江苏理工学院 2024 年 来华 留学生本科生招生简章
2024 JSUT Enrollment Guide for International Students Applying for Bachelor’s Degrees
一、学校概况 JSUT Overview
江苏理工学院地处有着 3200 多年历史的文化古城—江苏省常州市。常州位于长江三角洲中心地带,与上海、南京两大都市等距相望,区位条件优越。这里气候舒适宜人,经济质量优异,社会安宁和谐,交通出行便利,生活环境优美,被评为全国文明城市和中国最具创新力城市。
Jiangsu University of Technology (JSUT) is situated in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, an ancient city with a written history of over 3,200 years . It is located in the center of the Yangtze River Delta , halfway between two metropolises of Shanghai and Nanjing , with superior location conditions. Changzhou is named as National Civilized City and The Most Innovative City in China , for its pleasant climate, booming economy, social stability and harmony, convenient transportation and beautiful living environment.
学校创建于 1984 年,是硕士学位授予单位、教育部本科教学工作水平评估优秀单位、全国首批职教师资培训重点建设基地和江苏省首批决策咨询研究基地。学校各类校舍建筑面积 50 余万平方米,现有全日制在校本科生 20 000 余人 ( 含留学生 ) 、硕士研究生 12 00 余人、 来华 留学 生学历生(本科生、研究生) 100 余人,教职工 1 6 00 余人。开设 6 8 个本科专业,招收教育、机械、资源与环境硕士研究生,形成了以工科为主,多学科协调发展的办学格局。
Founded in 1984, JSUT is a master's degree-granting unit. The university was evaluated with "Excellence" in the undergraduate teaching assessment implemented by the Ministry of Education. It wa s listed in the first batch of National Key Vocational Education Construction Bases of Teachers Training, and in the first batch of D ecision-making C onsultation R esearch B ases in Jiangsu Province. The University, with a building area of more than 500,000 square meters , has over 20,000 full-time undergraduates (including international students), nearly 1,200 master's degree students, over 100 international students with academic qualifications (undergraduates and postgraduates), and about 1,600 faculty staff. JSUT offers 6 8 undergraduate majors, and enrolls postgraduate students in majors of Mechanics, Resources & Environment and Education, which forms a distinct pattern of engineering-oriented and coordinated development with mult iple disciplin es .
学校大力实施国际化发展战略,积极引进国际先进办学理念、标准和资源,重点打造以中德合作为主的国际合作办学特色,先后与德国、美国、英国、法国、以色列、日本、韩国、哈萨克斯坦等国家,以及澳门、台湾地区的 7 0 余所高校建立了紧密的合作与交流关系。目前面向俄罗斯、摩洛哥、南非、印度尼西亚等“一带一路”沿线 4 0 多个 国家 和地区 招收留学生。
JSUT vigorously implements strategy of internationalized development, actively absorbing advanced international educational thoughts, standards and resources. It highlights characteristics of international cooperation and exchange by focusing on the implementation of Sino-German cooperation program and successively establishing cooperation relationship with over 7 0 universities from Germany, United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Ukraine, Israel, Kazakhstan, Macao and Taiwan. Currently, the university enrolls international students from more than 40 countries and districts along the “ Belt and Road ”, including Russia, Morocco, South Africa and Indonesia.
江苏理工学院国际教育学院具体负责 来华 留学生的招生、管理和培养工作,下设留学生管理办公室,配备专职留学生辅导员,精心管理,竭诚服务,热情帮助 , 2 次荣获江苏省来华留学生教育先进集体。 近年来,学校加大留学生教育软硬件建设,建有设施齐全、功能完备的留学生教学楼和公寓楼,着力为留学生创造优美的学习和生活环境。学校面向留学生需求调整专业设置,配强教学师资,完善课程体系,不断提升留学生培养质量。获批省级外国留学生英文授课精品课程 1 门,留学生在全国大学生英语演讲比赛、中华经典诵读大赛中多次获奖。
School of International Education of JSUT is specifically responsible for the enrollment, management, and education of international students. It has an International Student Management Office with full-time international student s’ counselor s to provide careful management, dedicated service and enthusiastic help . The school has been honor ed as the Jiangsu Advanced Group for International Students ’ Education for two times . In recent years, JSUT has accelerated the construction of software and hardware for international student’s education, and has built well-equipped and function al international student teaching building s and apartment building s , and endeavored to creat e a beautiful studying and living environment. The university has adjusted the major settings to meet the needs of international students, s elect ed the outstanding teaching faculty, improved the curriculum system, and continuously enhanc ed the cultivating quality of international students. The school has been approved for o ne P rovincial English-medium High-q uality C ourse for I nternational S tudents . A nd international students have won many award s in the National College Students' English Speech Contest and Chinese Classics Recitation Contest.
