• 进化与发育 Laboratory for Evolution & Development
  • 纤毛与器官发育 Laboratory of Cilia Biology & Organogenesis
  • 形态发生与进化 Laboratory for Morphogenesis & Evolution
  • 生态与适应进化 Laboratory of Ecology and Adaptive Evolution
  • 海洋资源生物学 Laboratory for Marine Resources Biology
  • 微生物海洋学 Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography
  • 发育与再生 Laboratory for Development & Regeneration
  • 进化基因组学 Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics
  • 海洋病毒与微型生物多样性 Laboratory of Viral & Microbial Diversity
  • 海洋生物遗传学 Laboratory of Genetics of Marine Organisms
  • 海洋动物细胞培养与组织再生 Laboratory of Cell Culture & Tissue Regeneration of Marine Animals
  • 进化基因组学实验室
    Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics
    P.I.: Prof. Hongan LONG



    A. 原生动物的表型可塑性与适应性演化;

    B. 海洋微生物的基因组进化以及稳定性机制;

    C. 微生物环境胁迫下的突变形成;

    D. 医疗及环境水体中病源微生物的抗药性演化;

    E. 原生动物生殖方式的调控与演化。


    We are interested in microbial evolution, with a focus on mutation rate and behavior evolution. The research models are quite broad, including cilaites, bacteria, yeast, etc. Our research strategy combines population genetics theory, experimental evolution, -omics sequencing, genetic techniques, and bioinformatic tools. The lab deems the training of indepedent researchers as our first task and research as the second. Graduate students would get a complete training of scientific research and multiple undergrad assistants are provided for their research. We are now exploring the following topics:

    A. Phenotypic plasticity of ciliates, and its role in evolution;

    B. Genome instability and evolution of marine microbial organisms;

    C. Ecological dependence of mutation rate;

    D. Antibiotic resistance evolution of pathogens in medical and natural environments;

    E. Genetic regulation and evolution of reproduction in ciliates.


    招聘: 协助拟加入人员申请中国海洋大学“青年英才工程”( http://rsc.ouc.edu.cn/04/50/c1485a66640/page.htm) 等各层次人才计划;定期招收实验室管理、技术等科研助理岗位。

    招生: 常年招收优秀本科生兼职助理、硕士生、博士生和博士后。






    Hongan Long, Professor, Ph.D.

    E-mail : longhongan@ouc.edu.cn

    Tel : +86 532 8203 1723

    简历 Resume




    国家自然科学基金面上项目(31872228; 2019.1-2022.12)



    Running Projects

    'Taishan Scholar' grant for young scientists, Shandong Province (2019.1-2024.1)

    NSFC grant (No.31872228; 2019.1-2022.12; Phenotypic plasticity and its evolution in the ciliate Glauconema trihymene)

    Research grant from the Central Government of China (2018.1-2021.1)

    Startup grant from Ocean University of China (2018.9-2021.8)

    近期代表性论文(*,corresponding author; #, co-first-author)

    Recent publications

    Full texts of publications can be downloaded from researchgate

    Long*, H. ; Miller, S.F.; Williams, E.; Lynch, M. 2018 . Specificity of the DNA mismatch repair system (MMR) and mutagenesis bias in bacteria. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35(10):2414–2421.

    Long, H. ; Sung#, W.; Kucukyildirim#,S.; Williams,E.; Miller, S.;Guo, W.; Patterson, C.; Gregory, C.; Strauss, C.; Stone, C.; Berne, C.; Kysela, D.; Shoemaker, W.; Muscarella, M.; Luo, H.; Lennon, J.; Brun, Y.; Lynch*, M. 2018 . Evolutionary determinants of genome-wide nucleotide composition. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 237-240.

    Strauss, C.; Long*, H. ; Patterson, C.; Te,R.; Lynch, M. 2017 . Genome-wide mutation rate response to pH change in the coral reef pathogen Vibrio shilonii AK1. mBio 8 (4): e01021-17

    Long, H. ; Miller, Samuel F; Strauss, Chloe; Zhao, Chaoxian; Cheng, Lei; Ye, Zhiqiang; Griffin, Katherine; Te, Ronald; Lee, Heewook; Chen, Chi-Chun; Lynch*, Michael. 2016 . Antibiotic treatment enhances the genome-wide mutation rate of target cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 113(18): E2498-E2505

    Long*, H. ; Kucukyildirim#, Sibel; Sung, Way; Williams, Emily; Lee, Heewook; Ackerman, Matthew; Doak, Thomas G; Tang, Haixu; Lynch, Michael. 2015 . Background mutational features of the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans . Molecular Biology and Evolution 32(9): 2383-2392

    Long*, H. ; Sung, Way; Miller, Samuel F; Ackerman, Matthew S; Doak, Thomas G; Lynch, Michael. 2015 . Mutation rate, spectrum, topology, and context-dependency in the DNA mismatch repair-deficient Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC948. Genome Biology and Evolution 7(1): 262-271

    Farlow*, Ashley; Long#, H. ; Arnoux, Stéphanie; Sung, Way; Doak, Thomas G; Nordborg, Magnus; Lynch, Michael. 2015 . The spontaneous mutation rate in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe . Genetics 201(2):737-744

    Long*, H. ; Paixão, Tiago; Azevedo, Ricardo BR; Zufall, Rebecca A. 2013 . Accumulation of spontaneous mutations in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila . Genetics 195(2): 527-540

    Long*, H. ; Zufall, R.A. 2010 . Diverse modes of reproduction in the marine free-living ciliate Glauconema trihymene . BMC Microbiology 10(1): 108


    2018 李氏基金会杰出创新奖

    2016 美国遗传学会DeLill Nasser遗传学职业发展奖


    2018 Li Foundation Heritage Prize-Excellence in Creativity

    2016 DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics, Genetics Society of America


    Principles on graduate students training



    People in the lab

    科研助理: 蒋婉月












    业余创作教育题材小说《转变 第一部》:



    Ocean University of China, Yushan Campus, No. 5 Yushan Road, Qingdao 266003, China, E-mail: zhangc@ouc.edu.cn