the framework and its catalytic performance on selective oxidation of cyclohexane [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 2014-06-05 86 . DOI Wang, Jing,Xu, Junqing,李保山,Zhang, Guoli,Wu, Ning,Mao, Lihe
    Synthesis of a Fe-MFI zeolite with super-micropores by using potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) as an iron source [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-06-01 87 . DOI Yu, Xuejiao,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation and visible light photocatalytic activity of carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanosheet composites [期刊论文] ,CARBON, 2014-03-01 88 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of lacunary polyoxometalate encapsulated into hexagonal mesoporous silica and their catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-03-01 89 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of novel hierarchical hollow silica sphere supported TiO2 nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-02-15 90 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Zhu, Kongnan,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of titania modified silica-pillared clay (SPC) with highly ordered interlayered mesoporous structure for removing toxic metal ion Cr(VI) from aqueous state [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2014-02-15 91 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of Keggin-type lacunary 11-tungstophosphates encapsulated into mesoporous silica pillared in clay interlayer galleries and their catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2014-02-10 92 . DOI Wu, Naijin,Zhang, Wen,李保山,Han, Chunying
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed with an ordered distribution in MCM-41 matrix as an efficient catalyst for hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-02-01 93 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Chen, Qun,Zhong, Jing
    Fabrication of magnetic silica-pillared clay (SPC) nanocomposites with ordered interlayer mesoporous structure for controlled drug release [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-01-15 94 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    A novel liquid template corrosion approach for layered silica with various morphologies and different nanolayer thicknesses [期刊论文] ,NANOSCALE, 2014-01-01 95 . DOI 刘建军,左胜利,Yu, Liming,Yu, Yingchun,李保山,Chen, Pengwan
    Visible light photodegradation of methylene blue by AgBr-TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalysts [期刊论文] ,PARTICUOLOGY, 2013-12-01 96 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing
    Synthesis and characterization of transitional metal-rich zeolite M-MFI (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with regular mesoporous channels [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2013-10-05 97 . DOI Li, Hongyu,刘建军,Wang, Kejian,Yu, Xuejiao,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation of fluorescent CdTe/montmorillonite nanocomposites and their incorporation into polypropylene [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2013-09-15 98 . DOI 黄 峥,盛灵慧,马 康,高运华,王 晶,李保山
    5 种脂肪酸甲酯化方法的酯化效率研究 [期刊论文] ,中国油脂, 2013-09-01 99 . DOI 张斐,李保山
    硅烷偶联剂改性空心SiO 2 纳米球对纯丙乳液性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2013-08-01 100 . DOI 白玉娜,左胜利,于迎春,刘建军,李保山
    氮-硫共掺杂二氧化钛光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2013-07-25 101 . DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,白守礼,许家喜,李蕾,李保山
    走理工融合之路 培养应用化学专业高素质创新人才 [期刊论文] ,中国大学教学, 2013-07-15 102 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Lu, Xinhao,Li, Mingshi,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Synthesis and catalytic properties of highly ordered mesostructured silica-pillared alpha-zirconium phosphate: Self-assembly via interlayered templating method [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2013-07-01 103 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    Facile fabrication of hollow silica nanospheres and their hierarchical self-assemblies as drug delivery carriers through a new single-micelle-template approach [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2013-01-01 104 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山
    Preparation of MCM-41 supported (Bu4N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) catalyst and its performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2012-08-15 105 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,Ma, Wei,Zhao, Songjie
    In situ synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of tungstophosphoric acid encapsulated into the framework of mesoporous silica pillared clay [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-07-01 106 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate: Incorporation of iron onto mesoporous silica network by a novel route [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2012-07-01 107 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with transition metal substituted polyoxometalate and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-07-01 108 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,Mujahid, Adnan,Farooq, Muhammad Umar,Ahmad, Waqar,李保山,Irfan, Muhammad,Qadir, Muhammad Abdul
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012-07-01 109 . DOI 李洋,刘建军,张若思,李保山,左胜利
    新型4,4'-双取代-2,2'-二吡啶衍生物的合成及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2012-06-15 110 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,Li, Xiao,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Bimetallic iron and cobalt incorporated MFI/MCM-41 composite and its catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2012-05-01 111 . DOI 姜增琨,刘建军,李保山,左胜利,邹献武,秦特夫
    木材生物质催化加氢制取高附加值产品 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2012-03-15 112 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate with high content of framework iron by pH-modification method and its catalytic performance [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-01-15 113 . DOI Gao, Xiaoxin,Mao, Huihui,Lu, Mohong,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Facile synthesis route to NiO-SiO2 intercalated clay with ordered porous structure: Intragallery interfacially controlled functionalization using nickel-ammonia complex for deep desulfurization [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-01-15 114 . DOI Asma Tufail Shah,Adnan Mujahid ?,? Muhammad Umar Farooq,Waqar Ahmad,李保山,Muhammad Irfan,Muhammad Abdul Qadir
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)4H3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technolog, 2012-01-15 115 . DOI 刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,Liu, Zhixin,左胜利,李保山
    AgBr-Coupled TiO2: A Visible Heterostructured Photocatalyst for Degrading Dye Pollutants [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY, 2012-01-01 116 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,刘建军,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Gao, Xiaohui,Pang, Xinmei,Sheng, Huiting
    Preparation, characterization and application in deep catalytic ODS of the mesoporous silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2011-10-15 117 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,刘建军,Han, Chunying,左胜利,Li, Xianfen
    Synthesis of the well-ordered hexagonal mesoporous silicate incorporated with phosphotungstic acid through a novel method and its catalytic performance on the oxidative desulfurization reaction [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011-10-05 118 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Nagra, Saeed Ahmad
    Aluminated mesoporous silica-pillared montmorillonite as acidic catalyst for catalytic cracking [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2011-10-01 120 . DOI 李保山,Wei Ma,刘建军,左胜利,李仙粉
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with lacunary Keggin and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011-10-01 121 . DOI 喻黎明,刘建军,于迎春,左胜利,李保山
    低温合成TiO2/Fe3O4 磁载光催化剂的光催化性能研究 [期刊论文] ,北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011-09-15 122 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,刘建军,左胜利,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation, characterization and catalytic performance of the silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid using different surfactants as template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL, 2011-09-01 123 . DOI 许倩,盛灵慧,李保山,黄铮
    高效液相色谱-质谱联用法测定人体血液中脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,化学分析计量, 2011-03-15 124 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Gao, Xiaoxin,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    A novel one-step synthesis of mesostructured silica-pillared clay with highly ordered gallery organic-inorganic hybrid frame [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2011-03-01 125 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing,Wang, Qian,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Piao, Jiarui
    Synthesis and characterization of Ln-ZSM-5/MCM-41 (Ln = La, Ce) by using kaolin as raw material [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2010-09-01 126 . DOI 李保山,Li, Xiao,Xu, Junqing,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Synthesis and characterization of composite molecular sieves M-1-MFI/M-2-MCM-41(M-1, M-2 = Ni, Co) with high heteroatom content and their catalytic properties for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2010-06-01 127 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Elgin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Cu-SBA-16 by internal pH-modification method and its performance for adsorption of dibenzothiophene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 128 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Xu, Junqing,Ding, Bo,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Facile synthesis and catalytic properties of titanium containing silica-pillared clay derivatives with ordered mesoporous structure through a novel intra-gallery templating method [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 129 . DOI A. H. JIN,李保山,Z. J. DAI
    Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil with hydrogen peroxide catalysed by Keggin-type Polyoxotungstate in a DC Magnetic Field [期刊论文] ,Petroleum Science and Technology, 2010-04-07 130 . DOI 李仙粉,史伟伟,李保山,袁晓东,任福民
    异辛酸稀土型柴油清净剂的合成和应用研究 [期刊论文] ,中国稀土学报, 2010-02-15 131 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Novel One-Step Synthesis Route to Ordered Mesoporous Silica-Pillared Clay Using Cationic-Anionic Mixed-Gallery Templates [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2010-01-20 132 . DOI Zaki Eldin Ali Abdalla,李保山,Asma Tufail
    Preparation of phosphate promoted Na2WO4/Al2O3 catalyst and its application for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2009-11-25 133 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Ti-containing SBA-16-type mesoporous material by the evaporation-induced self-assembly method and its catalytic performance for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-15 134 . DOI 李保山,Mao, Huihui,Li, Xiao,Ma, Wei,Liu, Zhenxing
    Synthesis of mesoporous silica-pillared clay by intragallery ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane using quaternary ammonium surfactants as gallery templates [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-01 135 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel (or cobolt)-doped silica-pillared clay: Synthesis and characterization studies [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2009-07-01 136 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山,Tufail, Asma
    Direct synthesis of mesoporous (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39)/SiO2 and its catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2009-06-05 137 . DOI 李保山,金昂卉,张月生,庞新梅
    外加磁场对催化裂化柴油氧化脱硫作用的研究 [期刊论文] ,石油炼制与化工, 2009-05-15 138 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Mao, Huihui,Shah, Asma Tufail
    Synthesis of mesoporous zeolite Ni-MFI with high nickel contents by using the ionic complex [(C4H9)(4)N](2)(+)[Ni(EDTA)](2-) as a template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-04-15 139 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhengxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel containing silica-pillared clays (Ni-SPC): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behavior for cracking of plant asphalt [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2009-02-15 140 . DOI Huihui Mao,李保山,Xiao Li,Zhengxing Liu,Wei Ma
    Synthesis of silica-pillared clay (SPC) with ordered mesoporous structure by one-step method without preswelling process [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009-02-15 2 . DOI Ullah, Irfan,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Afaq Ullah,Albalawi, Karma,李保山,El-Zahhar, Adel A.,Jevtovic, Violeta,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Asghar, Basim H.,Alghamdi, Majed M.
    Facile fabrication of Ag nanoparticles: An advanced material for antioxidant, infectious therapy and photocatalytic applications [期刊论文] ,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 2022-07-01 3 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Arooj, Aaranda,Tahir, Kamran,Ibrahim, Mohamed M.,Jevtovic, Violeta,AL-Abdulkarim, Hessah A.,Saleh, Ebraheem Abdu Musad,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Amin, Mohammed A.,李保山
    Facile fabrication of novel Ag2S-ZnO/GO nanocomposite with its enhanced photocatalytic and biological applications [期刊论文] ,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022-03-05 4 . DOI 战兴晓,李保山,刘建军,左胜利
    水性硅丙乳液对硅酸盐富锌涂层防腐蚀性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,腐蚀与防护, 2021-12-15 5 . DOI 马贺成,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,刘文琦,王艺蒙,李保山
    One-Step Fabrication of 2D/2D Z-Scheme BiOCl/g-C3N4 Nanosheets Heterojunction for Efficient Degradation of RhB and Cr(VI) Ions Reduction under Visible-Light Illumination [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2021-10-06 6 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Tahir, Kamran,Ullah, Sami,Arooj, Aaranda,李保山,Rehman, Khalil ur,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Mati Ullah,Ullah, Irfan
    A Tagetes minuta based eco-benign synthesis of multifunctional Au/MgO nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic, antibacterial and DPPH scavenging activities [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2021-07-01 7 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bandar A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Alqarni, Ali O.,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ullah, Sami,Wasim, Muhammad,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Ahmad, Waqas
    Biosynthesis of silver capped magnesium oxide nanocomposite using Olea cuspidata leaf extract and their photocatalytic, antioxidant and antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2021-03-01 8 . DOI 李保山
    教材中价层电子对互斥理论的问题探讨 [期刊论文] ,大学化学, 2020-12-14 9 . DOI Afaq Ullah Khan,Arif Ullah Khan,李保山,Mater H. Mahnashi,Bander A. Alyami,Kamran Tahir,Shafiullah Khan,Sadia Nazir
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020-09-01 10 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bander A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2020-09-01 11 . DOI Zhou, Juan,Lin, Husitu,于迎春,左胜利,李保山,刘建军
    Bright Luminous and Stable CsPbBr3@PS Microspheres Prepared via Facile Anti-solvent Method using CTAB as Double Modifier [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2020-08-17 12 . DOI 杨柳,李保山
    颜填料对乙烯基酯树脂重防腐涂料性能的 影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2020-07-01 13 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Huo, Yuewen,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,王磊,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of BiOCl/ZnO/CN Nanocomposite for Visible-Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2020-02-07 14 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Wang, Lei
    Fabrication of foamed zinc oxide-silica spheres coupled with Ag-AgBr for high-efficiency photo-/electrocatalytic overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2020-01-20 15 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进 展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 16 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 17 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Zhang, Xiaorong,Abbas, Zaheer,Khan, Shafiullah,Rehman, Wajid,Zaman, Umber,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,李保山
    A facile band alignment with sharp edge morphology accelerating the charge transportation for visible light photocatalytic degradation: A multiplex synergy [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2019-12-01 18 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Jinxi Zhang,Lei Wang
    Synthesis of foamed zinc oxide–silica spheres coupled with g-C 3 N 4 nanosheets for visible light photocatalysis [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2019-10-01 19 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,Jinbo Pan,Hecheng Ma,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Sadeeq Ullah,Muzaffar Iqbal,李保山
    Fabrication of flower-shaped hierarchical rGO QDs-Bi-Bi2WO6/EP floating photocatalyst: Eminent degradation kinetic under sun-like irradiation [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2019-08-15 20 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Muhammad Arif,Xianglong Kong,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of 3-D ZnO/CN nanorods for photo-/electrocatalytic water splitting: An efficient morphology for charge carriers transportation [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2019-08-13 21 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Xiaorong Zhang,Ghulam Yasin,Muhammad Arif,Zaheer Abbas,Umber Zaman,李保山
    Fabrication of Amorphous BiOCl/TiO2‐C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient Water Oxidation [期刊论文] ,ChemistrySelect, 2019-07-01 22 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,潘金波,马贺成,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Muzaffar Iqbal,Sadeeq Ullah,李保山
    One-Pot Fabrication of Hierarchical Floating Bi-Bi2S3-Bi2WO6/Expanded Perlite Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis of Organic Contaminants Utilized Sunlike Illumination [期刊论文] ,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019-05-22 23 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Muhammad Arif,Ghulam Yasin,李保山,Hashmat Daud Khan
    Layered by Layered Ni-Mn-LDH/g-C3N4 Nanohybrid for Multi-Purpose Photo/electrocatalysis: Morphology Controlled Strategy for Effective Charge Carriers Separation [期刊论文] ,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019-03-01 24 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    Fabrication of Highly Efficient and Hierarchical CdS QDs/CQDs/H-TiO2 Ternary Heterojunction: Surpassable Photocatalysis under Sun-like Illumination [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2019-01-09 25 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Baloch, Musa Kaleem
    Hollow mesoporous architecture: A high performance bi-functional photoelectrocatalyst for overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2018-12-01 26 . DOI 任保勇,林坤,李保山
    汽车三元催化器的免拆清洗 [期刊论文] ,清洗世界, 2018-11-30 27 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,左胜利,Ma, Hecheng,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    One step fabrication of novel Ag-CdS@EP floating photocatalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination [期刊论文] ,DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2018-09-21 28 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    Pd/Ni-MCM-41制备及其对苯甲醛加氢的催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-09-15 29 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Sher, Zunaira,Ali, Jawad,Nazir, Sadia
    A revival of 2D materials, phosphorene: Its application as sensors [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-25 30 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山
    Fabrication of floating CdS/EP photocatalyst by facile liquid phase deposition for highly efficient degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 2018-08-15 31 . DOI 韩璐,李春,高运华,盛灵慧,王志栋,李保山
    维生素标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,食品安全质量检测学报, 2018-08-15 32 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    多级孔MnAPSO-34分子筛的制备、表征及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-08-15 33 . DOI Pan Jin-Bo,刘建军,Ma He-Cheng,Khan, Usman Ali,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    Preparation of Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl Microsphere with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Pollutant Elimination [期刊论文] ,CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-10 34 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Abrar,Ali, Jawad
    Controlled Synthesis of highly proficient and durable hollow hierarchical heterostructured (Ag-AgBr/HHST): A UV and Visible light active photocatalyst in degradation of organic pollutants [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 2018-07-05 35 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Synthesis of cuboid BiOCl nanosheets coupled with CdS quantum dots by region-selective deposition process with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2018-07-01 36 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of Z-scheme CdS/CQDs/BiOCl heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity for environmental pollutant elimination [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2018-06-30 37 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Hashmat Daud
    In Situ Fabrication of Foamed Titania Carbon Nitride Nanocomposite and Its Synergetic Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2018-06-20 38 . DOI Ali, Jawad,Irshad, Rabia,李保山,Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,Shakeel, Muhammad,Khan, Naeem Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq
    Synthesis and characterization of phytochemical fabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2018-06-01 39 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of flower-like hierarchical CdS QDs/Bi/Bi2WO6 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2018-05-07 40 . DOI 王萌,李保山,吴建华,方大庆,王红峰,郑天水
    双电层纳米材料的制备及在防腐涂料中的应用 [期刊论文] ,石油化工高等学校学报, 2018-04-20 41 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Shakeel, Muhammad,刘建军,左胜利
