1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China;
2. Intel Asia-Pacific Research & Developmend Ltd, Shanghai 200241, China;
3. Department of Software Engineering, School of Software, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
Abstract ��Under the existing architecture of Web services motivated by the standard and convenient services composition,it is proposed an XML-format Web services composition description language(SCDL) based on the basic idea of object-oriented mechanism.As well,the transformation rules from SCDL to by the OO program language are given.It is first defined the domain-specified structure of services composition based on XML DTD,and then serves composition desription language is defined,followed by the transformation rules.Theoretical analysis and experimental result have shown the completeness and effectiveness of the proposed method. Key words �� Web services composition services composition description language object-oriented ����, ������, ��Ωһ, �. SCDL:һ����������Web����ϳ���������[J]. ���ϴ�ѧѧ��(��Ȼ��ѧ��), 2007, 29(1): 24-29.
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