二、招生说明 Enrollment I nstruction s
全日制本科生,专业学制 4 年。学生修完所有课程并通过考试后,可获得本科毕业证书;符合学士学位授予条件者,可申请授予学士学位。
JSUT enrolls full-time undergraduates with 4-year study. Upon completi ng all courses and passing the exam s , students will be grant ed an undergraduate diploma; those who meet the requirements for the degree may apply for bachelor's degree.
英语授课专业 English -Taught Majors
序号 N o. |
专业名称 Major s |
学历 Degree |
学位授予门类 Discipline of D egree |
授课语言 Language of Instruction |
1 |
国际经济与贸易 International Economics & Trade |
本科 Bachelor’s degree |
经济学 Economics |
英语 English |
2 |
数字媒体技术 ( 计算机类专业 ) Digital Media Technology (Computer major) |
本科 Bachelor’s degree |
工学 Engineering |
英语 English |
非英语国家 申请者 需提供托福或雅思成绩证明,需雅思 5.5 分或托福笔试 70 分以上及相当水平。
Non-English speaking applicant s should provide TOEFL or IELTS scores. IELTS 5.5 (or above) or TOEFL 70 (or above), or equivalent level is required .
2. 汉语授课专业 Chinese - Taught Major s
序号 No . |
学院 Schools |
专业名称 Majors |
1 |
机械工程学院 School of Mechanical Engineering |
机械设计制造及其自动化 Mechanical Design, Manufacturing & Automation |
2 |
机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering |
3 |
过程装备与控制工程 Process Equipment & Control Engineering |
4 |
机器人工程 Robotics Engineering |
5 |
工业设计 Industrial Design |
6 |
汽车与交通工程学院 School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering |
智能车辆工程 Intelligent Vehicle Engineering |
7 |
汽车服务工程 Automobile Service Engineering |
8 |
车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering |
9 |
交通运输 Traffic & Transportation |
10 |
电气信息工程学院 School of Electronics and Information Engineering |
电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering |
11 |
电气工程及其自动化 Electrical Engineering and its Automation |
12 |
测控技术与仪器 Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument |
13 |
自动化 Automation |
14 |
通信工程 Communication Engineering |
15 |
物联网工程 Internet of Things project |
16 |
计算机工程学院 School of Computer Science and Engineering |
网络工程 Network Engineering |
17 |
计算机科学与技术 Computer Science & Technology |
1 8 |
软件工程 Software Engineering |
1 9 |
数据科学与大数据技术 Data Science and Big Data Technology |
20 |
数字媒体技术 Digital Media Technology |
21 |
资源与环境工程学院 School of Resources & Environment Engineering |
资源循环科学与工程 Resources Circulation Science & Engineering |
22 |
环境工程 Environmental Engineering |
23 |
环境科学 Environmental Science |
24 |
化学 化 工学院 School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering |
化学工程与工艺 Chemical Engineering & Technology |
25 |
应用化学 Applied Chemistry |
26 |
功能材料 Function Material |
27 |
储能科学与工程 Energy Storage Science & Engineering |
2 8 |
材料工程学院 School of Materials Engineering |
材料成型 与 控制工程 Material Forming & Control Engineering |
2 9 |
金属材料工程 Metal Material Engineering |
30 |
经济学院 School of Economics |
经济统计学 Economic Statistics |
31 |
国际经济与贸易 International Economy & Trade |
32 |
金融学 Finance |
33 |
跨境电子商务 Cross-Border E-Commerce |
34 |
管理学院 School of Management |
财务管理 Financial Management |
35 |
人力资源管理 Human Resources Management |
36 |
市场营销 Marketing |
37 |
会计学 Accounting |
38 |
教育学院 School of Education |
应用心理学 Applied Psychology |
39 |
小学教育 Primary School Education |
40 |
学前教育 Preschool Education |
41 |
文化与旅游 学院 School of Culture & Tourism |
酒店管理 Hotel Management |
42 |
秘书学 Secretarial Science |
43 |
旅游管理 Tourism Management |
44 |
艺术设计学院 School of Artistic Design |
环境设计 Environmental Design |
45 |
视觉传达设计 Visual Communication & Design |
46 |
服装与服饰设计 Clothing & Costume Design |
47 |
产品设计 Product Design |
48 |
美术学 Fine Arts |
49 |
数理学院 School of Mathematics and Physics |
数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
50 |
统计学 Statistics |
申请者 进入专业学习的中文能力须达到国际汉语能力标准( HSK )四级及以上,无汉语基础或汉语达不到专业学习要求的 申请者 入学后需先进行汉语学习。
Applicants must pass HSK Level 4 or above before starting academic study . Applicants who have no Chinese language foundation or whose Chinese proficiency does not meet the requirements of the program are required to learn Chinese first after enrollment.