    Hybriding hierarchical zeolite with Pt nanoparticles and graphene: Ternary nanocomposites for efficient visible-light photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2018-04-01 42 . DOI 吴乃瑾,宋云,魏文侠,杨苏才,李佳斌,王海见,李保山
    高分散型金属改性硅基介孔分子筛的制备及强化方法 [期刊论文] ,化工新型材料, 2017-12-15 43 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,刘建军,左胜利
    Well-dispersed Ni nanoclusters on the surfaces of MFI nanosheets as highly efficient and selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of naphthalene to tetralin [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-10-30 44 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    C 4 馏分加氢催化剂的应用 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-08-15 45 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Wang, Ning,刘建军,左胜利
    A new soft template-oriented method for the preparation of hollow analcime microspheres with nanosheets-assembled shells [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2017-08-01 46 . DOI 梁伟,李保山
    助剂Mo对硅柱撑蒙脱土负载镍催化剂结构及加氢脱氧性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-06-15 47 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Nazir, Sadia
    Antibacterial activity of biochemically capped iron oxide nanoparticles: A view towards green chemistry [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-05-01 48 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Yan, Dongpeng
    Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Well-Ordered Crystalline Heteroatom Mesoporous MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,CRYSTALS, 2017-04-01 49 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    A simple fabrication for sulfur doped graphitic carbon nitride porous rods with excellent photocatalytic activity degrading RhB dye [会议论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-01-01 50 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Khan, Abrar,Rahman, Aziz Ur
    Facile and green synthesis of phytochemicals capped platinum nanoparticles and in vitro their superior antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-01-01 51 . DOI 李保山
    离子膜烧碱原料卤水中微量碘的脱除技术 [期刊论文] ,江苏氯碱, 2016-12-20 52 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Arif Ullah,Shah, Sayyed Asim Ali,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Yasin, Ghulam,Hameed, Muhammad Usman
    Sapium sebiferum leaf extract mediated synthesis of palladium nanoparticles and in vitro investigation of their bacterial and photocatalytic activities [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-11-01 53 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Naz, Rubina,Raza, Muslim
    Visible light photo catalytic inactivation of bacteria and photo degradation of methylene blue with Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by a novel method [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-09-01 54 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Shahab Ullah
    Preparation, characterization and an efficient photocatalytic activity of Au/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by green deposition method [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2016-09-01 55 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    杂原子分子筛的合成与应用的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,石油化工, 2016-08-15 56 . DOI 廖波,刘建军,李保山,左胜利
    N-羟基-1,6-亚甲基桥[10]轮烯-3,4-酰亚胺/乙酸钴液相催化氧化3-甲基吡啶制备烟酸 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2016-07-20 57 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山
    A Novel Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Bimetallic Catalysts Pt@M-MCM-41 (M = Ni, Co) for Hydrocracking of Residual Oil [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2016-05-05 58 . DOI 杜伟钊,盛灵慧,李保山,王晶,向新乾,李秀琴
    气相色谱-质谱法测定橄榄油中8种脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,中国粮油学报, 2016-04-25 59 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,Huang, Yanni,Zhang, Chi,刘建军,Piao, Lingyu,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Superior nanoporous graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst coupled with CdS quantum dots for photodegradation of RhB [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS TODAY, 2016-04-15 60 . DOI 黄莉娜,侯光胜,李保山
    卤水中碘离子的氧化行为研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 61 . DOI 夏涵泊,李保山
    烟气中一氧化氮的液相吸收与综合利用 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 62 . DOI Batool, Madeeha,Shah, Asma Tufail,Din, Muhammad Imran,李保山
    Catalytic Pyrolysis of Low Density Polyethylene Using Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Encapsulated Monovacant Keggin Units (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) and ZSM-5 [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2016-01-01 63 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,刘建军,左胜利,Zhao, Yunchen
    Preparation and catalytic performance of a novel highly dispersed bifunctional catalyst Pt@Fe-MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2016-01-01 64 . DOI Tahir,Kamran,Nazir,Sadia,Ahmad,Aftab,李保山,AliShah,SayyedAsim,Khan,ArifUllah,Khan,GulMajid,Khan,QudratUllah,HaqKhan,ZiaUl,Khan,FaheemUllah
    Biodirected synthesis of palladium nanoparticles using: Phoenix dactylifera leaves extract and their size dependent biomedical and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,RSC Advances, 2016-01-01 65 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Arif Ullah,Ul Islam, Rafiq
    Enhanced chemocatalytic reduction of aromatic nitro compounds by biosynthesized gold nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2015-12-05 66 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Zhao, Yunchen
    Enhanced visible light photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli using silver nanoparticles as photocatalyst [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2015-12-01 67 . DOI 徐晶晶,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    介孔AgBr/TiO 2 -SiO 2 光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2015-10-20 68 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Gong, Peng Yu,Khan, Shahab Ullah,Ahmad, Aftab
    Nerium oleander leaves extract mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its antioxidant activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2015-10-01 69 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Faheem Ullah
    An efficient photo catalytic activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Salvadora persica stem extract [期刊论文] ,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2015-08-17 70 . DOI 李鸿鹏,李保山
    液流电池钛基负极电解液在不同温度下的电化学性能 [期刊论文] ,化工学报, 2015-05-15 71 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Zhang, Wen,Lv, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of well-ordered mesoporous Ni-MCM-41 with high nickel content [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2015-05-15 72 . DOI 赵龙,李保山
    在液氨环境中制备氨基钠的研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2015-01-10 73 . DOI 李保山,Wu, Naijin,Wu, Kai,刘建军,Han, Chunying,Li, Xianfen
    Bimetallic V and Ti incorporated MCM-41 molecular sieves and their catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 74 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,李保山,Yue, Liwen,Wu, Naijin,Lv, Kaixuan,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Hierarchical porous nano-MFI zeolite-pillared montmorillonite clay synthesized by recrystallization for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 75 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,Zhang, Fei,Yue, Liwen,Li, Xuan,Tao, Yu,Zhang, Ge,Wu, Kai,Wang, Cong,李保山
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed in silica pillared clay as an efficient catalyst for chlorobenzene dechlorination [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 76 . DOI 李至秦,武莉莉,李保山
    氟硅酸钠为原料制备纳米白炭黑及高含氟溶液 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-12-10 77 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Zhang, Jie
    Preparation of Carbon Nanofibers by Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide on a Nickel Sponge Catalyst [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-12-05 78 . DOI 武莉莉,李至秦,李保山
    氟硅酸制备高质量纳米白炭黑及F-溶液研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-11-10 79 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Li, Xuan
    Synthesis of Tunable Fe3O4@Mesoporous-silica-pillared Clay (MSPC) and Its Performance in Lysozyme Loading and Releasing Behavior [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 80 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Wu, Naijin,Li, Xuan
    Facile Synthesis of Copper-doped Mesoporous Silica Pillared Clay (Cu-MSPC) as a High-performance Catalyst for Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 81 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    One-pot synthesis of foamed titania-silica composite and its photocatalytic performance [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-08-15 82 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    One-pot synthesis of novel Ag-AgBr@HHSS with superior visible photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-08-01 83 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wanhang,刘建军
    Synthesis of Magnetic Fe3O4@hierarchical Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2014-07-02 84 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of magnetic FexOy@silica-pillared clay (SPC) composites via a novel sol-gel route for controlled drug release and targeting [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2014-07-01 85 . DOI Wu, Kai,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization of MCM-41 with high vanadium content in the framework and its catalytic performance on selective oxidation of cyclohexane [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 2014-06-05 86 . DOI Wang, Jing,Xu, Junqing,李保山,Zhang, Guoli,Wu, Ning,Mao, Lihe
    Synthesis of a Fe-MFI zeolite with super-micropores by using potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) as an iron source [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-06-01 87 . DOI Yu, Xuejiao,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation and visible light photocatalytic activity of carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanosheet composites [期刊论文] ,CARBON, 2014-03-01 88 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of lacunary polyoxometalate encapsulated into hexagonal mesoporous silica and their catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-03-01 89 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of novel hierarchical hollow silica sphere supported TiO2 nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-02-15 90 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Zhu, Kongnan,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of titania modified silica-pillared clay (SPC) with highly ordered interlayered mesoporous structure for removing toxic metal ion Cr(VI) from aqueous state [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2014-02-15 91 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of Keggin-type lacunary 11-tungstophosphates encapsulated into mesoporous silica pillared in clay interlayer galleries and their catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2014-02-10 92 . DOI Wu, Naijin,Zhang, Wen,李保山,Han, Chunying
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed with an ordered distribution in MCM-41 matrix as an efficient catalyst for hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-02-01 93 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Chen, Qun,Zhong, Jing
    Fabrication of magnetic silica-pillared clay (SPC) nanocomposites with ordered interlayer mesoporous structure for controlled drug release [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-01-15 94 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    A novel liquid template corrosion approach for layered silica with various morphologies and different nanolayer thicknesses [期刊论文] ,NANOSCALE, 2014-01-01 95 . DOI 刘建军,左胜利,Yu, Liming,Yu, Yingchun,李保山,Chen, Pengwan
    Visible light photodegradation of methylene blue by AgBr-TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalysts [期刊论文] ,PARTICUOLOGY, 2013-12-01 96 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing
    Synthesis and characterization of transitional metal-rich zeolite M-MFI (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with regular mesoporous channels [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2013-10-05 97 . DOI Li, Hongyu,刘建军,Wang, Kejian,Yu, Xuejiao,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation of fluorescent CdTe/montmorillonite nanocomposites and their incorporation into polypropylene [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2013-09-15 98 . DOI 黄 峥,盛灵慧,马 康,高运华,王 晶,李保山
    5 种脂肪酸甲酯化方法的酯化效率研究 [期刊论文] ,中国油脂, 2013-09-01 99 . DOI 张斐,李保山
    硅烷偶联剂改性空心SiO 2 纳米球对纯丙乳液性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2013-08-01 100 . DOI 白玉娜,左胜利,于迎春,刘建军,李保山
    氮-硫共掺杂二氧化钛光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2013-07-25 101 . DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,白守礼,许家喜,李蕾,李保山
    走理工融合之路 培养应用化学专业高素质创新人才 [期刊论文] ,中国大学教学, 2013-07-15 102 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Lu, Xinhao,Li, Mingshi,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Synthesis and catalytic properties of highly ordered mesostructured silica-pillared alpha-zirconium phosphate: Self-assembly via interlayered templating method [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2013-07-01 103 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    Facile fabrication of hollow silica nanospheres and their hierarchical self-assemblies as drug delivery carriers through a new single-micelle-template approach [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2013-01-01 104 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山
    Preparation of MCM-41 supported (Bu4N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) catalyst and its performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2012-08-15 105 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,Ma, Wei,Zhao, Songjie
    In situ synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of tungstophosphoric acid encapsulated into the framework of mesoporous silica pillared clay [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-07-01 106 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate: Incorporation of iron onto mesoporous silica network by a novel route [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2012-07-01 107 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with transition metal substituted polyoxometalate and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-07-01 108 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,Mujahid, Adnan,Farooq, Muhammad Umar,Ahmad, Waqar,李保山,Irfan, Muhammad,Qadir, Muhammad Abdul
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012-07-01 109 . DOI 李洋,刘建军,张若思,李保山,左胜利
    新型4,4'-双取代-2,2'-二吡啶衍生物的合成及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2012-06-15 110 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,Li, Xiao,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Bimetallic iron and cobalt incorporated MFI/MCM-41 composite and its catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2012-05-01 111 . DOI 姜增琨,刘建军,李保山,左胜利,邹献武,秦特夫
    木材生物质催化加氢制取高附加值产品 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2012-03-15 112 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate with high content of framework iron by pH-modification method and its catalytic performance [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-01-15 113 . DOI Gao, Xiaoxin,Mao, Huihui,Lu, Mohong,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Facile synthesis route to NiO-SiO2 intercalated clay with ordered porous structure: Intragallery interfacially controlled functionalization using nickel-ammonia complex for deep desulfurization [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-01-15 114 . DOI Asma Tufail Shah,Adnan Mujahid ?,? Muhammad Umar Farooq,Waqar Ahmad,李保山,Muhammad Irfan,Muhammad Abdul Qadir
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)4H3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technolog, 2012-01-15 115 . DOI 刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,Liu, Zhixin,左胜利,李保山
    AgBr-Coupled TiO2: A Visible Heterostructured Photocatalyst for Degrading Dye Pollutants [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY, 2012-01-01 116 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,刘建军,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Gao, Xiaohui,Pang, Xinmei,Sheng, Huiting
    Preparation, characterization and application in deep catalytic ODS of the mesoporous silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2011-10-15 117 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,刘建军,Han, Chunying,左胜利,Li, Xianfen
    Synthesis of the well-ordered hexagonal mesoporous silicate incorporated with phosphotungstic acid through a novel method and its catalytic performance on the oxidative desulfurization reaction [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011-10-05 118 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Nagra, Saeed Ahmad
    Aluminated mesoporous silica-pillared montmorillonite as acidic catalyst for catalytic cracking [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2011-10-01 120 . DOI 李保山,Wei Ma,刘建军,左胜利,李仙粉
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with lacunary Keggin and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011-10-01 121 . DOI 喻黎明,刘建军,于迎春,左胜利,李保山
    低温合成TiO2/Fe3O4 磁载光催化剂的光催化性能研究 [期刊论文] ,北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011-09-15 122 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,刘建军,左胜利,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation, characterization and catalytic performance of the silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid using different surfactants as template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL, 2011-09-01 123 . DOI 许倩,盛灵慧,李保山,黄铮
    高效液相色谱-质谱联用法测定人体血液中脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,化学分析计量, 2011-03-15 124 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Gao, Xiaoxin,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    A novel one-step synthesis of mesostructured silica-pillared clay with highly ordered gallery organic-inorganic hybrid frame [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2011-03-01 125 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing,Wang, Qian,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Piao, Jiarui
    Synthesis and characterization of Ln-ZSM-5/MCM-41 (Ln = La, Ce) by using kaolin as raw material [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2010-09-01 126 . DOI 李保山,Li, Xiao,Xu, Junqing,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Synthesis and characterization of composite molecular sieves M-1-MFI/M-2-MCM-41(M-1, M-2 = Ni, Co) with high heteroatom content and their catalytic properties for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2010-06-01 127 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Elgin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Cu-SBA-16 by internal pH-modification method and its performance for adsorption of dibenzothiophene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 128 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Xu, Junqing,Ding, Bo,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Facile synthesis and catalytic properties of titanium containing silica-pillared clay derivatives with ordered mesoporous structure through a novel intra-gallery templating method [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 129 . DOI A. H. JIN,李保山,Z. J. DAI
    Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil with hydrogen peroxide catalysed by Keggin-type Polyoxotungstate in a DC Magnetic Field [期刊论文] ,Petroleum Science and Technology, 2010-04-07 130 . DOI 李仙粉,史伟伟,李保山,袁晓东,任福民
    异辛酸稀土型柴油清净剂的合成和应用研究 [期刊论文] ,中国稀土学报, 2010-02-15 131 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Novel One-Step Synthesis Route to Ordered Mesoporous Silica-Pillared Clay Using Cationic-Anionic Mixed-Gallery Templates [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2010-01-20 132 . DOI Zaki Eldin Ali Abdalla,李保山,Asma Tufail
    Preparation of phosphate promoted Na2WO4/Al2O3 catalyst and its application for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2009-11-25 133 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Ti-containing SBA-16-type mesoporous material by the evaporation-induced self-assembly method and its catalytic performance for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-15 134 . DOI 李保山,Mao, Huihui,Li, Xiao,Ma, Wei,Liu, Zhenxing
    Synthesis of mesoporous silica-pillared clay by intragallery ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane using quaternary ammonium surfactants as gallery templates [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-01 135 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel (or cobolt)-doped silica-pillared clay: Synthesis and characterization studies [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2009-07-01 136 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山,Tufail, Asma
    Direct synthesis of mesoporous (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39)/SiO2 and its catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2009-06-05 137 . DOI 李保山,金昂卉,张月生,庞新梅
    外加磁场对催化裂化柴油氧化脱硫作用的研究 [期刊论文] ,石油炼制与化工, 2009-05-15 138 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Mao, Huihui,Shah, Asma Tufail
    Synthesis of mesoporous zeolite Ni-MFI with high nickel contents by using the ionic complex [(C4H9)(4)N](2)(+)[Ni(EDTA)](2-) as a template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-04-15 139 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhengxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel containing silica-pillared clays (Ni-SPC): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behavior for cracking of plant asphalt [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2009-02-15 140 . DOI Huihui Mao,李保山,Xiao Li,Zhengxing Liu,Wei Ma
    Synthesis of silica-pillared clay (SPC) with ordered mesoporous structure by one-step method without preswelling process [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009-02-15 2 . DOI Ullah, Irfan,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Afaq Ullah,Albalawi, Karma,李保山,El-Zahhar, Adel A.,Jevtovic, Violeta,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Asghar, Basim H.,Alghamdi, Majed M.
