
The coronavirus disease, abbreviated as Covid-19, affects different people in different ways.
新冠肺炎的英文缩写是Covid-19,它由 corona (冠状)、 virus (病毒)和 disease (疾病)三个英文单词组成。它在以不同的方式影响着不同的人。

Most infected people experienced or are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms, such as fever, dry cough and tiredness.

Some people may have showed less common symptoms like this: anorexia, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, sore throat, headache, streaming eyes, aches and pains (all over), loss of taste or smell (lasting one to three weeks at least or about one year at the longest), a rash on skin or discoloration of fingers or toes.
有些人或许已经出现过一些不常见的症状如: 食欲下降、结膜炎、腹泻、喉痛、头疼、流泪、 (全身) 疼痛、 (最短持续1至3周,最长一年左右的) 嗅觉或味觉丧失、皮疹或手指或脚趾变色

If you are going through difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement, or other serious symptoms, you should go and see a doctor straight away.
如果你正在经历这些症状,那么建议你立即就医: 呼吸困难或呼吸短促,胸口疼痛和胸闷,丧失语言和行动能力等严重症状

Amid the peak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), you must pay particular attention to wearing rightly a disposable surgical mask or N95 mask, washing hands regularly, avoiding close contact with affected people or touching your eyes, nose or mouth, early self-isolation if you are feeling unwell, feverish or having other symptoms of Covid-19.
在疫情高峰期,你必须特别注意:正确佩戴一次性外科口罩或N95口罩,要常洗手,避免直接接触感染人群,避免接触你的眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴,以及如果你感到不舒服、有点发烧或有其它新冠肺炎的症状的话,那么你还需要尽早 隔离自己

“你阳了吗?” “你转阴了吗?”英语怎么说?
公式:Did you test ______(positive / negative)?
回答:I tested _______(positive / negative).

If you tested positive (for Covid-19) or got a positive PCR result (PCR is short for Polymerase Chain Reaction), it means you have been infected. Or else, if you tested negative (for COVID-19), you have nothing to worry about.
如果 你阳了 ,或者新冠病毒核酸检测呈阳性了(PCR:聚合酶链式反应),说明你已经感染了新冠肺炎病毒。否则,如果 你是阴性 ,或者说新冠检测结果是阴性,那你就没什么好担心的。

If you got rapid antigen testing kits in a pharmacy or retail store, you can easily take a self-test which is also called a “home test”, or an “at-home test”.
如果你有药店或零售商店买到了 抗原试剂盒 ,你就可以轻松地在家进行自我检测。

文稿来源:VOAEC.COM 原创