I have a Azure Ad auth sample app download from
It required the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.3.6.0
but I cannot get it install/uninstall/update, none of it works,
When I do the install/uninstall/update , it failed with message said some nuget missing need restore,
and when I click "Restore" it said the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.3.6.0 failed,
it is dead loop.
I tried to clear all nuget local cache, restart the pc. I still did the same.
any help please!

Hi @Qiuguo Li ,
First try to right click your solution > choose 'Restore NuGet Package.
Or right-click your project > Manage NuGet Packages... > Browse(tab) > Search Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
You can install or update or uninstall it.
Best Regards,
Daniel Zhang

Hi Daniel,
Thanks, I tried the 2 options and results are same as my screenshot
1, right click and "Restore Nuget" get the result same as resotre as I listed, it said the CSC.exe is used by another process. and when I go to the folder , the csc.exe is 0 byte
2, use the nuget package, install/uninstall/update , all result as some pakcage missing, please restore first,
Dead loop

That is the step I get error, I get the error right after I click the "Restore package" as the instruction, it could be my environment issue,
I am testing in windows 10 , vs 2019 enterprice latest edition.

Hi @Qiuguo Li ,
I also got an error when restore NuGet packages. After I moved the project to the C drive, it ran well.
Best Regards,
Daniel Zhang

Hi QiuguoLi-6442,
I download the Visual Studio 2019 solution and made a test by following the steps in the document you provided.
And the first thing you need pay attention to is that you need to unzip the archive or clone the repository into a directory near the root of the drive to avoid errors caused by path length limitations on Windows.
And then right-click the solution "AppModelv2-WebApp-OpenIDConnect-DotNet" ->select Restore NuGet packages.
At first I encountered an error here, so I suggest you change the project location.
The result is as follows:
Then run Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r in View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console.
The result:
I run the in project in visiual studio 2017.
Best Regards,
Daniel Zhang

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