    Facile fabrication of Ag nanoparticles: An advanced material for antioxidant, infectious therapy and photocatalytic applications [期刊论文] ,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 2022-07-01 3 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Arooj, Aaranda,Tahir, Kamran,Ibrahim, Mohamed M.,Jevtovic, Violeta,AL-Abdulkarim, Hessah A.,Saleh, Ebraheem Abdu Musad,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Amin, Mohammed A.,李保山
    Facile fabrication of novel Ag2S-ZnO/GO nanocomposite with its enhanced photocatalytic and biological applications [期刊论文] ,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022-03-05 4 . DOI 战兴晓,李保山,刘建军,左胜利
    水性硅丙乳液对硅酸盐富锌涂层防腐蚀性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,腐蚀与防护, 2021-12-15 5 . DOI 马贺成,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,刘文琦,王艺蒙,李保山
    One-Step Fabrication of 2D/2D Z-Scheme BiOCl/g-C3N4 Nanosheets Heterojunction for Efficient Degradation of RhB and Cr(VI) Ions Reduction under Visible-Light Illumination [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2021-10-06 6 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Tahir, Kamran,Ullah, Sami,Arooj, Aaranda,李保山,Rehman, Khalil ur,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Mati Ullah,Ullah, Irfan
    A Tagetes minuta based eco-benign synthesis of multifunctional Au/MgO nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic, antibacterial and DPPH scavenging activities [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2021-07-01 7 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bandar A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Alqarni, Ali O.,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ullah, Sami,Wasim, Muhammad,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Ahmad, Waqas
    Biosynthesis of silver capped magnesium oxide nanocomposite using Olea cuspidata leaf extract and their photocatalytic, antioxidant and antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2021-03-01 8 . DOI 李保山
    教材中价层电子对互斥理论的问题探讨 [期刊论文] ,大学化学, 2020-12-14 9 . DOI Afaq Ullah Khan,Arif Ullah Khan,李保山,Mater H. Mahnashi,Bander A. Alyami,Kamran Tahir,Shafiullah Khan,Sadia Nazir
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020-09-01 10 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bander A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2020-09-01 11 . DOI Zhou, Juan,Lin, Husitu,于迎春,左胜利,李保山,刘建军
    Bright Luminous and Stable CsPbBr3@PS Microspheres Prepared via Facile Anti-solvent Method using CTAB as Double Modifier [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2020-08-17 12 . DOI 杨柳,李保山
    颜填料对乙烯基酯树脂重防腐涂料性能的 影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2020-07-01 13 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Huo, Yuewen,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,王磊,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of BiOCl/ZnO/CN Nanocomposite for Visible-Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2020-02-07 14 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Wang, Lei
    Fabrication of foamed zinc oxide-silica spheres coupled with Ag-AgBr for high-efficiency photo-/electrocatalytic overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2020-01-20 15 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进 展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 16 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 17 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Zhang, Xiaorong,Abbas, Zaheer,Khan, Shafiullah,Rehman, Wajid,Zaman, Umber,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,李保山
    A facile band alignment with sharp edge morphology accelerating the charge transportation for visible light photocatalytic degradation: A multiplex synergy [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2019-12-01 18 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Jinxi Zhang,Lei Wang
    Synthesis of foamed zinc oxide–silica spheres coupled with g-C 3 N 4 nanosheets for visible light photocatalysis [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2019-10-01 19 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,Jinbo Pan,Hecheng Ma,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Sadeeq Ullah,Muzaffar Iqbal,李保山
    Fabrication of flower-shaped hierarchical rGO QDs-Bi-Bi2WO6/EP floating photocatalyst: Eminent degradation kinetic under sun-like irradiation [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2019-08-15 20 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Muhammad Arif,Xianglong Kong,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of 3-D ZnO/CN nanorods for photo-/electrocatalytic water splitting: An efficient morphology for charge carriers transportation [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2019-08-13 21 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Xiaorong Zhang,Ghulam Yasin,Muhammad Arif,Zaheer Abbas,Umber Zaman,李保山
    Fabrication of Amorphous BiOCl/TiO2‐C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient Water Oxidation [期刊论文] ,ChemistrySelect, 2019-07-01 22 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,潘金波,马贺成,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Muzaffar Iqbal,Sadeeq Ullah,李保山
    One-Pot Fabrication of Hierarchical Floating Bi-Bi2S3-Bi2WO6/Expanded Perlite Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis of Organic Contaminants Utilized Sunlike Illumination [期刊论文] ,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019-05-22 23 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Muhammad Arif,Ghulam Yasin,李保山,Hashmat Daud Khan
    Layered by Layered Ni-Mn-LDH/g-C3N4 Nanohybrid for Multi-Purpose Photo/electrocatalysis: Morphology Controlled Strategy for Effective Charge Carriers Separation [期刊论文] ,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019-03-01 24 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    Fabrication of Highly Efficient and Hierarchical CdS QDs/CQDs/H-TiO2 Ternary Heterojunction: Surpassable Photocatalysis under Sun-like Illumination [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2019-01-09 25 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Baloch, Musa Kaleem
    Hollow mesoporous architecture: A high performance bi-functional photoelectrocatalyst for overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2018-12-01 26 . DOI 任保勇,林坤,李保山
    汽车三元催化器的免拆清洗 [期刊论文] ,清洗世界, 2018-11-30 27 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,左胜利,Ma, Hecheng,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    One step fabrication of novel Ag-CdS@EP floating photocatalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination [期刊论文] ,DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2018-09-21 28 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    Pd/Ni-MCM-41制备及其对苯甲醛加氢的催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-09-15 29 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Sher, Zunaira,Ali, Jawad,Nazir, Sadia
    A revival of 2D materials, phosphorene: Its application as sensors [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-25 30 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山
    Fabrication of floating CdS/EP photocatalyst by facile liquid phase deposition for highly efficient degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 2018-08-15 31 . DOI 韩璐,李春,高运华,盛灵慧,王志栋,李保山
    维生素标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,食品安全质量检测学报, 2018-08-15 32 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    多级孔MnAPSO-34分子筛的制备、表征及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-08-15 33 . DOI Pan Jin-Bo,刘建军,Ma He-Cheng,Khan, Usman Ali,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    Preparation of Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl Microsphere with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Pollutant Elimination [期刊论文] ,CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-10 34 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Abrar,Ali, Jawad
    Controlled Synthesis of highly proficient and durable hollow hierarchical heterostructured (Ag-AgBr/HHST): A UV and Visible light active photocatalyst in degradation of organic pollutants [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 2018-07-05 35 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Synthesis of cuboid BiOCl nanosheets coupled with CdS quantum dots by region-selective deposition process with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2018-07-01 36 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of Z-scheme CdS/CQDs/BiOCl heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity for environmental pollutant elimination [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2018-06-30 37 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Hashmat Daud
    In Situ Fabrication of Foamed Titania Carbon Nitride Nanocomposite and Its Synergetic Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2018-06-20 38 . DOI Ali, Jawad,Irshad, Rabia,李保山,Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,Shakeel, Muhammad,Khan, Naeem Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq
    Synthesis and characterization of phytochemical fabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2018-06-01 39 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of flower-like hierarchical CdS QDs/Bi/Bi2WO6 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2018-05-07 40 . DOI 王萌,李保山,吴建华,方大庆,王红峰,郑天水
    双电层纳米材料的制备及在防腐涂料中的应用 [期刊论文] ,石油化工高等学校学报, 2018-04-20 41 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Shakeel, Muhammad,刘建军,左胜利
    Hybriding hierarchical zeolite with Pt nanoparticles and graphene: Ternary nanocomposites for efficient visible-light photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2018-04-01 42 . DOI 吴乃瑾,宋云,魏文侠,杨苏才,李佳斌,王海见,李保山
    高分散型金属改性硅基介孔分子筛的制备及强化方法 [期刊论文] ,化工新型材料, 2017-12-15 43 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,刘建军,左胜利
    Well-dispersed Ni nanoclusters on the surfaces of MFI nanosheets as highly efficient and selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of naphthalene to tetralin [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-10-30 44 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    C 4 馏分加氢催化剂的应用 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-08-15 45 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Wang, Ning,刘建军,左胜利
    A new soft template-oriented method for the preparation of hollow analcime microspheres with nanosheets-assembled shells [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2017-08-01 46 . DOI 梁伟,李保山
    助剂Mo对硅柱撑蒙脱土负载镍催化剂结构及加氢脱氧性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-06-15 47 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Nazir, Sadia
    Antibacterial activity of biochemically capped iron oxide nanoparticles: A view towards green chemistry [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-05-01 48 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Yan, Dongpeng
    Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Well-Ordered Crystalline Heteroatom Mesoporous MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,CRYSTALS, 2017-04-01 49 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    A simple fabrication for sulfur doped graphitic carbon nitride porous rods with excellent photocatalytic activity degrading RhB dye [会议论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-01-01 50 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Khan, Abrar,Rahman, Aziz Ur
    Facile and green synthesis of phytochemicals capped platinum nanoparticles and in vitro their superior antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-01-01 51 . DOI 李保山
    离子膜烧碱原料卤水中微量碘的脱除技术 [期刊论文] ,江苏氯碱, 2016-12-20 52 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Arif Ullah,Shah, Sayyed Asim Ali,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Yasin, Ghulam,Hameed, Muhammad Usman
    Sapium sebiferum leaf extract mediated synthesis of palladium nanoparticles and in vitro investigation of their bacterial and photocatalytic activities [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-11-01 53 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Naz, Rubina,Raza, Muslim
    Visible light photo catalytic inactivation of bacteria and photo degradation of methylene blue with Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by a novel method [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-09-01 54 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Shahab Ullah
    Preparation, characterization and an efficient photocatalytic activity of Au/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by green deposition method [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2016-09-01 55 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    杂原子分子筛的合成与应用的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,石油化工, 2016-08-15 56 . DOI 廖波,刘建军,李保山,左胜利
    N-羟基-1,6-亚甲基桥[10]轮烯-3,4-酰亚胺/乙酸钴液相催化氧化3-甲基吡啶制备烟酸 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2016-07-20 57 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山
    A Novel Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Bimetallic Catalysts Pt@M-MCM-41 (M = Ni, Co) for Hydrocracking of Residual Oil [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2016-05-05 58 . DOI 杜伟钊,盛灵慧,李保山,王晶,向新乾,李秀琴
    气相色谱-质谱法测定橄榄油中8种脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,中国粮油学报, 2016-04-25 59 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,Huang, Yanni,Zhang, Chi,刘建军,Piao, Lingyu,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Superior nanoporous graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst coupled with CdS quantum dots for photodegradation of RhB [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS TODAY, 2016-04-15 60 . DOI 黄莉娜,侯光胜,李保山
    卤水中碘离子的氧化行为研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 61 . DOI 夏涵泊,李保山
    烟气中一氧化氮的液相吸收与综合利用 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 62 . DOI Batool, Madeeha,Shah, Asma Tufail,Din, Muhammad Imran,李保山
    Catalytic Pyrolysis of Low Density Polyethylene Using Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Encapsulated Monovacant Keggin Units (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) and ZSM-5 [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2016-01-01 63 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,刘建军,左胜利,Zhao, Yunchen
    Preparation and catalytic performance of a novel highly dispersed bifunctional catalyst Pt@Fe-MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2016-01-01 64 . DOI Tahir,Kamran,Nazir,Sadia,Ahmad,Aftab,李保山,AliShah,SayyedAsim,Khan,ArifUllah,Khan,GulMajid,Khan,QudratUllah,HaqKhan,ZiaUl,Khan,FaheemUllah
    Biodirected synthesis of palladium nanoparticles using: Phoenix dactylifera leaves extract and their size dependent biomedical and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,RSC Advances, 2016-01-01 65 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Arif Ullah,Ul Islam, Rafiq
    Enhanced chemocatalytic reduction of aromatic nitro compounds by biosynthesized gold nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2015-12-05 66 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Zhao, Yunchen
    Enhanced visible light photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli using silver nanoparticles as photocatalyst [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2015-12-01 67 . DOI 徐晶晶,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    介孔AgBr/TiO 2 -SiO 2 光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2015-10-20 68 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Gong, Peng Yu,Khan, Shahab Ullah,Ahmad, Aftab
    Nerium oleander leaves extract mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its antioxidant activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2015-10-01 69 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Faheem Ullah
    An efficient photo catalytic activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Salvadora persica stem extract [期刊论文] ,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2015-08-17 70 . DOI 李鸿鹏,李保山
    液流电池钛基负极电解液在不同温度下的电化学性能 [期刊论文] ,化工学报, 2015-05-15 71 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Zhang, Wen,Lv, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of well-ordered mesoporous Ni-MCM-41 with high nickel content [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2015-05-15 72 . DOI 赵龙,李保山
    在液氨环境中制备氨基钠的研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2015-01-10 73 . DOI 李保山,Wu, Naijin,Wu, Kai,刘建军,Han, Chunying,Li, Xianfen
    Bimetallic V and Ti incorporated MCM-41 molecular sieves and their catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 74 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,李保山,Yue, Liwen,Wu, Naijin,Lv, Kaixuan,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Hierarchical porous nano-MFI zeolite-pillared montmorillonite clay synthesized by recrystallization for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 75 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,Zhang, Fei,Yue, Liwen,Li, Xuan,Tao, Yu,Zhang, Ge,Wu, Kai,Wang, Cong,李保山
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed in silica pillared clay as an efficient catalyst for chlorobenzene dechlorination [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 76 . DOI 李至秦,武莉莉,李保山
    氟硅酸钠为原料制备纳米白炭黑及高含氟溶液 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-12-10 77 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Zhang, Jie
    Preparation of Carbon Nanofibers by Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide on a Nickel Sponge Catalyst [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-12-05 78 . DOI 武莉莉,李至秦,李保山
    氟硅酸制备高质量纳米白炭黑及F-溶液研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-11-10 79 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Li, Xuan
    Synthesis of Tunable Fe3O4@Mesoporous-silica-pillared Clay (MSPC) and Its Performance in Lysozyme Loading and Releasing Behavior [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 80 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Wu, Naijin,Li, Xuan
    Facile Synthesis of Copper-doped Mesoporous Silica Pillared Clay (Cu-MSPC) as a High-performance Catalyst for Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 81 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    One-pot synthesis of foamed titania-silica composite and its photocatalytic performance [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-08-15 82 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    One-pot synthesis of novel Ag-AgBr@HHSS with superior visible photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-08-01 83 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wanhang,刘建军
    Synthesis of Magnetic Fe3O4@hierarchical Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2014-07-02 84 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of magnetic FexOy@silica-pillared clay (SPC) composites via a novel sol-gel route for controlled drug release and targeting [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2014-07-01 85 . DOI Wu, Kai,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization of MCM-41 with high vanadium content in the framework and its catalytic performance on selective oxidation of cyclohexane [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 2014-06-05 86 . DOI Wang, Jing,Xu, Junqing,李保山,Zhang, Guoli,Wu, Ning,Mao, Lihe
    Synthesis of a Fe-MFI zeolite with super-micropores by using potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) as an iron source [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-06-01 87 . DOI Yu, Xuejiao,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation and visible light photocatalytic activity of carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanosheet composites [期刊论文] ,CARBON, 2014-03-01 88 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of lacunary polyoxometalate encapsulated into hexagonal mesoporous silica and their catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-03-01 89 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of novel hierarchical hollow silica sphere supported TiO2 nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-02-15 90 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Zhu, Kongnan,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of titania modified silica-pillared clay (SPC) with highly ordered interlayered mesoporous structure for removing toxic metal ion Cr(VI) from aqueous state [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2014-02-15 91 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of Keggin-type lacunary 11-tungstophosphates encapsulated into mesoporous silica pillared in clay interlayer galleries and their catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2014-02-10 92 . DOI Wu, Naijin,Zhang, Wen,李保山,Han, Chunying
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed with an ordered distribution in MCM-41 matrix as an efficient catalyst for hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-02-01 93 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Chen, Qun,Zhong, Jing
    Fabrication of magnetic silica-pillared clay (SPC) nanocomposites with ordered interlayer mesoporous structure for controlled drug release [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-01-15 94 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    A novel liquid template corrosion approach for layered silica with various morphologies and different nanolayer thicknesses [期刊论文] ,NANOSCALE, 2014-01-01 95 . DOI 刘建军,左胜利,Yu, Liming,Yu, Yingchun,李保山,Chen, Pengwan
