Jiang Kun
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Nature microbiology
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2.Chen Zhe, Shi Yi ting, Wang Dongdong, Liu Xiaoyu, Jiao Xuyao, Gao Xiang*,
Jiang Kun*
. Structural insight into Bacillus thuringiensis Sip1Ab reveals its similarity to ETX_MTX2 family beta-pore-forming toxin.
Pest Manag Sci
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Kun Jiang
*, Zhe Chen
, Yiting Shi, Yuanrong Zang, Chengbin Shang, Xi Huang, Jiahe Zang, Zhudong Bai, Xuyao Jiao, Jun Cai, Xiang Gao*.A strategy to enhance the insecticidal potency of Vip3Aa by introducing additional cleavage sites to increase its proteolytic activation efficiency.
Engineering Microbiology
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Jiang Kun
, Chen Zhe
, Zang Yuanrong, Shi Yiting, Shang Chengbin, Jiao Xuyao, Cai Jun, Gao Xiang*.Functional characterization of Vip3Aa from Bacillus thuringiensis reveals the contributions of specific domains to its insecticidal activity.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
5.Lian Huan
, Tong Ming
, Chen Zhe, Liu Xiaoyu, Jorge E. Galán*, Gao Xiang*. The
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Jiang Kun
, Zhang Yan
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Jiang Kun
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PLoS Pathogens
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Jiang Kun
, Hou Xiaoyue
, Han Lu, Tan Tongtong, Cao Zhanglei, Cai Jun*. Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor, a Novel Receptor for Vegetative Insecticidal Protein Vip3Aa.
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Jiang Kun
, Mei Si qi, Wang Ting ting, Pan Jin hua, Chen Yue hua, Cai Jun*. Vip3Aa induces apoptosis in cultured Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells,
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Jiang Kun
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, Pan Jin hua, Wang Ting ting, Chen Yue hua, Cai Jun*. YvoA and CcpA repress the expression of chiB in Bacillus thuringiensis,
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
, 2015.