3. 语言预科 Chinese Language Preparatory Program
项目 学习时间一般为 1 年 , 培养留学生在汉语学习方面听说读写等各项能力与水平,提高留学生跨文化沟通能力。
The duration of study time is usually one year. This program aims to cultivate international students' abilities in Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing, and improve their Chinese language proficiency and cross-cultural communication skills.
三、申请资格 Application R equirements
Applicants need to meet the following requirements :
1. 非中国籍公民,持有有效外国护照,对华友好,无犯罪记录;
B e non-Chinese citizens, hold valid foreign passports, be friendly to China and have no criminal records;
2.身 心 健康,符合教育部颁布的《外国来华留学生健康检查标准》;
Be in good physical and mental health condition in compliance with the Foreign Students Physical Examination Standards issued by the Ministry of Education;
Abide by the provisions of the law of the People’s Republic of China and the regulations of the university, and respect Chinese customs and tradition s;
Graduate from senior high schools or above (equals to six-grade of middle school) with good academic credits ;
Have good English or Chinese proficiency level;
6.年龄一般不低于 18 周岁、不超过 25 周岁;
Generally should be over 18-year old and not exceed 25-year-old;
7.被录取学生须持有 X1 签证入境;
Should enter China with X1 Visa;
8. 修读经管类及理工类专业学生须有一定的数学基础,修读艺术类专业学 生须具有一定的美术基础。
Have some basic mathematical skills to apply for majors of economics and engineering and basic art skills for majors of art .
四 、申请时间 Application Time
2024 年 7 月 30 日前(开学时间为 2024 年 10 月)
Before July 30, 2024 (The academic year starts in October, 2024 )
五 、申请流程及录取 Application P ro cedures and A dmission
第一步 : 申请学生在 2024 年 7 月 30 日 前 提交以下材料 并 支付 500 元报名费:
Step 1 : Applicants s ubmit b efore Ju ly 30 , 2024 application fee ( ¥ 500 ) as well as the following materials:
1.江苏理工学院 来华 留学生入学申请表( word 版及 PDF 版);
Application Form for International Student of JSUT ( W ord and PDF);
High school diploma and transcripts (all stamped with official seal);
Passport personal information page;
4.《外国人体格检查表》,由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,须以英文 填写,缺项未检、未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师和 医院签字盖章的检查表无效;
Foreigner Physical Examination Form , uniformly printed by the Chinese health and quarantine department , must be completed in English. The form will be invalid with incomplete item s, without sealed photo of the applicant or without the signature and seal of the physician and the hospital;
5. 白底近期免冠证件照(电子版);
Passport photos with white background (digital one);
6. 无犯罪记录证明;
Non-criminal record;
7. 银行存款证明(至少 5000 美元);
Bank certificate of deposit (at least $ 5,000 USD);
8.语言能力证明文件:非英语国家学生申请英语授课专业的,须提供 英语水平考试成绩; 申请插班学习 的,须提供国际汉语能力标准 ( HSK )四 级或以上成绩报告;
Language proficiency certificate s: applicant s from non-English speaking countries should provide English p roficiency certificate when apply ing for English-taught major s ; applicant s to join classes of domestic students should provide HSK 4 or higher certificate;
9.监护人委托书,未满 18 周岁申请者提供,委托书须公证;
Formal authorization from parents or guardian is required if applicants are under the age of 18, and the authorization letter should be notarized.