    Visible light photodegradation of methylene blue by AgBr-TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalysts [期刊论文] ,PARTICUOLOGY, 2013-12-01 96 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing
    Synthesis and characterization of transitional metal-rich zeolite M-MFI (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with regular mesoporous channels [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2013-10-05 97 . DOI Li, Hongyu,刘建军,Wang, Kejian,Yu, Xuejiao,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation of fluorescent CdTe/montmorillonite nanocomposites and their incorporation into polypropylene [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2013-09-15 98 . DOI 黄 峥,盛灵慧,马 康,高运华,王 晶,李保山
    5 种脂肪酸甲酯化方法的酯化效率研究 [期刊论文] ,中国油脂, 2013-09-01 99 . DOI 张斐,李保山
    硅烷偶联剂改性空心SiO 2 纳米球对纯丙乳液性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2013-08-01 100 . DOI 白玉娜,左胜利,于迎春,刘建军,李保山
    氮-硫共掺杂二氧化钛光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2013-07-25 101 . DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,白守礼,许家喜,李蕾,李保山
    走理工融合之路 培养应用化学专业高素质创新人才 [期刊论文] ,中国大学教学, 2013-07-15 102 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Lu, Xinhao,Li, Mingshi,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Synthesis and catalytic properties of highly ordered mesostructured silica-pillared alpha-zirconium phosphate: Self-assembly via interlayered templating method [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2013-07-01 103 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    Facile fabrication of hollow silica nanospheres and their hierarchical self-assemblies as drug delivery carriers through a new single-micelle-template approach [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2013-01-01 104 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山
    Preparation of MCM-41 supported (Bu4N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) catalyst and its performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2012-08-15 105 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,Ma, Wei,Zhao, Songjie
    In situ synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of tungstophosphoric acid encapsulated into the framework of mesoporous silica pillared clay [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-07-01 106 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate: Incorporation of iron onto mesoporous silica network by a novel route [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2012-07-01 107 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with transition metal substituted polyoxometalate and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-07-01 108 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,Mujahid, Adnan,Farooq, Muhammad Umar,Ahmad, Waqar,李保山,Irfan, Muhammad,Qadir, Muhammad Abdul
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012-07-01 109 . DOI 李洋,刘建军,张若思,李保山,左胜利
    新型4,4'-双取代-2,2'-二吡啶衍生物的合成及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2012-06-15 110 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,Li, Xiao,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Bimetallic iron and cobalt incorporated MFI/MCM-41 composite and its catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2012-05-01 111 . DOI 姜增琨,刘建军,李保山,左胜利,邹献武,秦特夫
    木材生物质催化加氢制取高附加值产品 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2012-03-15 112 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate with high content of framework iron by pH-modification method and its catalytic performance [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-01-15 113 . DOI Gao, Xiaoxin,Mao, Huihui,Lu, Mohong,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Facile synthesis route to NiO-SiO2 intercalated clay with ordered porous structure: Intragallery interfacially controlled functionalization using nickel-ammonia complex for deep desulfurization [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-01-15 114 . DOI Asma Tufail Shah,Adnan Mujahid ?,? Muhammad Umar Farooq,Waqar Ahmad,李保山,Muhammad Irfan,Muhammad Abdul Qadir
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)4H3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technolog, 2012-01-15 115 . DOI 刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,Liu, Zhixin,左胜利,李保山
    AgBr-Coupled TiO2: A Visible Heterostructured Photocatalyst for Degrading Dye Pollutants [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY, 2012-01-01 116 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,刘建军,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Gao, Xiaohui,Pang, Xinmei,Sheng, Huiting
    Preparation, characterization and application in deep catalytic ODS of the mesoporous silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2011-10-15 117 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,刘建军,Han, Chunying,左胜利,Li, Xianfen
    Synthesis of the well-ordered hexagonal mesoporous silicate incorporated with phosphotungstic acid through a novel method and its catalytic performance on the oxidative desulfurization reaction [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011-10-05 118 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Nagra, Saeed Ahmad
    Aluminated mesoporous silica-pillared montmorillonite as acidic catalyst for catalytic cracking [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2011-10-01 120 . DOI 李保山,Wei Ma,刘建军,左胜利,李仙粉
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with lacunary Keggin and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011-10-01 121 . DOI 喻黎明,刘建军,于迎春,左胜利,李保山
    低温合成TiO2/Fe3O4 磁载光催化剂的光催化性能研究 [期刊论文] ,北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011-09-15 122 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,刘建军,左胜利,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation, characterization and catalytic performance of the silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid using different surfactants as template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL, 2011-09-01 123 . DOI 许倩,盛灵慧,李保山,黄铮
    高效液相色谱-质谱联用法测定人体血液中脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,化学分析计量, 2011-03-15 124 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Gao, Xiaoxin,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    A novel one-step synthesis of mesostructured silica-pillared clay with highly ordered gallery organic-inorganic hybrid frame [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2011-03-01 125 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing,Wang, Qian,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Piao, Jiarui
    Synthesis and characterization of Ln-ZSM-5/MCM-41 (Ln = La, Ce) by using kaolin as raw material [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2010-09-01 126 . DOI 李保山,Li, Xiao,Xu, Junqing,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Synthesis and characterization of composite molecular sieves M-1-MFI/M-2-MCM-41(M-1, M-2 = Ni, Co) with high heteroatom content and their catalytic properties for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2010-06-01 127 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Elgin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Cu-SBA-16 by internal pH-modification method and its performance for adsorption of dibenzothiophene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 128 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Xu, Junqing,Ding, Bo,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Facile synthesis and catalytic properties of titanium containing silica-pillared clay derivatives with ordered mesoporous structure through a novel intra-gallery templating method [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 129 . DOI A. H. JIN,李保山,Z. J. DAI
    Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil with hydrogen peroxide catalysed by Keggin-type Polyoxotungstate in a DC Magnetic Field [期刊论文] ,Petroleum Science and Technology, 2010-04-07 130 . DOI 李仙粉,史伟伟,李保山,袁晓东,任福民
    异辛酸稀土型柴油清净剂的合成和应用研究 [期刊论文] ,中国稀土学报, 2010-02-15 131 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Novel One-Step Synthesis Route to Ordered Mesoporous Silica-Pillared Clay Using Cationic-Anionic Mixed-Gallery Templates [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2010-01-20 132 . DOI Zaki Eldin Ali Abdalla,李保山,Asma Tufail
    Preparation of phosphate promoted Na2WO4/Al2O3 catalyst and its application for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2009-11-25 133 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Ti-containing SBA-16-type mesoporous material by the evaporation-induced self-assembly method and its catalytic performance for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-15 134 . DOI 李保山,Mao, Huihui,Li, Xiao,Ma, Wei,Liu, Zhenxing
    Synthesis of mesoporous silica-pillared clay by intragallery ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane using quaternary ammonium surfactants as gallery templates [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-01 135 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel (or cobolt)-doped silica-pillared clay: Synthesis and characterization studies [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2009-07-01 136 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山,Tufail, Asma
    Direct synthesis of mesoporous (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39)/SiO2 and its catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2009-06-05 137 . DOI 李保山,金昂卉,张月生,庞新梅
    外加磁场对催化裂化柴油氧化脱硫作用的研究 [期刊论文] ,石油炼制与化工, 2009-05-15 138 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Mao, Huihui,Shah, Asma Tufail
    Synthesis of mesoporous zeolite Ni-MFI with high nickel contents by using the ionic complex [(C4H9)(4)N](2)(+)[Ni(EDTA)](2-) as a template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-04-15 139 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhengxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel containing silica-pillared clays (Ni-SPC): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behavior for cracking of plant asphalt [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2009-02-15 140 . DOI Huihui Mao,李保山,Xiao Li,Zhengxing Liu,Wei Ma
    Synthesis of silica-pillared clay (SPC) with ordered mesoporous structure by one-step method without preswelling process [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009-02-15 2 . DOI Ullah, Irfan,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Afaq Ullah,Albalawi, Karma,李保山,El-Zahhar, Adel A.,Jevtovic, Violeta,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Asghar, Basim H.,Alghamdi, Majed M.
    Facile fabrication of Ag nanoparticles: An advanced material for antioxidant, infectious therapy and photocatalytic applications [期刊论文] ,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 2022-07-01 3 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Arooj, Aaranda,Tahir, Kamran,Ibrahim, Mohamed M.,Jevtovic, Violeta,AL-Abdulkarim, Hessah A.,Saleh, Ebraheem Abdu Musad,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Amin, Mohammed A.,李保山
    Facile fabrication of novel Ag2S-ZnO/GO nanocomposite with its enhanced photocatalytic and biological applications [期刊论文] ,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022-03-05 4 . DOI 战兴晓,李保山,刘建军,左胜利
    水性硅丙乳液对硅酸盐富锌涂层防腐蚀性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,腐蚀与防护, 2021-12-15 5 . DOI 马贺成,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,刘文琦,王艺蒙,李保山
    One-Step Fabrication of 2D/2D Z-Scheme BiOCl/g-C3N4 Nanosheets Heterojunction for Efficient Degradation of RhB and Cr(VI) Ions Reduction under Visible-Light Illumination [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2021-10-06 6 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Tahir, Kamran,Ullah, Sami,Arooj, Aaranda,李保山,Rehman, Khalil ur,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Mati Ullah,Ullah, Irfan
    A Tagetes minuta based eco-benign synthesis of multifunctional Au/MgO nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic, antibacterial and DPPH scavenging activities [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2021-07-01 7 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bandar A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Alqarni, Ali O.,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ullah, Sami,Wasim, Muhammad,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Ahmad, Waqas
    Biosynthesis of silver capped magnesium oxide nanocomposite using Olea cuspidata leaf extract and their photocatalytic, antioxidant and antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2021-03-01 8 . DOI 李保山
    教材中价层电子对互斥理论的问题探讨 [期刊论文] ,大学化学, 2020-12-14 9 . DOI Afaq Ullah Khan,Arif Ullah Khan,李保山,Mater H. Mahnashi,Bander A. Alyami,Kamran Tahir,Shafiullah Khan,Sadia Nazir
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020-09-01 10 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bander A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2020-09-01 11 . DOI Zhou, Juan,Lin, Husitu,于迎春,左胜利,李保山,刘建军
    Bright Luminous and Stable CsPbBr3@PS Microspheres Prepared via Facile Anti-solvent Method using CTAB as Double Modifier [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2020-08-17 12 . DOI 杨柳,李保山
    颜填料对乙烯基酯树脂重防腐涂料性能的 影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2020-07-01 13 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Huo, Yuewen,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,王磊,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of BiOCl/ZnO/CN Nanocomposite for Visible-Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2020-02-07 14 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Wang, Lei
    Fabrication of foamed zinc oxide-silica spheres coupled with Ag-AgBr for high-efficiency photo-/electrocatalytic overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2020-01-20 15 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进 展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 16 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 17 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Zhang, Xiaorong,Abbas, Zaheer,Khan, Shafiullah,Rehman, Wajid,Zaman, Umber,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,李保山
    A facile band alignment with sharp edge morphology accelerating the charge transportation for visible light photocatalytic degradation: A multiplex synergy [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2019-12-01 18 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Jinxi Zhang,Lei Wang
    Synthesis of foamed zinc oxide–silica spheres coupled with g-C 3 N 4 nanosheets for visible light photocatalysis [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2019-10-01 19 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,Jinbo Pan,Hecheng Ma,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Sadeeq Ullah,Muzaffar Iqbal,李保山
    Fabrication of flower-shaped hierarchical rGO QDs-Bi-Bi2WO6/EP floating photocatalyst: Eminent degradation kinetic under sun-like irradiation [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2019-08-15 20 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Muhammad Arif,Xianglong Kong,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of 3-D ZnO/CN nanorods for photo-/electrocatalytic water splitting: An efficient morphology for charge carriers transportation [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2019-08-13 21 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Xiaorong Zhang,Ghulam Yasin,Muhammad Arif,Zaheer Abbas,Umber Zaman,李保山
    Fabrication of Amorphous BiOCl/TiO2‐C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient Water Oxidation [期刊论文] ,ChemistrySelect, 2019-07-01 22 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,潘金波,马贺成,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Muzaffar Iqbal,Sadeeq Ullah,李保山
    One-Pot Fabrication of Hierarchical Floating Bi-Bi2S3-Bi2WO6/Expanded Perlite Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis of Organic Contaminants Utilized Sunlike Illumination [期刊论文] ,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019-05-22 23 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Muhammad Arif,Ghulam Yasin,李保山,Hashmat Daud Khan
    Layered by Layered Ni-Mn-LDH/g-C3N4 Nanohybrid for Multi-Purpose Photo/electrocatalysis: Morphology Controlled Strategy for Effective Charge Carriers Separation [期刊论文] ,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019-03-01 24 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    Fabrication of Highly Efficient and Hierarchical CdS QDs/CQDs/H-TiO2 Ternary Heterojunction: Surpassable Photocatalysis under Sun-like Illumination [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2019-01-09 25 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Baloch, Musa Kaleem
    Hollow mesoporous architecture: A high performance bi-functional photoelectrocatalyst for overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2018-12-01 26 . DOI 任保勇,林坤,李保山
    汽车三元催化器的免拆清洗 [期刊论文] ,清洗世界, 2018-11-30 27 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,左胜利,Ma, Hecheng,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    One step fabrication of novel Ag-CdS@EP floating photocatalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination [期刊论文] ,DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2018-09-21 28 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    Pd/Ni-MCM-41制备及其对苯甲醛加氢的催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-09-15 29 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Sher, Zunaira,Ali, Jawad,Nazir, Sadia
    A revival of 2D materials, phosphorene: Its application as sensors [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-25 30 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山
    Fabrication of floating CdS/EP photocatalyst by facile liquid phase deposition for highly efficient degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 2018-08-15 31 . DOI 韩璐,李春,高运华,盛灵慧,王志栋,李保山
    维生素标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,食品安全质量检测学报, 2018-08-15 32 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    多级孔MnAPSO-34分子筛的制备、表征及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-08-15 33 . DOI Pan Jin-Bo,刘建军,Ma He-Cheng,Khan, Usman Ali,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    Preparation of Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl Microsphere with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Pollutant Elimination [期刊论文] ,CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-10 34 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Abrar,Ali, Jawad
    Controlled Synthesis of highly proficient and durable hollow hierarchical heterostructured (Ag-AgBr/HHST): A UV and Visible light active photocatalyst in degradation of organic pollutants [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 2018-07-05 35 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Synthesis of cuboid BiOCl nanosheets coupled with CdS quantum dots by region-selective deposition process with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2018-07-01 36 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of Z-scheme CdS/CQDs/BiOCl heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity for environmental pollutant elimination [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2018-06-30 37 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Hashmat Daud
    In Situ Fabrication of Foamed Titania Carbon Nitride Nanocomposite and Its Synergetic Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2018-06-20 38 . DOI Ali, Jawad,Irshad, Rabia,李保山,Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,Shakeel, Muhammad,Khan, Naeem Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq
    Synthesis and characterization of phytochemical fabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2018-06-01 39 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of flower-like hierarchical CdS QDs/Bi/Bi2WO6 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2018-05-07 40 . DOI 王萌,李保山,吴建华,方大庆,王红峰,郑天水
    双电层纳米材料的制备及在防腐涂料中的应用 [期刊论文] ,石油化工高等学校学报, 2018-04-20 41 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Shakeel, Muhammad,刘建军,左胜利
    Hybriding hierarchical zeolite with Pt nanoparticles and graphene: Ternary nanocomposites for efficient visible-light photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2018-04-01 42 . DOI 吴乃瑾,宋云,魏文侠,杨苏才,李佳斌,王海见,李保山
    高分散型金属改性硅基介孔分子筛的制备及强化方法 [期刊论文] ,化工新型材料, 2017-12-15 43 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,刘建军,左胜利
    Well-dispersed Ni nanoclusters on the surfaces of MFI nanosheets as highly efficient and selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of naphthalene to tetralin [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-10-30 44 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    C 4 馏分加氢催化剂的应用 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-08-15 45 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Wang, Ning,刘建军,左胜利
    A new soft template-oriented method for the preparation of hollow analcime microspheres with nanosheets-assembled shells [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2017-08-01 46 . DOI 梁伟,李保山
    助剂Mo对硅柱撑蒙脱土负载镍催化剂结构及加氢脱氧性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-06-15 47 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Nazir, Sadia
