1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 41971007 太湖南北两翼支流河谷全新世成陆过程及其对古文明发展的影响 2020.1-2023.12, 62万元,主持。
2. 华东师范大学科研创新基金,杭州湾南翼全新世古岸线演化与史前人类遗址时空迁移的内在联系, 2020.6-2020.12,10万元,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 41501005 宁绍平原中全新世气候-海平面波动与河姆渡文化演化的耦合研究 2016.1-2018.12, 25万元,主持。
4. 中国博士后科研基金 2016M601541 基于潮滩沉积微相识别的杭州湾中全新世海平面曲线重建 2017.1-2018.12, 5万元,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目 41620104004 早-中全新世长江与尼罗河三角洲环境演变异同及早期农业文明对比研究, 2017.1-2021.12, 250万元,骨干。
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 41671199 杭州湾两翼全新世中期以来地貌演化特征与新石器文明发展的对比研究 2017.1-2020.12, 70万元,骨干。
11. Yan Liu, Lanjie Deng, Jin He, Ren Jiang, Daidu Fan, Xuezhong Jiang, Feng Jiang, Maotian Li, Jing Chen, Zhongyuan Chen, Qianli Sun*, 2020. Early to middle Holocene rice cultivation in response to coastal environmental transitions along the South Hangzhou Bay of eastern China. Palaeo-3.
10. X Zhao, I Thomas, A Salem, SE Alassal, Y Liu*, Q Sun, J Chen et al., 2020. Holocene climate change and its influence on early agriculture in the Nile Delta, Egypt. Palaeo-3.
9. Qianli Sun*, Yan Liu*, Alaa Salem et al. 2019. Climate-induced discharge variations of the Nile during the Holocene: Evidence from the sediment provenance of Faiyum Basin, north Egypt. Global and Planetary Change 172, 200-210.
8. Y Liu, Q Sun, D Fan, et al., 2018. Early to Middle Holocene sea level fluctuation, coastal progradation and the Neolithic occupation in the Yaojiang Valley of southern Hangzhou Bay, Eastern China. Quaternary Science Reviews.
7. Y Liu, CY Ma, DD Fan et al., 2018. The core-recorded Holocene environmental evolution of inner Hangzhou Bay and its significance. Journal of Ocean University of China, accepted.
6. XS Zhao, Y Liu*, A Salem et al., 2017. Migration of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone in North Africa during the Holocene: Evidence from variations in quartz grain roundness in the lower Nile valley, Egypt. Quaternary International, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.036
5. T Liu, Y Liu*, Q Sun et al., 2017. Early Holocene groundwater table fluctuations in relation to rice domestication in the middle Yangtze River basin, China. Quaternary Science Reviews 155, 79-85
4. Y Liu, Q Sun, D Fan et al., 2016. Pollen evidence to interpret the history of rice farming at the Hemudu site on the Ningshao coast, eastern China. Quaternary International 426, 195-203.
3. Y Liu, Q Sun, I Thomas et al., 2015. Middle Holocene coastal environment and the rise of the Liangzhu City complex on the Yangtze delta, China. Quaternary Research 84 (3), 326-334.
2. Y Liu, Z He, Z Wang, 2013. Magnetic properties of Holocene core ZK9 in the subaqueous Yangtze delta and their mechanisms and implications. Frontiers of Earth Science 7 (3), 331-340.
1. 刘演,李茂田,孙千里,陈中原. 中全新世以来杭州湾古气候, 环境变迁及对良渚文化的可能影响. 湖泊科学 26 (2), 322-330(2014)
Other Publications
8. F Jiang, X Zhao, J Chen, Y Liu, Q Sun, J Chen, Z Chen, 2020. Depocenter shift and en-echelon shoal development in the pre-holocene incised valley of the Yangtze Delta, China. Marine Geology, 106212
7. Qianli Sun*, Yan Liu, Bernd Wünnemann* et al. 2019. Climate as a factor for Neolithic cultural collapses approximately 4000 years BP in China. Earth Science Reviews 197, 102915.
6. LC Xu, Y Liu, Q Sun et al., 2017. Climate change and human occupations in the Lake Daihai basin, north-central China over the last 4500 years: A geo-archeological perspective. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 138, 367-377.
5. J Chen, J Ma, K Xu, Y Liu et al., 2016. Provenance discrimination of the clay sediment in the western Taiwan Strait and its implication for coastal current variability during the late-Holocene. The Holocene, DOI: 0959683616652706.
4. Z Wang, M Li, R Zhang, C Zhuang, Y Liu et al., 2011. Impacts of human activity on the late-Holocene development of the subaqueous Yangtze delta, China, as shown by magnetic properties and sediment accumulation rates. The Holocene 21 (3), 393-407.
3. 陈中原,刘演,陈静,孙千里. 大河三角洲全新世海平面研究中的若干重要问题. 第四纪研究 35 (2) (2015)
2. 张立,陈中原,刘演,吴健平. 长江三角洲良渚古城, 大型水利工程的兴起和环境地学的意义. 中国科学: 地球科学 5, 012(2014)
1. 李茂田,孙千里,王红,刘演,赖小鹤. 长江流域水库 “过滤器效应” 对入海溶解硅通量的影响. 湖泊科学 26 (4), 505-514 (2014)