10.所在学校出具的学习及日常表现证明(中国境内其它学校转入的申 请学生须提供);
Documents to show applicants’ academic and daily performance from school(Applicants from other universities in China have to provide the documents);
11. 所在国大学入学考试成绩单(如有);
Transcripts of university entrance examinations from the country of origin (if any) ;
12. 最近一次的来华签证或在华居留许可(如有),如隐瞒在华经历, 影响入学报到注册,责任自负。
The most recent visa to China or residence permi ssion in China (if any). If the concealment of experience in China affects the enrollment and registration, applicants shall bear responsibility by themselves.
第二步 : 学校 材料审核, 安排 视频面试或电话面试。
Step 2 : JSUT reviews m aterial s and appoints video or telephone interview.
第三步 : 申请者查看录取状态,面试通过者将收到预录取通知书。
Step 3 : Applicants c heck admission status, applicants who pass the interview
will receive the Pre-admission Letter.
第四步 : 在两周内预交住宿费 3000 元,发送汇款收据扫描件并注明姓名、护 照号至 admission@jsut.edu.cn 。
Step 4 : P rep ay the accommodation fee of ¥ 3,000 within two weeks , and send the scanned copy of the remittance receipt with your name and passport number to admission@jsut.edu.cn.
第五步: 申请学生 查收 学校 寄送 的 录取通知书、来华签证申请表 JW202 、报 到须知等原件。
Step 5 : Applicants check the original A dmission Letter , JW202 V isa A pplication F orm, and registration instructions sent by JSUT .
第六 步 : 被录取学生 收到材料后到中国驻外使领馆申请学习签证( X1 签证), 准备入境,并将到校行程告知学校。
Step 6 : Upon rece iving the documents, admitted students apply for a study visa (X1 visa) at a Chinese embassy or consulate abroad, prepare to enter China , and inform JSUT of your itinerary.
第七步: 按《江苏理工学院录取通知书》规定时间来校报到。
Step 7 : Arrive in the university on time and register on the designated according to Admission Letter .
第 八 步 : 学校 查验申请材料原件, 为符合条件的申请者 办理报到手续。
Step 8 : JSUT check the validity of a pplicant’s original materials and process registration procedures for qualified applicant s.
说明 N ote s :
1. 在报到时如不能提供上述材料原件或经学校审核认定材料弄虚作假 者,取消其入学资格;
Anyone who fails to provide the above materials at the time of registration or the materials are false , applicants will be disqualified from enrolling in the university ;
2. 若申请材料的原件为中文或英文以外语种文本,须附正规翻译机构 出具的中文或英文翻译件。
If the original application material is in a language other than Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation version from an official translation agency must be attached.
六 、收费标准 Fees
收费项目 Items |
收费类别 Type |
收费标准 Fees |
备注 Notes |
报名费 Application fee |
500 元 / 人 ¥500/person |
报名费一律不退 The application fee is NOT refundable. |
学费 Tuition fee |
汉语学习 Chinese language study |
9000 元 / 学年 ¥9,000/academic year |
专业学习 Major study |
文史类专业 14000 元 / 学年 Majors of arts and history: ¥14,000/academic year 理工科类专业 16000 元 / 学年 Majors of science and engineering: ¥16,000/academic year 艺术类专业 18000 元 / 学年 Art majors: ¥18,000/academic year |
可 享受 江苏理工学院 来华 留学生 本科生 院长奖学金 Students can be offered JSUT President Scholarship f or I nternational Undergraduate S tudents. |
意外保险费 Accidental Insurance fee |
800 元 / 学年 / 人 ¥800/ academic year / person |
根据国家相关政策此险必须购买,具体赔付金额以保险条例为准 According to national rules, accidental insurance must be covered. The specific insurance indemnity amount is based on the insurance act. |
体格检查费 Physical examination fee |
约为 400 元 / 人 About ¥400/person |
在我校学习六个月以上的所有留学生必须去常州市出入境检验检疫局进行体格检查 Students studying in JSUT for over 6 months have to go to Changzhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to undertake physical examination. |
住宿费 Accommodation fee |
3000 元 / 学年 / 人 ¥3,000/academic year / person |
四人间 4 persons/dormitory |
居留许可办理费 Residence permit fee |
400 元 / 人 ¥400 / academic year / person |
具体金额以公安局出入境的规定为准 Specific amount is based on the regulations of Exit and Entry Administration Division of Public Security Bureau. |
床上用品费 Bedding fee |
约 600 元 / 套 About ¥600/set |
自愿购买 O ptional. |
七、奖学金 Scholarship
1. 留学江苏政府奖学金 Jiangsu Government Scholarship
江苏省人民政府设有“留学江苏省政府奖学金”,主要用于奖励从境外申 请到江苏高等学校接受学历教育的外籍优秀学生。具体政策按照江苏省 相关文件规定执行,详情可登录 http://www.studyinjiangsu.org 了解。
Jiangsu Provincial Government establishes “Jiangsu Government Scholarship” for excellent international students who apply to undertake degree education in Jiangsu universities and colleges from overseas. Specific policies shall be implemented according to related rules and regulations of Jiangsu province and JSUT. More details may find at http://www.studyinjiangsu.org.