    Antibacterial activity of biochemically capped iron oxide nanoparticles: A view towards green chemistry [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-05-01 48 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Yan, Dongpeng
    Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Well-Ordered Crystalline Heteroatom Mesoporous MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,CRYSTALS, 2017-04-01 49 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    A simple fabrication for sulfur doped graphitic carbon nitride porous rods with excellent photocatalytic activity degrading RhB dye [会议论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-01-01 50 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Khan, Abrar,Rahman, Aziz Ur
    Facile and green synthesis of phytochemicals capped platinum nanoparticles and in vitro their superior antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-01-01 51 . DOI 李保山
    离子膜烧碱原料卤水中微量碘的脱除技术 [期刊论文] ,江苏氯碱, 2016-12-20 52 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Arif Ullah,Shah, Sayyed Asim Ali,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Yasin, Ghulam,Hameed, Muhammad Usman
    Sapium sebiferum leaf extract mediated synthesis of palladium nanoparticles and in vitro investigation of their bacterial and photocatalytic activities [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-11-01 53 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Naz, Rubina,Raza, Muslim
    Visible light photo catalytic inactivation of bacteria and photo degradation of methylene blue with Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by a novel method [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-09-01 54 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Shahab Ullah
    Preparation, characterization and an efficient photocatalytic activity of Au/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by green deposition method [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2016-09-01 55 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    杂原子分子筛的合成与应用的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,石油化工, 2016-08-15 56 . DOI 廖波,刘建军,李保山,左胜利
    N-羟基-1,6-亚甲基桥[10]轮烯-3,4-酰亚胺/乙酸钴液相催化氧化3-甲基吡啶制备烟酸 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2016-07-20 57 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山
    A Novel Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Bimetallic Catalysts Pt@M-MCM-41 (M = Ni, Co) for Hydrocracking of Residual Oil [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2016-05-05 58 . DOI 杜伟钊,盛灵慧,李保山,王晶,向新乾,李秀琴
    气相色谱-质谱法测定橄榄油中8种脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,中国粮油学报, 2016-04-25 59 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,Huang, Yanni,Zhang, Chi,刘建军,Piao, Lingyu,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Superior nanoporous graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst coupled with CdS quantum dots for photodegradation of RhB [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS TODAY, 2016-04-15 60 . DOI 黄莉娜,侯光胜,李保山
    卤水中碘离子的氧化行为研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 61 . DOI 夏涵泊,李保山
    烟气中一氧化氮的液相吸收与综合利用 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 62 . DOI Batool, Madeeha,Shah, Asma Tufail,Din, Muhammad Imran,李保山
    Catalytic Pyrolysis of Low Density Polyethylene Using Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Encapsulated Monovacant Keggin Units (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) and ZSM-5 [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2016-01-01 63 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,刘建军,左胜利,Zhao, Yunchen
    Preparation and catalytic performance of a novel highly dispersed bifunctional catalyst Pt@Fe-MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2016-01-01 64 . DOI Tahir,Kamran,Nazir,Sadia,Ahmad,Aftab,李保山,AliShah,SayyedAsim,Khan,ArifUllah,Khan,GulMajid,Khan,QudratUllah,HaqKhan,ZiaUl,Khan,FaheemUllah
    Biodirected synthesis of palladium nanoparticles using: Phoenix dactylifera leaves extract and their size dependent biomedical and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,RSC Advances, 2016-01-01 65 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Arif Ullah,Ul Islam, Rafiq
    Enhanced chemocatalytic reduction of aromatic nitro compounds by biosynthesized gold nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2015-12-05 66 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Zhao, Yunchen
    Enhanced visible light photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli using silver nanoparticles as photocatalyst [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2015-12-01 67 . DOI 徐晶晶,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    介孔AgBr/TiO 2 -SiO 2 光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2015-10-20 68 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Gong, Peng Yu,Khan, Shahab Ullah,Ahmad, Aftab
    Nerium oleander leaves extract mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its antioxidant activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2015-10-01 69 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Faheem Ullah
    An efficient photo catalytic activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Salvadora persica stem extract [期刊论文] ,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2015-08-17 70 . DOI 李鸿鹏,李保山
    液流电池钛基负极电解液在不同温度下的电化学性能 [期刊论文] ,化工学报, 2015-05-15 71 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Zhang, Wen,Lv, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of well-ordered mesoporous Ni-MCM-41 with high nickel content [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2015-05-15 72 . DOI 赵龙,李保山
    在液氨环境中制备氨基钠的研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2015-01-10 73 . DOI 李保山,Wu, Naijin,Wu, Kai,刘建军,Han, Chunying,Li, Xianfen
    Bimetallic V and Ti incorporated MCM-41 molecular sieves and their catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 74 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,李保山,Yue, Liwen,Wu, Naijin,Lv, Kaixuan,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Hierarchical porous nano-MFI zeolite-pillared montmorillonite clay synthesized by recrystallization for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 75 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,Zhang, Fei,Yue, Liwen,Li, Xuan,Tao, Yu,Zhang, Ge,Wu, Kai,Wang, Cong,李保山
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed in silica pillared clay as an efficient catalyst for chlorobenzene dechlorination [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 76 . DOI 李至秦,武莉莉,李保山
    氟硅酸钠为原料制备纳米白炭黑及高含氟溶液 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-12-10 77 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Zhang, Jie
    Preparation of Carbon Nanofibers by Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide on a Nickel Sponge Catalyst [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-12-05 78 . DOI 武莉莉,李至秦,李保山
    氟硅酸制备高质量纳米白炭黑及F-溶液研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-11-10 79 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Li, Xuan
    Synthesis of Tunable Fe3O4@Mesoporous-silica-pillared Clay (MSPC) and Its Performance in Lysozyme Loading and Releasing Behavior [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 80 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Wu, Naijin,Li, Xuan
    Facile Synthesis of Copper-doped Mesoporous Silica Pillared Clay (Cu-MSPC) as a High-performance Catalyst for Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 81 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    One-pot synthesis of foamed titania-silica composite and its photocatalytic performance [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-08-15 82 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    One-pot synthesis of novel Ag-AgBr@HHSS with superior visible photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-08-01 83 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wanhang,刘建军
    Synthesis of Magnetic Fe3O4@hierarchical Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2014-07-02 84 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of magnetic FexOy@silica-pillared clay (SPC) composites via a novel sol-gel route for controlled drug release and targeting [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2014-07-01 85 . DOI Wu, Kai,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization of MCM-41 with high vanadium content in the framework and its catalytic performance on selective oxidation of cyclohexane [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 2014-06-05 86 . DOI Wang, Jing,Xu, Junqing,李保山,Zhang, Guoli,Wu, Ning,Mao, Lihe
    Synthesis of a Fe-MFI zeolite with super-micropores by using potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) as an iron source [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-06-01 87 . DOI Yu, Xuejiao,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation and visible light photocatalytic activity of carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanosheet composites [期刊论文] ,CARBON, 2014-03-01 88 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of lacunary polyoxometalate encapsulated into hexagonal mesoporous silica and their catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-03-01 89 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of novel hierarchical hollow silica sphere supported TiO2 nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-02-15 90 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Zhu, Kongnan,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of titania modified silica-pillared clay (SPC) with highly ordered interlayered mesoporous structure for removing toxic metal ion Cr(VI) from aqueous state [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2014-02-15 91 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of Keggin-type lacunary 11-tungstophosphates encapsulated into mesoporous silica pillared in clay interlayer galleries and their catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2014-02-10 92 . DOI Wu, Naijin,Zhang, Wen,李保山,Han, Chunying
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed with an ordered distribution in MCM-41 matrix as an efficient catalyst for hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-02-01 93 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Chen, Qun,Zhong, Jing
    Fabrication of magnetic silica-pillared clay (SPC) nanocomposites with ordered interlayer mesoporous structure for controlled drug release [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-01-15 94 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    A novel liquid template corrosion approach for layered silica with various morphologies and different nanolayer thicknesses [期刊论文] ,NANOSCALE, 2014-01-01 95 . DOI 刘建军,左胜利,Yu, Liming,Yu, Yingchun,李保山,Chen, Pengwan
    Visible light photodegradation of methylene blue by AgBr-TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalysts [期刊论文] ,PARTICUOLOGY, 2013-12-01 96 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing
    Synthesis and characterization of transitional metal-rich zeolite M-MFI (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with regular mesoporous channels [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2013-10-05 97 . DOI Li, Hongyu,刘建军,Wang, Kejian,Yu, Xuejiao,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation of fluorescent CdTe/montmorillonite nanocomposites and their incorporation into polypropylene [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2013-09-15 98 . DOI 黄 峥,盛灵慧,马 康,高运华,王 晶,李保山
    5 种脂肪酸甲酯化方法的酯化效率研究 [期刊论文] ,中国油脂, 2013-09-01 99 . DOI 张斐,李保山
    硅烷偶联剂改性空心SiO 2 纳米球对纯丙乳液性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2013-08-01 100 . DOI 白玉娜,左胜利,于迎春,刘建军,李保山
    氮-硫共掺杂二氧化钛光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2013-07-25 101 . DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,白守礼,许家喜,李蕾,李保山
    走理工融合之路 培养应用化学专业高素质创新人才 [期刊论文] ,中国大学教学, 2013-07-15 102 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Lu, Xinhao,Li, Mingshi,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Synthesis and catalytic properties of highly ordered mesostructured silica-pillared alpha-zirconium phosphate: Self-assembly via interlayered templating method [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2013-07-01 103 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    Facile fabrication of hollow silica nanospheres and their hierarchical self-assemblies as drug delivery carriers through a new single-micelle-template approach [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2013-01-01 104 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山
    Preparation of MCM-41 supported (Bu4N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) catalyst and its performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2012-08-15 105 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,Ma, Wei,Zhao, Songjie
    In situ synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of tungstophosphoric acid encapsulated into the framework of mesoporous silica pillared clay [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-07-01 106 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate: Incorporation of iron onto mesoporous silica network by a novel route [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2012-07-01 107 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with transition metal substituted polyoxometalate and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-07-01 108 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,Mujahid, Adnan,Farooq, Muhammad Umar,Ahmad, Waqar,李保山,Irfan, Muhammad,Qadir, Muhammad Abdul
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012-07-01 109 . DOI 李洋,刘建军,张若思,李保山,左胜利
    新型4,4'-双取代-2,2'-二吡啶衍生物的合成及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2012-06-15 110 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,Li, Xiao,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Bimetallic iron and cobalt incorporated MFI/MCM-41 composite and its catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2012-05-01 111 . DOI 姜增琨,刘建军,李保山,左胜利,邹献武,秦特夫
    木材生物质催化加氢制取高附加值产品 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2012-03-15 112 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate with high content of framework iron by pH-modification method and its catalytic performance [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-01-15 113 . DOI Gao, Xiaoxin,Mao, Huihui,Lu, Mohong,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Facile synthesis route to NiO-SiO2 intercalated clay with ordered porous structure: Intragallery interfacially controlled functionalization using nickel-ammonia complex for deep desulfurization [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-01-15 114 . DOI Asma Tufail Shah,Adnan Mujahid ?,? Muhammad Umar Farooq,Waqar Ahmad,李保山,Muhammad Irfan,Muhammad Abdul Qadir
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)4H3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technolog, 2012-01-15 115 . DOI 刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,Liu, Zhixin,左胜利,李保山
    AgBr-Coupled TiO2: A Visible Heterostructured Photocatalyst for Degrading Dye Pollutants [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY, 2012-01-01 116 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,刘建军,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Gao, Xiaohui,Pang, Xinmei,Sheng, Huiting
    Preparation, characterization and application in deep catalytic ODS of the mesoporous silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2011-10-15 117 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,刘建军,Han, Chunying,左胜利,Li, Xianfen
    Synthesis of the well-ordered hexagonal mesoporous silicate incorporated with phosphotungstic acid through a novel method and its catalytic performance on the oxidative desulfurization reaction [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011-10-05 118 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Nagra, Saeed Ahmad
    Aluminated mesoporous silica-pillared montmorillonite as acidic catalyst for catalytic cracking [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2011-10-01 120 . DOI 李保山,Wei Ma,刘建军,左胜利,李仙粉
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with lacunary Keggin and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011-10-01 121 . DOI 喻黎明,刘建军,于迎春,左胜利,李保山
    低温合成TiO2/Fe3O4 磁载光催化剂的光催化性能研究 [期刊论文] ,北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011-09-15 122 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,刘建军,左胜利,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation, characterization and catalytic performance of the silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid using different surfactants as template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL, 2011-09-01 123 . DOI 许倩,盛灵慧,李保山,黄铮
    高效液相色谱-质谱联用法测定人体血液中脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,化学分析计量, 2011-03-15 124 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Gao, Xiaoxin,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    A novel one-step synthesis of mesostructured silica-pillared clay with highly ordered gallery organic-inorganic hybrid frame [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2011-03-01 125 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing,Wang, Qian,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Piao, Jiarui
    Synthesis and characterization of Ln-ZSM-5/MCM-41 (Ln = La, Ce) by using kaolin as raw material [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2010-09-01 126 . DOI 李保山,Li, Xiao,Xu, Junqing,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Synthesis and characterization of composite molecular sieves M-1-MFI/M-2-MCM-41(M-1, M-2 = Ni, Co) with high heteroatom content and their catalytic properties for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2010-06-01 127 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Elgin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Cu-SBA-16 by internal pH-modification method and its performance for adsorption of dibenzothiophene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 128 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Xu, Junqing,Ding, Bo,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Facile synthesis and catalytic properties of titanium containing silica-pillared clay derivatives with ordered mesoporous structure through a novel intra-gallery templating method [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 129 . DOI A. H. JIN,李保山,Z. J. DAI
    Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil with hydrogen peroxide catalysed by Keggin-type Polyoxotungstate in a DC Magnetic Field [期刊论文] ,Petroleum Science and Technology, 2010-04-07 130 . DOI 李仙粉,史伟伟,李保山,袁晓东,任福民
    异辛酸稀土型柴油清净剂的合成和应用研究 [期刊论文] ,中国稀土学报, 2010-02-15 131 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Novel One-Step Synthesis Route to Ordered Mesoporous Silica-Pillared Clay Using Cationic-Anionic Mixed-Gallery Templates [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2010-01-20 132 . DOI Zaki Eldin Ali Abdalla,李保山,Asma Tufail
    Preparation of phosphate promoted Na2WO4/Al2O3 catalyst and its application for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2009-11-25 133 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Ti-containing SBA-16-type mesoporous material by the evaporation-induced self-assembly method and its catalytic performance for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-15 134 . DOI 李保山,Mao, Huihui,Li, Xiao,Ma, Wei,Liu, Zhenxing
    Synthesis of mesoporous silica-pillared clay by intragallery ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane using quaternary ammonium surfactants as gallery templates [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-01 135 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel (or cobolt)-doped silica-pillared clay: Synthesis and characterization studies [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2009-07-01 136 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山,Tufail, Asma
    Direct synthesis of mesoporous (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39)/SiO2 and its catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2009-06-05 137 . DOI 李保山,金昂卉,张月生,庞新梅
    外加磁场对催化裂化柴油氧化脱硫作用的研究 [期刊论文] ,石油炼制与化工, 2009-05-15 138 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Mao, Huihui,Shah, Asma Tufail
    Synthesis of mesoporous zeolite Ni-MFI with high nickel contents by using the ionic complex [(C4H9)(4)N](2)(+)[Ni(EDTA)](2-) as a template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-04-15 139 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhengxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel containing silica-pillared clays (Ni-SPC): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behavior for cracking of plant asphalt [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2009-02-15 140 . DOI Huihui Mao,李保山,Xiao Li,Zhengxing Liu,Wei Ma
    Synthesis of silica-pillared clay (SPC) with ordered mesoporous structure by one-step method without preswelling process [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009-02-15 2 . DOI Ullah, Irfan,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Afaq Ullah,Albalawi, Karma,李保山,El-Zahhar, Adel A.,Jevtovic, Violeta,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Asghar, Basim H.,Alghamdi, Majed M.
    Facile fabrication of Ag nanoparticles: An advanced material for antioxidant, infectious therapy and photocatalytic applications [期刊论文] ,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 2022-07-01 3 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Arooj, Aaranda,Tahir, Kamran,Ibrahim, Mohamed M.,Jevtovic, Violeta,AL-Abdulkarim, Hessah A.,Saleh, Ebraheem Abdu Musad,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Amin, Mohammed A.,李保山
    Facile fabrication of novel Ag2S-ZnO/GO nanocomposite with its enhanced photocatalytic and biological applications [期刊论文] ,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022-03-05 4 . DOI 战兴晓,李保山,刘建军,左胜利
    水性硅丙乳液对硅酸盐富锌涂层防腐蚀性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,腐蚀与防护, 2021-12-15 5 . DOI 马贺成,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,刘文琦,王艺蒙,李保山
    One-Step Fabrication of 2D/2D Z-Scheme BiOCl/g-C3N4 Nanosheets Heterojunction for Efficient Degradation of RhB and Cr(VI) Ions Reduction under Visible-Light Illumination [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2021-10-06 6 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Tahir, Kamran,Ullah, Sami,Arooj, Aaranda,李保山,Rehman, Khalil ur,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Mati Ullah,Ullah, Irfan
    A Tagetes minuta based eco-benign synthesis of multifunctional Au/MgO nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic, antibacterial and DPPH scavenging activities [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2021-07-01 7 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bandar A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Alqarni, Ali O.,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ullah, Sami,Wasim, Muhammad,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Ahmad, Waqas
    Biosynthesis of silver capped magnesium oxide nanocomposite using Olea cuspidata leaf extract and their photocatalytic, antioxidant and antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2021-03-01 8 . DOI 李保山
    教材中价层电子对互斥理论的问题探讨 [期刊论文] ,大学化学, 2020-12-14 9 . DOI Afaq Ullah Khan,Arif Ullah Khan,李保山,Mater H. Mahnashi,Bander A. Alyami,Kamran Tahir,Shafiullah Khan,Sadia Nazir
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020-09-01 10 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bander A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2020-09-01 11 . DOI Zhou, Juan,Lin, Husitu,于迎春,左胜利,李保山,刘建军
    Bright Luminous and Stable CsPbBr3@PS Microspheres Prepared via Facile Anti-solvent Method using CTAB as Double Modifier [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2020-08-17 12 . DOI 杨柳,李保山
    颜填料对乙烯基酯树脂重防腐涂料性能的 影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2020-07-01 13 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Huo, Yuewen,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,王磊,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of BiOCl/ZnO/CN Nanocomposite for Visible-Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2020-02-07 14 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Wang, Lei
    Fabrication of foamed zinc oxide-silica spheres coupled with Ag-AgBr for high-efficiency photo-/electrocatalytic overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2020-01-20 15 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进 展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 16 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 17 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Zhang, Xiaorong,Abbas, Zaheer,Khan, Shafiullah,Rehman, Wajid,Zaman, Umber,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,李保山
    A facile band alignment with sharp edge morphology accelerating the charge transportation for visible light photocatalytic degradation: A multiplex synergy [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2019-12-01 18 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Jinxi Zhang,Lei Wang
    Synthesis of foamed zinc oxide–silica spheres coupled with g-C 3 N 4 nanosheets for visible light photocatalysis [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2019-10-01 19 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,Jinbo Pan,Hecheng Ma,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Sadeeq Ullah,Muzaffar Iqbal,李保山
    Fabrication of flower-shaped hierarchical rGO QDs-Bi-Bi2WO6/EP floating photocatalyst: Eminent degradation kinetic under sun-like irradiation [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2019-08-15 20 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Muhammad Arif,Xianglong Kong,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of 3-D ZnO/CN nanorods for photo-/electrocatalytic water splitting: An efficient morphology for charge carriers transportation [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2019-08-13 21 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Xiaorong Zhang,Ghulam Yasin,Muhammad Arif,Zaheer Abbas,Umber Zaman,李保山
    Fabrication of Amorphous BiOCl/TiO2‐C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient Water Oxidation [期刊论文] ,ChemistrySelect, 2019-07-01 22 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,潘金波,马贺成,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Muzaffar Iqbal,Sadeeq Ullah,李保山
    One-Pot Fabrication of Hierarchical Floating Bi-Bi2S3-Bi2WO6/Expanded Perlite Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis of Organic Contaminants Utilized Sunlike Illumination [期刊论文] ,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019-05-22 23 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Muhammad Arif,Ghulam Yasin,李保山,Hashmat Daud Khan
    Layered by Layered Ni-Mn-LDH/g-C3N4 Nanohybrid for Multi-Purpose Photo/electrocatalysis: Morphology Controlled Strategy for Effective Charge Carriers Separation [期刊论文] ,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019-03-01 24 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    Fabrication of Highly Efficient and Hierarchical CdS QDs/CQDs/H-TiO2 Ternary Heterojunction: Surpassable Photocatalysis under Sun-like Illumination [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2019-01-09 25 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Baloch, Musa Kaleem
    Hollow mesoporous architecture: A high performance bi-functional photoelectrocatalyst for overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2018-12-01 26 . DOI 任保勇,林坤,李保山
    汽车三元催化器的免拆清洗 [期刊论文] ,清洗世界, 2018-11-30 27 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,左胜利,Ma, Hecheng,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    One step fabrication of novel Ag-CdS@EP floating photocatalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination [期刊论文] ,DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2018-09-21 28 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    Pd/Ni-MCM-41制备及其对苯甲醛加氢的催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-09-15 29 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Sher, Zunaira,Ali, Jawad,Nazir, Sadia
    A revival of 2D materials, phosphorene: Its application as sensors [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-25 30 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山
    Fabrication of floating CdS/EP photocatalyst by facile liquid phase deposition for highly efficient degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 2018-08-15 31 . DOI 韩璐,李春,高运华,盛灵慧,王志栋,李保山
    维生素标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,食品安全质量检测学报, 2018-08-15 32 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    多级孔MnAPSO-34分子筛的制备、表征及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-08-15 33 . DOI Pan Jin-Bo,刘建军,Ma He-Cheng,Khan, Usman Ali,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    Preparation of Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl Microsphere with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Pollutant Elimination [期刊论文] ,CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-10 34 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Abrar,Ali, Jawad
    Controlled Synthesis of highly proficient and durable hollow hierarchical heterostructured (Ag-AgBr/HHST): A UV and Visible light active photocatalyst in degradation of organic pollutants [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 2018-07-05 35 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Synthesis of cuboid BiOCl nanosheets coupled with CdS quantum dots by region-selective deposition process with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2018-07-01 36 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of Z-scheme CdS/CQDs/BiOCl heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity for environmental pollutant elimination [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2018-06-30 37 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Hashmat Daud
    In Situ Fabrication of Foamed Titania Carbon Nitride Nanocomposite and Its Synergetic Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2018-06-20 38 . DOI Ali, Jawad,Irshad, Rabia,李保山,Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,Shakeel, Muhammad,Khan, Naeem Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq
    Synthesis and characterization of phytochemical fabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2018-06-01 39 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of flower-like hierarchical CdS QDs/Bi/Bi2WO6 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2018-05-07 40 . DOI 王萌,李保山,吴建华,方大庆,王红峰,郑天水
    双电层纳米材料的制备及在防腐涂料中的应用 [期刊论文] ,石油化工高等学校学报, 2018-04-20 41 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Shakeel, Muhammad,刘建军,左胜利
    Hybriding hierarchical zeolite with Pt nanoparticles and graphene: Ternary nanocomposites for efficient visible-light photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2018-04-01 42 . DOI 吴乃瑾,宋云,魏文侠,杨苏才,李佳斌,王海见,李保山
    高分散型金属改性硅基介孔分子筛的制备及强化方法 [期刊论文] ,化工新型材料, 2017-12-15 43 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,刘建军,左胜利
    Well-dispersed Ni nanoclusters on the surfaces of MFI nanosheets as highly efficient and selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of naphthalene to tetralin [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-10-30 44 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    C 4 馏分加氢催化剂的应用 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-08-15 45 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Wang, Ning,刘建军,左胜利
    A new soft template-oriented method for the preparation of hollow analcime microspheres with nanosheets-assembled shells [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2017-08-01 46 . DOI 梁伟,李保山
    助剂Mo对硅柱撑蒙脱土负载镍催化剂结构及加氢脱氧性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-06-15 47 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Nazir, Sadia
    Antibacterial activity of biochemically capped iron oxide nanoparticles: A view towards green chemistry [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-05-01 48 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Yan, Dongpeng
    Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Well-Ordered Crystalline Heteroatom Mesoporous MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,CRYSTALS, 2017-04-01 49 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    A simple fabrication for sulfur doped graphitic carbon nitride porous rods with excellent photocatalytic activity degrading RhB dye [会议论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-01-01 50 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Khan, Abrar,Rahman, Aziz Ur
    Facile and green synthesis of phytochemicals capped platinum nanoparticles and in vitro their superior antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-01-01 51 . DOI 李保山
    离子膜烧碱原料卤水中微量碘的脱除技术 [期刊论文] ,江苏氯碱, 2016-12-20 52 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Arif Ullah,Shah, Sayyed Asim Ali,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Yasin, Ghulam,Hameed, Muhammad Usman
    Sapium sebiferum leaf extract mediated synthesis of palladium nanoparticles and in vitro investigation of their bacterial and photocatalytic activities [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-11-01 53 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Naz, Rubina,Raza, Muslim
    Visible light photo catalytic inactivation of bacteria and photo degradation of methylene blue with Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by a novel method [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-09-01 54 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Shahab Ullah
    Preparation, characterization and an efficient photocatalytic activity of Au/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by green deposition method [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2016-09-01 55 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    杂原子分子筛的合成与应用的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,石油化工, 2016-08-15 56 . DOI 廖波,刘建军,李保山,左胜利
    N-羟基-1,6-亚甲基桥[10]轮烯-3,4-酰亚胺/乙酸钴液相催化氧化3-甲基吡啶制备烟酸 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2016-07-20 57 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山
    A Novel Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Bimetallic Catalysts Pt@M-MCM-41 (M = Ni, Co) for Hydrocracking of Residual Oil [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2016-05-05 58 . DOI 杜伟钊,盛灵慧,李保山,王晶,向新乾,李秀琴
    气相色谱-质谱法测定橄榄油中8种脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,中国粮油学报, 2016-04-25 59 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,Huang, Yanni,Zhang, Chi,刘建军,Piao, Lingyu,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Superior nanoporous graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst coupled with CdS quantum dots for photodegradation of RhB [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS TODAY, 2016-04-15 60 . DOI 黄莉娜,侯光胜,李保山
    卤水中碘离子的氧化行为研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 61 . DOI 夏涵泊,李保山
    烟气中一氧化氮的液相吸收与综合利用 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 62 . DOI Batool, Madeeha,Shah, Asma Tufail,Din, Muhammad Imran,李保山
    Catalytic Pyrolysis of Low Density Polyethylene Using Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Encapsulated Monovacant Keggin Units (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) and ZSM-5 [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2016-01-01 63 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,刘建军,左胜利,Zhao, Yunchen
    Preparation and catalytic performance of a novel highly dispersed bifunctional catalyst Pt@Fe-MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2016-01-01 64 . DOI Tahir,Kamran,Nazir,Sadia,Ahmad,Aftab,李保山,AliShah,SayyedAsim,Khan,ArifUllah,Khan,GulMajid,Khan,QudratUllah,HaqKhan,ZiaUl,Khan,FaheemUllah
    Biodirected synthesis of palladium nanoparticles using: Phoenix dactylifera leaves extract and their size dependent biomedical and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,RSC Advances, 2016-01-01 65 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Arif Ullah,Ul Islam, Rafiq
    Enhanced chemocatalytic reduction of aromatic nitro compounds by biosynthesized gold nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2015-12-05 66 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Zhao, Yunchen
    Enhanced visible light photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli using silver nanoparticles as photocatalyst [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2015-12-01 67 . DOI 徐晶晶,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    介孔AgBr/TiO 2 -SiO 2 光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2015-10-20 68 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Gong, Peng Yu,Khan, Shahab Ullah,Ahmad, Aftab
    Nerium oleander leaves extract mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its antioxidant activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2015-10-01 69 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Faheem Ullah
    An efficient photo catalytic activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Salvadora persica stem extract [期刊论文] ,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2015-08-17 70 . DOI 李鸿鹏,李保山
    液流电池钛基负极电解液在不同温度下的电化学性能 [期刊论文] ,化工学报, 2015-05-15 71 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Zhang, Wen,Lv, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of well-ordered mesoporous Ni-MCM-41 with high nickel content [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2015-05-15 72 . DOI 赵龙,李保山
    在液氨环境中制备氨基钠的研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2015-01-10 73 . DOI 李保山,Wu, Naijin,Wu, Kai,刘建军,Han, Chunying,Li, Xianfen
    Bimetallic V and Ti incorporated MCM-41 molecular sieves and their catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 74 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,李保山,Yue, Liwen,Wu, Naijin,Lv, Kaixuan,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Hierarchical porous nano-MFI zeolite-pillared montmorillonite clay synthesized by recrystallization for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 75 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,Zhang, Fei,Yue, Liwen,Li, Xuan,Tao, Yu,Zhang, Ge,Wu, Kai,Wang, Cong,李保山
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed in silica pillared clay as an efficient catalyst for chlorobenzene dechlorination [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 76 . DOI 李至秦,武莉莉,李保山
    氟硅酸钠为原料制备纳米白炭黑及高含氟溶液 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-12-10 77 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Zhang, Jie
    Preparation of Carbon Nanofibers by Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide on a Nickel Sponge Catalyst [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-12-05 78 . DOI 武莉莉,李至秦,李保山
    氟硅酸制备高质量纳米白炭黑及F-溶液研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-11-10 79 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Li, Xuan
    Synthesis of Tunable Fe3O4@Mesoporous-silica-pillared Clay (MSPC) and Its Performance in Lysozyme Loading and Releasing Behavior [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 80 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Wu, Naijin,Li, Xuan
    Facile Synthesis of Copper-doped Mesoporous Silica Pillared Clay (Cu-MSPC) as a High-performance Catalyst for Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 81 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    One-pot synthesis of foamed titania-silica composite and its photocatalytic performance [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-08-15 82 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    One-pot synthesis of novel Ag-AgBr@HHSS with superior visible photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-08-01 83 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wanhang,刘建军
    Synthesis of Magnetic Fe3O4@hierarchical Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2014-07-02 84 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of magnetic FexOy@silica-pillared clay (SPC) composites via a novel sol-gel route for controlled drug release and targeting [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2014-07-01 85 . DOI Wu, Kai,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization of MCM-41 with high vanadium content in the framework and its catalytic performance on selective oxidation of cyclohexane [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 2014-06-05 86 . DOI Wang, Jing,Xu, Junqing,李保山,Zhang, Guoli,Wu, Ning,Mao, Lihe
    Synthesis of a Fe-MFI zeolite with super-micropores by using potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) as an iron source [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-06-01 87 . DOI Yu, Xuejiao,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation and visible light photocatalytic activity of carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanosheet composites [期刊论文] ,CARBON, 2014-03-01 88 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of lacunary polyoxometalate encapsulated into hexagonal mesoporous silica and their catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-03-01 89 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of novel hierarchical hollow silica sphere supported TiO2 nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-02-15 90 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Zhu, Kongnan,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of titania modified silica-pillared clay (SPC) with highly ordered interlayered mesoporous structure for removing toxic metal ion Cr(VI) from aqueous state [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2014-02-15 91 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of Keggin-type lacunary 11-tungstophosphates encapsulated into mesoporous silica pillared in clay interlayer galleries and their catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2014-02-10 92 . DOI Wu, Naijin,Zhang, Wen,李保山,Han, Chunying
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed with an ordered distribution in MCM-41 matrix as an efficient catalyst for hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-02-01 93 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Chen, Qun,Zhong, Jing
    Fabrication of magnetic silica-pillared clay (SPC) nanocomposites with ordered interlayer mesoporous structure for controlled drug release [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-01-15 94 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    A novel liquid template corrosion approach for layered silica with various morphologies and different nanolayer thicknesses [期刊论文] ,NANOSCALE, 2014-01-01 95 . DOI 刘建军,左胜利,Yu, Liming,Yu, Yingchun,李保山,Chen, Pengwan