2. 江苏理工学院高水平语言新生奖学金
JSUT Scholarship for Advanced Language Freshman
主要用于奖励申请到江苏理工学院接受学历教育的英语或中文成绩优 秀的新生,在入学学年一次性发放。其中申请英文授课的,须雅思 6.5 分或托福笔试 85 分以上;申请中文授课的,须《国际汉语能力标准》( HSK ) 五级及以上。具体金额为: 2000 元 / 人。
The scholarship is mainly used to reward freshmen who have excellent scores in English or Chinese for academic education at JSUT and it will be issued one-time in the first academic year . Those who apply for English-taught courses with IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 80 or above are eligible for it; those who apply for Chinese-taught courses with HSK Level 5 or above are eligible for it. The amount is ¥ 2,000 /person.
3. 江苏理工学院 来华 留学生优秀新生学业奖学金
JSUT Academic Scholarship for Outstanding International Freshmen
主要用于奖励申请到江苏理工学院接受学历教育学业成绩优秀的新生 , 金额为 3000 元。此项奖学金将根据申请学生学业成绩评定,在入学第一 学年根据综合表现逐月发放。获奖面不超过申请学生的 30% 。
JSUT President Scholarship for International Undergraduate Students
专业学习期间,通过合作机构、院校推荐的学生以及其他优秀高中毕业 生均可申请我校提供的“江苏理工学院留学生院长奖学金”。
学校将根据其在校学习成绩及综合表现进行学年综合考评,并按照相关 规定评定下一学年院长奖学金金额。
Majors of arts and history: ¥9,000/academic year;
Majors of science and engineering: ¥10,000/academic year;
Art majors: ¥11,000/academic year.
JSUT Scholarship for Excellent International Students
八、汇款信息 Remittance I nformation
1. 人民币账户(仅限人民币汇款) RMB account (RMB remittance only)
开户名 Beneficiary :江苏理工学院 Jiangsu University of Technology
开户行 Beneficiary Bank : 中国建设建行常州市钟楼支行
China Construction Bank, Changzhou Zhonglou Branch
说明: 当您使用汇款的方式支付费用时,请务必注明护照号码和姓名。
2. 外币账户 ( 仅限美元汇款 ) Foreign currency account (USD remittance only)
Beneficiary Bank: Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Changzhou BR.
No 680 Yanling Middle RD Changzhou, China
Beneficiary: Jiangsu University of Technology
Address: 1801 Zhongwu RD., Changzhou, Jiangsu, P.R. China
说明: 当您使用汇款的方式支付费用时,请务必注明护照号码和姓名。
联系人 Contact : 唐 老师( M r . Tang )、 郜 老师( Ms. Gao )
邮 箱 Email: admission@jsut.edu.cn ;
电 话 Telephone : 0086-519-86953435 ;
网 址 Website: http://www.jsut.edu.cn ;
地 址 Address: 中国江苏省常州市中吴大道 1801 号 213001
School of International Education, JSUT
1801 Zhongwu Road, Changzhou, 213001
Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China
Application Form for International Student of JSUT