    Visible light photodegradation of methylene blue by AgBr-TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalysts [期刊论文] ,PARTICUOLOGY, 2013-12-01 96 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing
    Synthesis and characterization of transitional metal-rich zeolite M-MFI (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with regular mesoporous channels [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2013-10-05 97 . DOI Li, Hongyu,刘建军,Wang, Kejian,Yu, Xuejiao,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation of fluorescent CdTe/montmorillonite nanocomposites and their incorporation into polypropylene [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2013-09-15 98 . DOI 黄 峥,盛灵慧,马 康,高运华,王 晶,李保山
    5 种脂肪酸甲酯化方法的酯化效率研究 [期刊论文] ,中国油脂, 2013-09-01 99 . DOI 张斐,李保山
    硅烷偶联剂改性空心SiO 2 纳米球对纯丙乳液性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2013-08-01 100 . DOI 白玉娜,左胜利,于迎春,刘建军,李保山
    氮-硫共掺杂二氧化钛光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2013-07-25 101 . DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,白守礼,许家喜,李蕾,李保山
    走理工融合之路 培养应用化学专业高素质创新人才 [期刊论文] ,中国大学教学, 2013-07-15 102 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Lu, Xinhao,Li, Mingshi,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Synthesis and catalytic properties of highly ordered mesostructured silica-pillared alpha-zirconium phosphate: Self-assembly via interlayered templating method [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2013-07-01 103 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    Facile fabrication of hollow silica nanospheres and their hierarchical self-assemblies as drug delivery carriers through a new single-micelle-template approach [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2013-01-01 104 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山
    Preparation of MCM-41 supported (Bu4N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) catalyst and its performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2012-08-15 105 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,Ma, Wei,Zhao, Songjie
    In situ synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of tungstophosphoric acid encapsulated into the framework of mesoporous silica pillared clay [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-07-01 106 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate: Incorporation of iron onto mesoporous silica network by a novel route [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2012-07-01 107 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with transition metal substituted polyoxometalate and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-07-01 108 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,Mujahid, Adnan,Farooq, Muhammad Umar,Ahmad, Waqar,李保山,Irfan, Muhammad,Qadir, Muhammad Abdul
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012-07-01 109 . DOI 李洋,刘建军,张若思,李保山,左胜利
    新型4,4'-双取代-2,2'-二吡啶衍生物的合成及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2012-06-15 110 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,Li, Xiao,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Bimetallic iron and cobalt incorporated MFI/MCM-41 composite and its catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2012-05-01 111 . DOI 姜增琨,刘建军,李保山,左胜利,邹献武,秦特夫
    木材生物质催化加氢制取高附加值产品 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2012-03-15 112 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate with high content of framework iron by pH-modification method and its catalytic performance [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-01-15 113 . DOI Gao, Xiaoxin,Mao, Huihui,Lu, Mohong,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Facile synthesis route to NiO-SiO2 intercalated clay with ordered porous structure: Intragallery interfacially controlled functionalization using nickel-ammonia complex for deep desulfurization [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-01-15 114 . DOI Asma Tufail Shah,Adnan Mujahid ?,? Muhammad Umar Farooq,Waqar Ahmad,李保山,Muhammad Irfan,Muhammad Abdul Qadir
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)4H3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technolog, 2012-01-15 115 . DOI 刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,Liu, Zhixin,左胜利,李保山
    AgBr-Coupled TiO2: A Visible Heterostructured Photocatalyst for Degrading Dye Pollutants [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY, 2012-01-01 116 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,刘建军,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Gao, Xiaohui,Pang, Xinmei,Sheng, Huiting
    Preparation, characterization and application in deep catalytic ODS of the mesoporous silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2011-10-15 117 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,刘建军,Han, Chunying,左胜利,Li, Xianfen
    Synthesis of the well-ordered hexagonal mesoporous silicate incorporated with phosphotungstic acid through a novel method and its catalytic performance on the oxidative desulfurization reaction [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011-10-05 118 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Nagra, Saeed Ahmad
    Aluminated mesoporous silica-pillared montmorillonite as acidic catalyst for catalytic cracking [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2011-10-01 120 . DOI 李保山,Wei Ma,刘建军,左胜利,李仙粉
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with lacunary Keggin and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011-10-01 121 . DOI 喻黎明,刘建军,于迎春,左胜利,李保山
    低温合成TiO2/Fe3O4 磁载光催化剂的光催化性能研究 [期刊论文] ,北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011-09-15 122 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,刘建军,左胜利,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation, characterization and catalytic performance of the silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid using different surfactants as template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL, 2011-09-01 123 . DOI 许倩,盛灵慧,李保山,黄铮
    高效液相色谱-质谱联用法测定人体血液中脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,化学分析计量, 2011-03-15 124 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Gao, Xiaoxin,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    A novel one-step synthesis of mesostructured silica-pillared clay with highly ordered gallery organic-inorganic hybrid frame [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2011-03-01 125 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing,Wang, Qian,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Piao, Jiarui
    Synthesis and characterization of Ln-ZSM-5/MCM-41 (Ln = La, Ce) by using kaolin as raw material [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2010-09-01 126 . DOI 李保山,Li, Xiao,Xu, Junqing,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Synthesis and characterization of composite molecular sieves M-1-MFI/M-2-MCM-41(M-1, M-2 = Ni, Co) with high heteroatom content and their catalytic properties for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2010-06-01 127 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Elgin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Cu-SBA-16 by internal pH-modification method and its performance for adsorption of dibenzothiophene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 128 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Xu, Junqing,Ding, Bo,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Facile synthesis and catalytic properties of titanium containing silica-pillared clay derivatives with ordered mesoporous structure through a novel intra-gallery templating method [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 129 . DOI A. H. JIN,李保山,Z. J. DAI
    Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil with hydrogen peroxide catalysed by Keggin-type Polyoxotungstate in a DC Magnetic Field [期刊论文] ,Petroleum Science and Technology, 2010-04-07 130 . DOI 李仙粉,史伟伟,李保山,袁晓东,任福民
    异辛酸稀土型柴油清净剂的合成和应用研究 [期刊论文] ,中国稀土学报, 2010-02-15 131 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Novel One-Step Synthesis Route to Ordered Mesoporous Silica-Pillared Clay Using Cationic-Anionic Mixed-Gallery Templates [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2010-01-20 132 . DOI Zaki Eldin Ali Abdalla,李保山,Asma Tufail
    Preparation of phosphate promoted Na2WO4/Al2O3 catalyst and its application for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2009-11-25 133 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Ti-containing SBA-16-type mesoporous material by the evaporation-induced self-assembly method and its catalytic performance for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-15 134 . DOI 李保山,Mao, Huihui,Li, Xiao,Ma, Wei,Liu, Zhenxing
    Synthesis of mesoporous silica-pillared clay by intragallery ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane using quaternary ammonium surfactants as gallery templates [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-01 135 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel (or cobolt)-doped silica-pillared clay: Synthesis and characterization studies [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2009-07-01 136 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山,Tufail, Asma
    Direct synthesis of mesoporous (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39)/SiO2 and its catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2009-06-05 137 . DOI 李保山,金昂卉,张月生,庞新梅
    外加磁场对催化裂化柴油氧化脱硫作用的研究 [期刊论文] ,石油炼制与化工, 2009-05-15 138 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Mao, Huihui,Shah, Asma Tufail
    Synthesis of mesoporous zeolite Ni-MFI with high nickel contents by using the ionic complex [(C4H9)(4)N](2)(+)[Ni(EDTA)](2-) as a template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-04-15 139 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhengxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel containing silica-pillared clays (Ni-SPC): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behavior for cracking of plant asphalt [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2009-02-15 140 . DOI Huihui Mao,李保山,Xiao Li,Zhengxing Liu,Wei Ma
    Synthesis of silica-pillared clay (SPC) with ordered mesoporous structure by one-step method without preswelling process [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009-02-15 2 . DOI Ullah, Irfan,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Afaq Ullah,Albalawi, Karma,李保山,El-Zahhar, Adel A.,Jevtovic, Violeta,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Asghar, Basim H.,Alghamdi, Majed M.
    Facile fabrication of Ag nanoparticles: An advanced material for antioxidant, infectious therapy and photocatalytic applications [期刊论文] ,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 2022-07-01 3 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Arooj, Aaranda,Tahir, Kamran,Ibrahim, Mohamed M.,Jevtovic, Violeta,AL-Abdulkarim, Hessah A.,Saleh, Ebraheem Abdu Musad,Al-Shehri, Hamza S.,Amin, Mohammed A.,李保山
    Facile fabrication of novel Ag2S-ZnO/GO nanocomposite with its enhanced photocatalytic and biological applications [期刊论文] ,Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022-03-05 4 . DOI 战兴晓,李保山,刘建军,左胜利
    水性硅丙乳液对硅酸盐富锌涂层防腐蚀性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,腐蚀与防护, 2021-12-15 5 . DOI 马贺成,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,刘文琦,王艺蒙,李保山
    One-Step Fabrication of 2D/2D Z-Scheme BiOCl/g-C3N4 Nanosheets Heterojunction for Efficient Degradation of RhB and Cr(VI) Ions Reduction under Visible-Light Illumination [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2021-10-06 6 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Tahir, Kamran,Ullah, Sami,Arooj, Aaranda,李保山,Rehman, Khalil ur,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Mati Ullah,Ullah, Irfan
    A Tagetes minuta based eco-benign synthesis of multifunctional Au/MgO nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic, antibacterial and DPPH scavenging activities [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2021-07-01 7 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bandar A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Alqarni, Ali O.,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ullah, Sami,Wasim, Muhammad,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Ahmad, Waqas
    Biosynthesis of silver capped magnesium oxide nanocomposite using Olea cuspidata leaf extract and their photocatalytic, antioxidant and antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2021-03-01 8 . DOI 李保山
    教材中价层电子对互斥理论的问题探讨 [期刊论文] ,大学化学, 2020-12-14 9 . DOI Afaq Ullah Khan,Arif Ullah Khan,李保山,Mater H. Mahnashi,Bander A. Alyami,Kamran Tahir,Shafiullah Khan,Sadia Nazir
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2020-09-01 10 . DOI Khan, Afaq Ullah,Khan, Arif Ullah,李保山,Mahnashi, Mater H.,Alyami, Bander A.,Alqahtani, Yahya S.,Tahir, Kamran,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia
    A facile fabrication of silver/copper oxide nanocomposite: An innovative entry in photocatalytic and biomedical materials [期刊论文] ,PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, 2020-09-01 11 . DOI Zhou, Juan,Lin, Husitu,于迎春,左胜利,李保山,刘建军
    Bright Luminous and Stable CsPbBr3@PS Microspheres Prepared via Facile Anti-solvent Method using CTAB as Double Modifier [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2020-08-17 12 . DOI 杨柳,李保山
    颜填料对乙烯基酯树脂重防腐涂料性能的 影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2020-07-01 13 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Huo, Yuewen,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,王磊,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of BiOCl/ZnO/CN Nanocomposite for Visible-Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2020-02-07 14 . DOI Zhang, Xiaorong,Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Wang, Lei
    Fabrication of foamed zinc oxide-silica spheres coupled with Ag-AgBr for high-efficiency photo-/electrocatalytic overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2020-01-20 15 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进 展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 16 . DOI 韩璐,盛灵慧,高运华,吴枭,王志栋,李保山
    脂肪酸标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,生物技术通报, 2020-01-10 17 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Zhang, Xiaorong,Abbas, Zaheer,Khan, Shafiullah,Rehman, Wajid,Zaman, Umber,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,李保山
    A facile band alignment with sharp edge morphology accelerating the charge transportation for visible light photocatalytic degradation: A multiplex synergy [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2019-12-01 18 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Jinxi Zhang,Lei Wang
    Synthesis of foamed zinc oxide–silica spheres coupled with g-C 3 N 4 nanosheets for visible light photocatalysis [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2019-10-01 19 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,Jinbo Pan,Hecheng Ma,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Sadeeq Ullah,Muzaffar Iqbal,李保山
    Fabrication of flower-shaped hierarchical rGO QDs-Bi-Bi2WO6/EP floating photocatalyst: Eminent degradation kinetic under sun-like irradiation [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2019-08-15 20 . DOI Xiaorong Zhang,Muhammad Shakeel,李保山,Muhammad Arif,Xianglong Kong,刘建军,左胜利
    Fabrication of 3-D ZnO/CN nanorods for photo-/electrocatalytic water splitting: An efficient morphology for charge carriers transportation [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2019-08-13 21 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Xiaorong Zhang,Ghulam Yasin,Muhammad Arif,Zaheer Abbas,Umber Zaman,李保山
    Fabrication of Amorphous BiOCl/TiO2‐C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient Water Oxidation [期刊论文] ,ChemistrySelect, 2019-07-01 22 . DOI Usman Ali Khan,刘建军,潘金波,马贺成,左胜利,于迎春,Aftab Ahmad,Muzaffar Iqbal,Sadeeq Ullah,李保山
    One-Pot Fabrication of Hierarchical Floating Bi-Bi2S3-Bi2WO6/Expanded Perlite Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis of Organic Contaminants Utilized Sunlike Illumination [期刊论文] ,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019-05-22 23 . DOI Muhammad Shakeel,Muhammad Arif,Ghulam Yasin,李保山,Hashmat Daud Khan
    Layered by Layered Ni-Mn-LDH/g-C3N4 Nanohybrid for Multi-Purpose Photo/electrocatalysis: Morphology Controlled Strategy for Effective Charge Carriers Separation [期刊论文] ,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019-03-01 24 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    Fabrication of Highly Efficient and Hierarchical CdS QDs/CQDs/H-TiO2 Ternary Heterojunction: Surpassable Photocatalysis under Sun-like Illumination [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2019-01-09 25 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Baloch, Musa Kaleem
    Hollow mesoporous architecture: A high performance bi-functional photoelectrocatalyst for overall water splitting [期刊论文] ,ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2018-12-01 26 . DOI 任保勇,林坤,李保山
    汽车三元催化器的免拆清洗 [期刊论文] ,清洗世界, 2018-11-30 27 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,左胜利,Ma, Hecheng,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,Ullah, Sadeeq,李保山
    One step fabrication of novel Ag-CdS@EP floating photocatalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants under visible light illumination [期刊论文] ,DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2018-09-21 28 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    Pd/Ni-MCM-41制备及其对苯甲醛加氢的催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-09-15 29 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Sher, Zunaira,Ali, Jawad,Nazir, Sadia
    A revival of 2D materials, phosphorene: Its application as sensors [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-25 30 . DOI Khan, Usman Ali,刘建军,Pan, Jinbo,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,于迎春,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山
    Fabrication of floating CdS/EP photocatalyst by facile liquid phase deposition for highly efficient degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 2018-08-15 31 . DOI 韩璐,李春,高运华,盛灵慧,王志栋,李保山
    维生素标准物质的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,食品安全质量检测学报, 2018-08-15 32 . DOI 王宁,李保山
    多级孔MnAPSO-34分子筛的制备、表征及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2018-08-15 33 . DOI Pan Jin-Bo,刘建军,Ma He-Cheng,Khan, Usman Ali,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    Preparation of Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl Microsphere with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Pollutant Elimination [期刊论文] ,CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2018-08-10 34 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Arif, Muhammad,Yasin, Ghulam,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Abrar,Ali, Jawad
    Controlled Synthesis of highly proficient and durable hollow hierarchical heterostructured (Ag-AgBr/HHST): A UV and Visible light active photocatalyst in degradation of organic pollutants [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 2018-07-05 35 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Synthesis of cuboid BiOCl nanosheets coupled with CdS quantum dots by region-selective deposition process with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2018-07-01 36 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of Z-scheme CdS/CQDs/BiOCl heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity for environmental pollutant elimination [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2018-06-30 37 . DOI Shakeel, Muhammad,李保山,Yasin, Ghulam,Arif, Muhammad,Rehman, Wajid,Khan, Hashmat Daud
    In Situ Fabrication of Foamed Titania Carbon Nitride Nanocomposite and Its Synergetic Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performance [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2018-06-20 38 . DOI Ali, Jawad,Irshad, Rabia,李保山,Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,Shakeel, Muhammad,Khan, Naeem Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq
    Synthesis and characterization of phytochemical fabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2018-06-01 39 . DOI Pan, Jinbo,刘建军,Ma, Hecheng,左胜利,Khan, Usman Ali,于迎春,李保山
    Structure of flower-like hierarchical CdS QDs/Bi/Bi2WO6 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2018-05-07 40 . DOI 王萌,李保山,吴建华,方大庆,王红峰,郑天水
    双电层纳米材料的制备及在防腐涂料中的应用 [期刊论文] ,石油化工高等学校学报, 2018-04-20 41 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Shakeel, Muhammad,刘建军,左胜利
    Hybriding hierarchical zeolite with Pt nanoparticles and graphene: Ternary nanocomposites for efficient visible-light photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2018-04-01 42 . DOI 吴乃瑾,宋云,魏文侠,杨苏才,李佳斌,王海见,李保山
    高分散型金属改性硅基介孔分子筛的制备及强化方法 [期刊论文] ,化工新型材料, 2017-12-15 43 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,刘建军,左胜利
    Well-dispersed Ni nanoclusters on the surfaces of MFI nanosheets as highly efficient and selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of naphthalene to tetralin [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-10-30 44 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    C 4 馏分加氢催化剂的应用 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-08-15 45 . DOI Gong, Pengyu,李保山,Kong, Xianglong,Wang, Ning,刘建军,左胜利
    A new soft template-oriented method for the preparation of hollow analcime microspheres with nanosheets-assembled shells [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2017-08-01 46 . DOI 梁伟,李保山
    助剂Mo对硅柱撑蒙脱土负载镍催化剂结构及加氢脱氧性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2017-06-15 47 . DOI Irshad, Rabia,Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Siddiqui, Azka R.,Nazir, Sadia
    Antibacterial activity of biochemically capped iron oxide nanoparticles: A view towards green chemistry [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-05-01 48 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Yan, Dongpeng
    Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Well-Ordered Crystalline Heteroatom Mesoporous MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,CRYSTALS, 2017-04-01 49 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    A simple fabrication for sulfur doped graphitic carbon nitride porous rods with excellent photocatalytic activity degrading RhB dye [会议论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2017-01-01 50 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Faheem Ullah,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Khan, Abrar,Rahman, Aziz Ur
    Facile and green synthesis of phytochemicals capped platinum nanoparticles and in vitro their superior antibacterial activity [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2017-01-01 51 . DOI 李保山
    离子膜烧碱原料卤水中微量碘的脱除技术 [期刊论文] ,江苏氯碱, 2016-12-20 52 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Ahmad, Aftab,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Arif Ullah,Shah, Sayyed Asim Ali,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Yasin, Ghulam,Hameed, Muhammad Usman
    Sapium sebiferum leaf extract mediated synthesis of palladium nanoparticles and in vitro investigation of their bacterial and photocatalytic activities [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-11-01 53 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nasir, Tabassum,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Naz, Rubina,Raza, Muslim
    Visible light photo catalytic inactivation of bacteria and photo degradation of methylene blue with Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by a novel method [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2016-09-01 54 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Ahmad, Aftab,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Shafiullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Shahab Ullah
    Preparation, characterization and an efficient photocatalytic activity of Au/TiO2 nanocomposite prepared by green deposition method [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2016-09-01 55 . DOI 杜周,李保山
    杂原子分子筛的合成与应用的研究进展 [期刊论文] ,石油化工, 2016-08-15 56 . DOI 廖波,刘建军,李保山,左胜利
    N-羟基-1,6-亚甲基桥[10]轮烯-3,4-酰亚胺/乙酸钴液相催化氧化3-甲基吡啶制备烟酸 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2016-07-20 57 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山
    A Novel Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Bimetallic Catalysts Pt@M-MCM-41 (M = Ni, Co) for Hydrocracking of Residual Oil [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2016-05-05 58 . DOI 杜伟钊,盛灵慧,李保山,王晶,向新乾,李秀琴
    气相色谱-质谱法测定橄榄油中8种脂肪酸含量 [期刊论文] ,中国粮油学报, 2016-04-25 59 . DOI Fan, Qianjing,Huang, Yanni,Zhang, Chi,刘建军,Piao, Lingyu,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Superior nanoporous graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst coupled with CdS quantum dots for photodegradation of RhB [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS TODAY, 2016-04-15 60 . DOI 黄莉娜,侯光胜,李保山
    卤水中碘离子的氧化行为研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 61 . DOI 夏涵泊,李保山
    烟气中一氧化氮的液相吸收与综合利用 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2016-01-20 62 . DOI Batool, Madeeha,Shah, Asma Tufail,Din, Muhammad Imran,李保山
    Catalytic Pyrolysis of Low Density Polyethylene Using Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Encapsulated Monovacant Keggin Units (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) and ZSM-5 [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2016-01-01 63 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,刘建军,左胜利,Zhao, Yunchen
    Preparation and catalytic performance of a novel highly dispersed bifunctional catalyst Pt@Fe-MCM-41 [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2016-01-01 64 . DOI Tahir,Kamran,Nazir,Sadia,Ahmad,Aftab,李保山,AliShah,SayyedAsim,Khan,ArifUllah,Khan,GulMajid,Khan,QudratUllah,HaqKhan,ZiaUl,Khan,FaheemUllah
    Biodirected synthesis of palladium nanoparticles using: Phoenix dactylifera leaves extract and their size dependent biomedical and catalytic applications [期刊论文] ,RSC Advances, 2016-01-01 65 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,李保山,Khan, Shafiullah,Nazir, Sadia,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Khan, Arif Ullah,Ul Islam, Rafiq
    Enhanced chemocatalytic reduction of aromatic nitro compounds by biosynthesized gold nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2015-12-05 66 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Qudrat Ullah,Zhao, Yunchen
    Enhanced visible light photocatalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli using silver nanoparticles as photocatalyst [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 2015-12-01 67 . DOI 徐晶晶,刘建军,左胜利,于迎春,李保山
    介孔AgBr/TiO 2 -SiO 2 光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2015-10-20 68 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Gong, Peng Yu,Khan, Shahab Ullah,Ahmad, Aftab
    Nerium oleander leaves extract mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its antioxidant activity [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2015-10-01 69 . DOI Tahir, Kamran,Nazir, Sadia,李保山,Khan, Arif Ullah,Khan, Zia Ul Haq,Ahmad, Aftab,Khan, Faheem Ullah
    An efficient photo catalytic activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles using Salvadora persica stem extract [期刊论文] ,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2015-08-17 70 . DOI 李鸿鹏,李保山
    液流电池钛基负极电解液在不同温度下的电化学性能 [期刊论文] ,化工学报, 2015-05-15 71 . DOI Qin, Jing,李保山,Zhang, Wen,Lv, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of well-ordered mesoporous Ni-MCM-41 with high nickel content [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2015-05-15 72 . DOI 赵龙,李保山
    在液氨环境中制备氨基钠的研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2015-01-10 73 . DOI 李保山,Wu, Naijin,Wu, Kai,刘建军,Han, Chunying,Li, Xianfen
    Bimetallic V and Ti incorporated MCM-41 molecular sieves and their catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 74 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,李保山,Yue, Liwen,Wu, Naijin,Lv, Kaixuan,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Hierarchical porous nano-MFI zeolite-pillared montmorillonite clay synthesized by recrystallization for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 75 . DOI Ren, Zhiming,Zhang, Fei,Yue, Liwen,Li, Xuan,Tao, Yu,Zhang, Ge,Wu, Kai,Wang, Cong,李保山
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed in silica pillared clay as an efficient catalyst for chlorobenzene dechlorination [期刊论文] ,RSC ADVANCES, 2015-01-01 76 . DOI 李至秦,武莉莉,李保山
    氟硅酸钠为原料制备纳米白炭黑及高含氟溶液 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-12-10 77 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Zhang, Jie
    Preparation of Carbon Nanofibers by Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide on a Nickel Sponge Catalyst [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-12-05 78 . DOI 武莉莉,李至秦,李保山
    氟硅酸制备高质量纳米白炭黑及F-溶液研究 [期刊论文] ,无机盐工业, 2014-11-10 79 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Li, Xuan
    Synthesis of Tunable Fe3O4@Mesoporous-silica-pillared Clay (MSPC) and Its Performance in Lysozyme Loading and Releasing Behavior [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 80 . DOI Yue, Liwen,李保山,Ren, Zhiming,Wu, Naijin,Li, Xuan
    Facile Synthesis of Copper-doped Mesoporous Silica Pillared Clay (Cu-MSPC) as a High-performance Catalyst for Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol [期刊论文] ,CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014-09-05 81 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    One-pot synthesis of foamed titania-silica composite and its photocatalytic performance [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-08-15 82 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    One-pot synthesis of novel Ag-AgBr@HHSS with superior visible photocatalytic activity [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-08-01 83 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wanhang,刘建军
    Synthesis of Magnetic Fe3O4@hierarchical Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solutions [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2014-07-02 84 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of magnetic FexOy@silica-pillared clay (SPC) composites via a novel sol-gel route for controlled drug release and targeting [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 2014-07-01 85 . DOI Wu, Kai,李保山,Han, Chunying,刘建军
    Synthesis, characterization of MCM-41 with high vanadium content in the framework and its catalytic performance on selective oxidation of cyclohexane [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 2014-06-05 86 . DOI Wang, Jing,Xu, Junqing,李保山,Zhang, Guoli,Wu, Ning,Mao, Lihe
    Synthesis of a Fe-MFI zeolite with super-micropores by using potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) as an iron source [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-06-01 87 . DOI Yu, Xuejiao,刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation and visible light photocatalytic activity of carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanosheet composites [期刊论文] ,CARBON, 2014-03-01 88 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of lacunary polyoxometalate encapsulated into hexagonal mesoporous silica and their catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-03-01 89 . DOI Zhang, Jinxi,李保山,Yang, Wangliang
    Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of novel hierarchical hollow silica sphere supported TiO2 nanoparticles [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2014-02-15 90 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Zhu, Kongnan,李保山,Yao, Chao,Kong, Yong
    Synthesis of titania modified silica-pillared clay (SPC) with highly ordered interlayered mesoporous structure for removing toxic metal ion Cr(VI) from aqueous state [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2014-02-15 91 . DOI Wu, Naijin,李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying
    Synthesis of Keggin-type lacunary 11-tungstophosphates encapsulated into mesoporous silica pillared in clay interlayer galleries and their catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2014-02-10 92 . DOI Wu, Naijin,Zhang, Wen,李保山,Han, Chunying
    Nickel nanoparticles highly dispersed with an ordered distribution in MCM-41 matrix as an efficient catalyst for hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-02-01 93 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Liu, Xiaoting,Yang, Jihe,李保山,Chen, Qun,Zhong, Jing
    Fabrication of magnetic silica-pillared clay (SPC) nanocomposites with ordered interlayer mesoporous structure for controlled drug release [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2014-01-15 94 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    A novel liquid template corrosion approach for layered silica with various morphologies and different nanolayer thicknesses [期刊论文] ,NANOSCALE, 2014-01-01 95 . DOI 刘建军,左胜利,Yu, Liming,Yu, Yingchun,李保山,Chen, Pengwan
    Visible light photodegradation of methylene blue by AgBr-TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalysts [期刊论文] ,PARTICUOLOGY, 2013-12-01 96 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing
    Synthesis and characterization of transitional metal-rich zeolite M-MFI (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with regular mesoporous channels [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2013-10-05 97 . DOI Li, Hongyu,刘建军,Wang, Kejian,Yu, Xuejiao,左胜利,李保山
    Preparation of fluorescent CdTe/montmorillonite nanocomposites and their incorporation into polypropylene [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2013-09-15 98 . DOI 黄 峥,盛灵慧,马 康,高运华,王 晶,李保山
    5 种脂肪酸甲酯化方法的酯化效率研究 [期刊论文] ,中国油脂, 2013-09-01 99 . DOI 张斐,李保山
    硅烷偶联剂改性空心SiO 2 纳米球对纯丙乳液性能的影响 [期刊论文] ,涂料工业, 2013-08-01 100 . DOI 白玉娜,左胜利,于迎春,刘建军,李保山
    氮-硫共掺杂二氧化钛光催化剂的制备及其可见光催化活性 [期刊论文] ,化学研究, 2013-07-25 101 . DOI 杨屹,陈咏梅,白守礼,许家喜,李蕾,李保山
    走理工融合之路 培养应用化学专业高素质创新人才 [期刊论文] ,中国大学教学, 2013-07-15 102 . DOI Mao, Huihui,Lu, Xinhao,Li, Mingshi,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Synthesis and catalytic properties of highly ordered mesostructured silica-pillared alpha-zirconium phosphate: Self-assembly via interlayered templating method [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2013-07-01 103 . DOI Yang, Wanliang,李保山
    Facile fabrication of hollow silica nanospheres and their hierarchical self-assemblies as drug delivery carriers through a new single-micelle-template approach [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2013-01-01 104 . DOI Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali,李保山
    Preparation of MCM-41 supported (Bu4N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) catalyst and its performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2012-08-15 105 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,Ma, Wei,Zhao, Songjie
    In situ synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of tungstophosphoric acid encapsulated into the framework of mesoporous silica pillared clay [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-07-01 106 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate: Incorporation of iron onto mesoporous silica network by a novel route [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS LETTERS, 2012-07-01 107 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,Han, Chunying,刘建军,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with transition metal substituted polyoxometalate and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-07-01 108 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,Mujahid, Adnan,Farooq, Muhammad Umar,Ahmad, Waqar,李保山,Irfan, Muhammad,Qadir, Muhammad Abdul
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012-07-01 109 . DOI 李洋,刘建军,张若思,李保山,左胜利
    新型4,4'-双取代-2,2'-二吡啶衍生物的合成及其光催化性能 [期刊论文] ,合成化学, 2012-06-15 110 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,Li, Xiao,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Bimetallic iron and cobalt incorporated MFI/MCM-41 composite and its catalytic properties [期刊论文] ,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2012-05-01 111 . DOI 姜增琨,刘建军,李保山,左胜利,邹献武,秦特夫
    木材生物质催化加氢制取高附加值产品 [期刊论文] ,工业催化, 2012-03-15 112 . DOI 李保山,Xu, Junqing,刘建军,左胜利,Pan, Zhiyun,Wu, Ziyu
    Preparation of mesoporous ferrisilicate with high content of framework iron by pH-modification method and its catalytic performance [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2012-01-15 113 . DOI Gao, Xiaoxin,Mao, Huihui,Lu, Mohong,Yang, Jihe,李保山
    Facile synthesis route to NiO-SiO2 intercalated clay with ordered porous structure: Intragallery interfacially controlled functionalization using nickel-ammonia complex for deep desulfurization [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2012-01-15 114 . DOI Asma Tufail Shah,Adnan Mujahid ?,? Muhammad Umar Farooq,Waqar Ahmad,李保山,Muhammad Irfan,Muhammad Abdul Qadir
    Micelle directed synthesis of (C19H42N)4H3(PW11O39) nanoparticles and their catalytic efficiency for oxidative degradation of azo dye [期刊论文] ,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technolog, 2012-01-15 115 . DOI 刘建军,Yu, Yingchun,Liu, Zhixin,左胜利,李保山
    AgBr-Coupled TiO2: A Visible Heterostructured Photocatalyst for Degrading Dye Pollutants [期刊论文] ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY, 2012-01-01 116 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,刘建军,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Gao, Xiaohui,Pang, Xinmei,Sheng, Huiting
    Preparation, characterization and application in deep catalytic ODS of the mesoporous silica pillared clay incorporated with phosphotungstic acid [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2011-10-15 117 . DOI 李保山,Ma, Wei,刘建军,Han, Chunying,左胜利,Li, Xianfen
    Synthesis of the well-ordered hexagonal mesoporous silicate incorporated with phosphotungstic acid through a novel method and its catalytic performance on the oxidative desulfurization reaction [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011-10-05 118 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Nagra, Saeed Ahmad
    Aluminated mesoporous silica-pillared montmorillonite as acidic catalyst for catalytic cracking [期刊论文] ,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2011-10-01 120 . DOI 李保山,Wei Ma,刘建军,左胜利,李仙粉
    Preparation of MCM-41 incorporated with lacunary Keggin and its catalytic performance in esterification [期刊论文] ,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011-10-01 121 . DOI 喻黎明,刘建军,于迎春,左胜利,李保山
    低温合成TiO2/Fe3O4 磁载光催化剂的光催化性能研究 [期刊论文] ,北京化工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011-09-15 122 . DOI 李保山,Liu, Zhenxing,Han, Chunying,刘建军,左胜利,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Pang, Xinmei
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    A novel one-step synthesis of mesostructured silica-pillared clay with highly ordered gallery organic-inorganic hybrid frame [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2011-03-01 125 . DOI Li, Xiao,李保山,Xu, Junqing,Wang, Qian,Pang, Xinmei,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan,Piao, Jiarui
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    Synthesis and characterization of composite molecular sieves M-1-MFI/M-2-MCM-41(M-1, M-2 = Ni, Co) with high heteroatom content and their catalytic properties for hydrocracking of residual oil [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2010-06-01 127 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Elgin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Cu-SBA-16 by internal pH-modification method and its performance for adsorption of dibenzothiophene [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 128 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Xu, Junqing,Ding, Bo,Gao, Xiaohui,Zhou, Zhiyuan
    Facile synthesis and catalytic properties of titanium containing silica-pillared clay derivatives with ordered mesoporous structure through a novel intra-gallery templating method [期刊论文] ,MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2010-05-01 129 . DOI A. H. JIN,李保山,Z. J. DAI
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    异辛酸稀土型柴油清净剂的合成和应用研究 [期刊论文] ,中国稀土学报, 2010-02-15 131 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Yue, Liwen,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
    Novel One-Step Synthesis Route to Ordered Mesoporous Silica-Pillared Clay Using Cationic-Anionic Mixed-Gallery Templates [期刊论文] ,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2010-01-20 132 . DOI Zaki Eldin Ali Abdalla,李保山,Asma Tufail
    Preparation of phosphate promoted Na2WO4/Al2O3 catalyst and its application for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2009-11-25 133 . DOI Shah, Asma Tufail,李保山,Abdalla, Zaki Eldin Ali
    Direct synthesis of Ti-containing SBA-16-type mesoporous material by the evaporation-induced self-assembly method and its catalytic performance for oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-15 134 . DOI 李保山,Mao, Huihui,Li, Xiao,Ma, Wei,Liu, Zhenxing
    Synthesis of mesoporous silica-pillared clay by intragallery ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane using quaternary ammonium surfactants as gallery templates [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-08-01 135 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhenxing,Ma, Wei
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    Direct synthesis of mesoporous (C19H42N)(4)H-3(PW11O39)/SiO2 and its catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization [期刊论文] ,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 2009-06-05 137 . DOI 李保山,金昂卉,张月生,庞新梅
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    Synthesis of mesoporous zeolite Ni-MFI with high nickel contents by using the ionic complex [(C4H9)(4)N](2)(+)[Ni(EDTA)](2-) as a template [期刊论文] ,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2009-04-15 139 . DOI Mao, Huihui,李保山,Li, Xiao,Liu, Zhengxing,Ma, Wei
    Mesoporous nickel containing silica-pillared clays (Ni-SPC): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behavior for cracking of plant asphalt [期刊论文] ,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2009-02-15 140 . DOI Huihui Mao,李保山,Xiao Li,Zhengxing Liu,Wei Ma
    Synthesis of silica-pillared clay (SPC) with ordered mesoporous structure by one-step method without preswelling process [期刊论文] ,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009-02-15